PMC:7078827 / 148-10369 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2 0-182 Sentence denotes The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) provides regularly updated information on coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) relevant to Europe on a dedicated webpage.
T3 183-318 Sentence denotes Besides general information including Q&As, daily case counts, and maps with disease distribution, examples of latest updates comprise:
T4 319-326 Sentence denotes Poster:
T5 327-485 Sentence denotes Effective hand-washing, COVID-19 - How to minimise the spread? and Considerations relating to social distancing measures in response to the COVID-19 epidemic.
T6 486-619 Sentence denotes ECDC also publishes regular risk assessments and the Box below contains the summary from the sixth update published on 12 March 2020.
T7 620-685 Sentence denotes Box Summary of the ECDC rapid risk assessment from 12 March 2020
T8 686-802 Sentence denotes On 31 December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown aetiology was reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
T9 803-950 Sentence denotes On 9 January 2020, China CDC reported a novel coronavirus as the causative agent of this outbreak, which is phylogenetically in the SARS-CoV clade.
T10 951-1049 Sentence denotes The disease associated with the virus is referred to as novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
T11 1050-1148 Sentence denotes As of 11 March 2020, 118,598 cases of COVID-19 were reported worldwide by more than 100 countries.
T12 1149-1304 Sentence denotes Since late February, the majority of cases reported are from outside China, with an increasing majority of these reported from EU/EEA countries and the UK.
T13 1305-1412 Sentence denotes The Director General of the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11 March 2020.
T14 1413-1508 Sentence denotes All EU/EEA countries and the UK are affected, reporting a total of 17,413 cases as of 11 March.
T15 1509-1590 Sentence denotes Seven hundred and eleven cases reported by EU/EEA countries and the UK have died.
T16 1591-1670 Sentence denotes Italy represents 58% of the cases (n=10,149) and 88% of the fatalities (n=631).
T17 1671-1834 Sentence denotes The current pace of the increase in cases in the EU/EEA and the UK mirrors trends seen in China in January-early February and trends seen in Italy in mid-February.
T18 1835-2044 Sentence denotes In the current situation where COVID-19 is rapidly spreading worldwide and the number of cases in Europe is rising with increasing pace in several affected areas, there is a need for immediate targeted action.
T19 2045-2338 Sentence denotes The speed with which COVID-19 can cause nationally incapacitating epidemics once transmission within the community is established, indicates that in a few weeks or even days, it is likely that similar situations to those seen in China and Italy may be seen in other EU/EEA countries or the UK.
T20 2339-2453 Sentence denotes There are no vaccines available and there is little evidence on the effectiveness of potential therapeutic agents.
T21 2454-2618 Sentence denotes In addition, there is presumably no pre-existing immunity in the population against the new coronavirus and everyone in the population is assumed to be susceptible.
T22 2619-2746 Sentence denotes Clinical presentations of COVID-19 range from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe pneumonia; severe disease can lead to death.
T23 2747-3023 Sentence denotes While the majority of cases (80%) are milder respiratory infections and pneumonias, severe illness and death is more common among the elderly with other chronic underlying conditions, with these risk groups accounting for the majority of severe disease and fatalities to date.
T24 3024-3337 Sentence denotes The risk of severe disease associated with COVID-19 infection for people in the EU/EEA and UK is currently considered moderate for the general population and high for older adults and individuals with chronic underlying conditions, based on the probability of community transmission and the impact of the disease.
T25 3338-3456 Sentence denotes The risk of healthcare system capacity being exceeded in the EU/EEA and the UK in the coming weeks is considered high.
T26 3457-3623 Sentence denotes The impact and risk assessment on health system capacity can be mediated by the application of effective infection prevention and control and surge capacity measures.
T27 3624-3748 Sentence denotes The risk of transmission of COVID-19 in health and social institutions with large vulnerable populations is considered high.
T28 3749-3910 Sentence denotes The impact of transmission in health and social institutions can be mediated by the application of effective infection prevention and control and surge capacity.
T29 3911-4017 Sentence denotes The EU/EEA and the UK are quickly moving toward a scenario of sustained community transmission of COVID19.
T30 4018-4231 Sentence denotes The situation is evolving very quickly and a rapid, proactive and comprehensive approach is essential in order to delay transmission, as containing transmission to local epidemics is no longer considered feasible.
T31 4232-4534 Sentence denotes A rapid shift from a containment to a mitigation approach is required, as the rapid increase in cases, that is anticipated in the coming days to few weeks may not provide decision makers and hospitals enough time to realise, accept and adapt their response accordingly if not implemented ahead of time.
T32 4535-4736 Sentence denotes Measures taken at this stage should ultimately aim at protecting the most vulnerable population groups from severe illness and fatal outcome by reducing transmission and reinforcing healthcare systems.
T33 4737-4960 Sentence denotes Given the current epidemiology and risk assessment, and the expected developments in the next days to few weeks, the following public health measures to mitigate the impact of the pandemic are necessary in EU/EEA countries:
T34 4961-5095 Sentence denotes Social distancing measures should be implemented early in order to mitigate the impact of the epidemic and to delay the epidemic peak.
T35 5096-5340 Sentence denotes This can interrupt human-to-human transmission chains, prevent further spread, reduce the intensity of the epidemic and slow down the increase in cases, while allowing healthcare systems to prepare and cope with an increased influx of patients.
T36 5341-5363 Sentence denotes Such measures include:
T37 5364-5463 Sentence denotes the immediate isolation of symptomatic persons suspected or confirmed to be infected with COVID-19;
T38 5464-5629 Sentence denotes the suspension of mass gatherings, taking into consideration the size of the event, the density of participants and if the event is in a confined indoor environment;
T39 5630-5759 Sentence denotes social distancing measures at workplaces (for example teleworking, suspension of meetings, cancellation of non-essential travel);
T40 5760-6014 Sentence denotes measures in and closure of schools, taking into consideration the uncertainty in the evidence of children in transmitting the disease, need for day care for children, impact on nursing staff, potential to increase transmission to vulnerable grandparents;
T41 6015-6096 Sentence denotes cordon sanitaire of residential areas with high levels of community transmission.
T42 6097-6157 Sentence denotes Ensuring the public is aware of the seriousness of COVID-19.
T43 6158-6340 Sentence denotes A high degree of population understanding, solidarity and discipline is required to apply strict personal hygiene, coughing etiquette, self-monitoring and social distancing measures.
T44 6341-6478 Sentence denotes Community engagement and acceptance of stringent social distancing measures put in place are key in delaying and reducing further spread.
T45 6479-6863 Sentence denotes Prevention and control of COVID-19 in hospitals and long-term care facilities is an immediate priority in order to: (1) slow the demand for specialised healthcare, such as ICU beds; (2) safeguard populations vulnerable to severe outcomes of infection (3); protect healthcare workers that provide care; (4) minimise the export of cases to other healthcare facilities and the community.
T46 6864-7006 Sentence denotes Every healthcare facility should initiate training for all staff and those who may be required for healthcare provision during surge capacity.
T47 7007-7159 Sentence denotes Countries should identify healthcare units that can be designated to care for COVID-19 cases, to minimise transmission to non-cases and to conserve PPE.
T48 7160-7370 Sentence denotes Countries and healthcare institutions should identify additional facilities that can be used for the cohorting of cases with mild symptoms, in the event that surge capacity is exceeded by healthcare facilities.
T49 7371-7529 Sentence denotes The highest priority for use of respirators (FFP2/3) are healthcare workers, in particular those performing aerosol-generating procedures, including swabbing.
T50 7530-7851 Sentence denotes If resources or capacity are limited, rational approaches should be implemented to prioritise high-yield actions, which include: rational use of confirmatory testing, reducing contact tracing to focus only on high-yield contacts, rational use of PPE and hospitalisation and implementing rational criteria for deisolation.
T51 7852-7979 Sentence denotes Testing approaches should prioritise vulnerable populations, protection of social and healthcare institutions, including staff.
T52 7980-8095 Sentence denotes National surveillance systems should initially aim at rapidly detecting cases and assessing community transmission.
T53 8096-8309 Sentence denotes As the epidemic progresses, surveillance should monitor the intensity, geographical spread and the impact of the epidemic on the population and healthcare systems and assess the effectiveness of measures in place.
T54 8310-8568 Sentence denotes In circumstances with capacity shortages and strict implementation of social distancing measures, surveillance should focus on severe acute respiratory infections, sentinel surveillance in outpatient clinics or collection of data through telephone helplines.
T55 8569-8828 Sentence denotes A strategic approach based on early and rigorous application of these measures will help reduce the burden and pressure on the healthcare system, and in particular on hospitals, and will allow more time for the testing of therapeutics and vaccine development.
T56 8829-8856 Sentence denotes What is new in this update?
T57 8857-8927 Sentence denotes Updated data on the epidemiological situation in the EU/EEA and the UK
T58 8928-9017 Sentence denotes Recent findings on disease and transmissibility, including during the asymptomatic period
T59 9018-9085 Sentence denotes Risk associated with COVID-19 for people from the EU/EEA and the UK
T60 9086-9187 Sentence denotes Risk of local and widespread national community transmission in the EU/EEA and UK in the coming weeks
T61 9188-9283 Sentence denotes Risk to healthcare systems capacity being exceeded in the EU/EEA and the UK in the coming weeks
T62 9284-9384 Sentence denotes Risk of transmission of COVID-19 in health and social institutions with large vulnerable populations
T63 9385-9528 Sentence denotes Options for preparedness and response focused on the mitigation phase, including rational measures in case of resource constraints or shortages
T64 9529-9598 Sentence denotes Updated surveillance objectives and methods for the mitigation phase.
T65 9599-9606 Sentence denotes Source:
T66 9607-9665 Sentence denotes European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
T67 9666-9688 Sentence denotes Rapid risk assessment:
T68 9689-9804 Sentence denotes Novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: increased transmission in the EU/EEA and the UK – sixth update.
T69 9805-9810 Sentence denotes ECDC:
T70 9811-9836 Sentence denotes Stockholm; 12 March 2020.
T71 9837-9982 Sentence denotes Available from:
T72 9983-10016 Sentence denotes COVID: coronavirus disease; ECDC:
T73 10017-10076 Sentence denotes European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; EU/EEA:
T74 10077-10205 Sentence denotes European Union/European Economic Area; ILI: influenza-like-illness; SARS-CoV: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; UK:
T75 10206-10221 Sentence denotes United Kingdom.