PMC:7075884 / 16164-21577 JSONTXT 12 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T109 0-77 Sentence denotes GA inhibits cell fusion induced by all three classes of viral fusion proteins
T110 78-131 Sentence denotes Our data suggested that GA targets virus-cell fusion.
T111 132-289 Sentence denotes To assess the activity of GA C15:1 on virus-cell fusion we modeled virus-cell fusion by the fusion of cells expressing viral fusion proteins to target cells.
T112 290-355 Sentence denotes Cell-cell fusion was monitored by the spread of fluorescent dyes.
T113 356-497 Sentence denotes Based on crystallographically identified three-dimensional structures, the folds of all virus fusion proteins fall into one of three classes.
T114 498-650 Sentence denotes Effector COS7 cells were transfected to express all three classes of fusion proteins (Table S2), including ZIKV, HIV, EBOV, IAV, SFV, VEEV, VSV and EBV.
T115 651-886 Sentence denotes The COS7 cells were loaded with calcein AM and bound to 293T target cells that were either unlabeled or, for purposes of microscopic identification, loaded with the aqueous dye CMAC, as illustrated for EBOV GP-induced fusion (Fig. 5A).
T116 887-1015 Sentence denotes We tested the effect of adding GA on cell-cell fusion mediated by four class I, two class II, and two class III fusion proteins.
T117 1016-1091 Sentence denotes For all eight proteins, 10 µM GA C15:1 completely blocked fusion (Fig. 5B).
T118 1092-1251 Sentence denotes Furthermore, when EBOV GP was treated with 5 µM or with 10 µM GA C13:0, GA C15:1, or GA C17:1 (Fig. 5C), 10 µM of all GA derivatives completely blocked fusion.
T119 1252-1483 Sentence denotes Figure 5 GA inhibits cell fusion induced by all three classes of fusion proteins. (A) In the two top panels, typical images used to visualize the extent of fusion in the absence (control, left) and presence of GA (right) are shown.
T120 1484-1634 Sentence denotes Fused cells (light blue, due to mixing of the green calcein in effector cells and dark blue CMAC in target cells) are marked by arrows in the control.
T121 1635-1682 Sentence denotes Cells did not fuse in the presence of 10 µM GA.
T122 1683-1736 Sentence denotes The extent of fusion is quantitated in the bar graph.
T123 1737-1797 Sentence denotes The experiments used EBOV GP as the fusion protein. (n = 3).
T124 1798-1975 Sentence denotes For all bars of experiments using cell-cell fusion, means ± SEM are shown. (B) Extent of cell-cell fusion induced by fusion proteins from three classes of viral fusion proteins.
T125 1976-2241 Sentence denotes The proteins for class I are: ZIKV (Zika E), HIV Env, EBOV (Ebola GP), IAV (Influenza HA); for class II: SFV (Semliki forest virus) E1/E2, VEEV (Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus) E; for class III: VSV (Vesicular Stomatitis Virus) G, EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) gB.
T126 2242-2371 Sentence denotes Effector cells were transfected (except for HIV Env which was stably expressed in a cell line) with the indicated viral proteins.
T127 2372-2425 Sentence denotes Each was bound and allowed to fuse with target cells.
T128 2426-2519 Sentence denotes The reduction in fusion caused by adding 10 µM GA is shown as low grey bars labeled 10 µM GA.
T129 2520-2710 Sentence denotes For every fusion protein, the presence of GA abolished fusion. n = 3 for each fusion protein. (C) Effect of two different concentrations of GA with different side chains on cell-cell fusion.
T130 2711-2835 Sentence denotes When GA was removed, fusion was restored (Fig. 6A, Bar 4), indicating that GA interferes with fusion in a reversible manner.
T131 2836-3088 Sentence denotes Viral fusion, regardless of fusion protein, proceeds through the creation of hemifusion, an intermediate state in which proximal lipid monolayer leaflets of membranes, in contact with one another, have merged, but the distal monolayers remain distinct.
T132 3089-3236 Sentence denotes Because inhibition of fusion was universal, independent of viral protein, it is extremely unlikely that GA targeted the fusion proteins themselves.
T133 3237-3363 Sentence denotes This is consistent with GA inhibiting the creation of the hemifusion intermediate, and universal inhibition would be expected.
T134 3364-3539 Sentence denotes It is well known that agents conferring positive spontaneous curvature, such as lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), inhibit fusion induced by viral and non-viral fusion proteins17.
T135 3540-3747 Sentence denotes Likewise, the cone-shaped lipid oleic acid (OA) has a negative spontaneous membrane curvature, which favors hemifusion when present in the outer bilayer, and its presence relieves the inhibition of fusion18.
T136 3748-3888 Sentence denotes The addition of OA together with GA abolished the inhibitory effect of GA (Fig. 6B), indicating that GA induces positive membrane curvature.
T137 3889-4024 Sentence denotes Figure 6 OA together with GA abolished the inhibitory effect of GA. (A) Dissecting the stages of fusion affected by the presence of GA.
T138 4025-4060 Sentence denotes Bar 1, control: GA was not present.
T139 4061-4113 Sentence denotes Bar 2: GA was maintained throughout the experiments.
T140 4114-4120 Sentence denotes Bar 3:
T141 4121-4202 Sentence denotes Effector and target cells were incubated for 30 min. in the presence of 10 µM GA.
T142 4203-4336 Sentence denotes The neutral pH bathing solution was then replaced by a pH 5.7 solution, which did not contain GA, and this was maintained for 10 min.
T143 4337-4441 Sentence denotes The low pH bathing solution was replaced by one at neutral pH, also without GA, and fusion was measured.
T144 4442-4448 Sentence denotes Bar 4:
T145 4449-4721 Sentence denotes The same protocol was followed as for experiments of bar 3, but prior to acidification, the GA-containing neutral pH solution was replaced by a GA-free neutral pH solution that was maintained for 10 min to allow GA in the membranes to dissociate into the aqueous solution.
T146 4722-4783 Sentence denotes This almost restored the extent of fusion to that of control.
T147 4784-4790 Sentence denotes Bar 5:
T148 4791-4891 Sentence denotes The same protocol as for experiments of bar 3 was used, but GA was maintained through acidification.
T149 4892-4951 Sentence denotes The subsequent neutral pH wash solution did not contain GA.
T150 4952-5107 Sentence denotes EBOV GP was the fusion protein for these experiments. (n = 3). (B) The inhibition of cell-cell fusion by GA is reversed by the presence of oleic acid (OA).
T151 5108-5121 Sentence denotes Upper panels:
T152 5122-5245 Sentence denotes Massive dye mixing was observed for control (left image), but none was observed in the presence of 10 µM GA (middle image).
T153 5246-5354 Sentence denotes Addition of 250 µM OA along with GA (right image), resulted in the same degree of fusion as for the control.
T154 5355-5413 Sentence denotes Extent of fusion is quantified in the bar graphs. (n = 3).