PMC:7074424 / 10346-12347 JSONTXT 10 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T56 0-121 Sentence denotes Table 1 Details of studies representing protein database structures of major targets in coronavirus and their structures
T57 122-165 Sentence denotes PDB ID Details Inhibitor IC50 Reference
T58 166-175 Sentence denotes N protein
T59 176-255 Sentence denotes 4KXJ Interaction between PJ34 and NTD of N protein of HCoV-OC43 PJ34 - [26]
T60 256-292 Sentence denotes 3V3P Structure not released [30]
T61 293-363 Sentence denotes 4LM7 Interactions of NTD of N protein of HCoV-OC43 with UMP - [26]
T62 364-434 Sentence denotes 4LI4 Interactions of NTD of N protein of HCoV-OC43 with AMP - [26]
T63 435-443 Sentence denotes Protease
T64 444-498 Sentence denotes 4TWY 3CLPro of SARS-CoV with an inhibitor 3BL [27]
T65 499-558 Sentence denotes 4TWW 3CLPro of SARS-CoV with an inhibitor 41 63 µM [27]
T66 559-620 Sentence denotes 4WY3 3CLPro of SARS-CoV with an inhibitor 3X5 240 µM [27]
T67 621-680 Sentence denotes 4OVZ CoV PLPro complexed with inhibitor P85 490 nM [31]
T68 681-745 Sentence denotes 3MJ5 SARS-CoV PLPro complexed with inhibitor GRM 320 nM [32]
T69 746-778 Sentence denotes 2FE8 SARS-CoV PLPro - - [33]
T70 779-894 Sentence denotes 1UK4 SARS-CoV 3CLPro and its interactions with an inhibitor Substrate analog hexapeptidyl CMK inhibitor IC50 ca.
T71 895-905 Sentence denotes 2 mM [34]
T72 906-978 Sentence denotes 1UJ1, 1UK3, 1UK2 SARS-CoV M-pro, apo-enzyme at different pH - - [34]
T73 979-1038 Sentence denotes 3VB6 SARS-CoV 3CLPro in complex with C6Z C6Z 39 µM [35]
T74 1039-1092 Sentence denotes 3VB5 SARS-CoV 3CLPro with C4Z C4Z 1.3-4.6 µM [35]
T75 1093-1129 Sentence denotes 3TLO HCoV-NL63 3CLPro - - [3637]
T76 1130-1210 Sentence denotes 6LU7 Main protease of 2019-nCoV and its complex with N3 (inhibitor) - - [38]
T77 1211-1224 Sentence denotes Spike protein
T78 1225-1327 Sentence denotes 5ZUV HR1 motif of HCoV-229E in complex with EK1 Modified OC43-HR2P peptide (EK1) 0.19-0.62 µM [39]
T79 1328-1376 Sentence denotes 5ZVM EK1 in complex with SARS HR1 motif [39]
T80 1377-1416 Sentence denotes 5X4S NTD of SARS-CoV S protein [40]
T81 1417-1449 Sentence denotes 5WRG SARS-CoV S protein [41]
T82 1450-1513 Sentence denotes 6Q05 MERS-CoV S structure in complex with Sialyl-Lewis [42]
T83 1514-1578 Sentence denotes 6ACG SARS-CoV S protein: ACE-2 (conformation 1) complex [43]
T84 1579-1643 Sentence denotes 6ACK SARS-CoV S protein: ACE-2 (conformation 3) complex [43]
T85 1644-1713 Sentence denotes 3SCI RBD of S protein interaction with ACE-2 [44] to be published
T86 1714-2001 Sentence denotes NTD=N-terminal domain, CoV=Coronovirus, 3CLPro=3C-like protease, PLpro=Papain-like protease, MERS=Middle East respiratory syndrome, SARS=Severe acute respiratory syndrome, ACE-2=Angiotensin converting enzyme-2, RBD=Receptor-binding domain, nCoV=Novel coronavirus, S protein=Spike protein