PMC:7045878 / 19855-20461 JSONTXT 9 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T171 0-94 Sentence denotes Table 2 Epidemiological characteristics of 28 patients with COVID-19 in South Korea (N = 28).
T172 95-122 Sentence denotes Source of infection n %
T173 123-136 Sentence denotes Case imported
T174 137-159 Sentence denotes Wuhan, China 11 68.8
T175 160-181 Sentence denotes Zhuhai, China 1 6.3
T176 182-195 Sentence denotes Japan 1 6.3
T177 196-214 Sentence denotes Singapore 2 12.5
T178 215-231 Sentence denotes Thailand 1 6.3
T179 232-255 Sentence denotes Local transmission site
T180 256-274 Sentence denotes Residence 7 70.0
T181 275-301 Sentence denotes Outside residence 3 30.0
T182 302-316 Sentence denotes Hospital - -
T183 317-331 Sentence denotes Airplane - -
T184 332-366 Sentence denotes Relationship in local transmission
T185 367-382 Sentence denotes Family 5 50.0
T186 383-401 Sentence denotes Relatives 2 20.0
T187 402-423 Sentence denotes Acquaintance 3 30.0
T188 424-439 Sentence denotes Co-worker - -
T189 440-456 Sentence denotes Mean ± SD Range
T190 457-493 Sentence denotes Incubation period* 4.1 ± 1.85 2–9
T191 494-569 Sentence denotes * Local transmission n = 9 (except 1 with unknown onset date of symptoms).
T192 570-606 Sentence denotes COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019.