PubMed:32114747 / 0-204 JSONTXT 21 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
tok1 0-1 NN denotes [
tok2 1-9 NNS denotes Advances
tok3 10-12 IN denotes in
lookup1 10-12 country_code denotes in
tok4 13-16 DT denotes the
tok5 17-25 NN denotes research
tok6 26-28 IN denotes of
tok7 29-37 NN denotes cytokine
tok8 38-43 NN denotes storm
tok9 44-53 NN denotes mechanism
tok10 54-61 VBN denotes induced
event6 54-61 OCCURRENCE denotes induced
tok11 62-64 IN denotes by
lookup2 62-64 country_code denotes by
tok12 65-71 NNP denotes Corona
tok13 72-77 NNP denotes Virus
tok14 78-85 NNP denotes Disease
tok15 86-90 CD denotes 2019
lookup3 86-90 year denotes 2019
tok16 91-94 CC denotes and
tok17 95-98 DT denotes the
tok18 99-112 JJ denotes corresponding
tok19 113-128 NNS denotes immunotherapies
tok20 128-129 NN denotes ]
tok21 129-130 . denotes .
tok22 131-137 NNP denotes Corona
tok23 138-143 NNP denotes Virus
tok24 144-151 NNP denotes Disease
tok25 152-156 CD denotes 2019
lookup4 152-156 year denotes 2019
tok26 157-158 ( denotes (
tok27 158-164 NNP denotes COVID-
tok28 164-166 CD denotes 19
tok29 166-167 ) denotes )
tok30 168-171 VBZ denotes has
tok31 172-181 RB denotes seriously
tok32 182-190 VBN denotes affected
event4 182-190 OCCURRENCE denotes affected
tok33 191-194 DT denotes the
tok34 195-204 NN denotes treatment