PMC:7212949 / 16327-17007 JSONTXT 11 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
396 63-71 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
397 103-121 Disease denotes injury of the lung MESH:D055370
398 232-240 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
392 251-255 Gene denotes ACE2 Gene:59272
399 469-477 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
393 522-526 Gene denotes IL-6 Gene:3569
394 580-591 Chemical denotes chloroquine MESH:D002738
395 599-617 Chemical denotes hydroxychloroquine MESH:D006886