PMC:7276815 / 254-790 JSONTXT 7 Projects

The true worth of a nurse..time to act! Abstract Abstract The COVID‐19 outbreak has shown the world the true value of the nursing profession to the healthcare system and to humanity. Indeed, without nurses (and midwives) there would be no health care!. The timing of this "freak" (although not unpredictable) viral pandemic with the World Health Assembly declaration that 2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife is a poignant coincidence. For almost 200 years we have witnessed the progressive growth of professionalisation, capacity and capability of the nursing profession globally. In most countries in the world that survey the public trust and confidence in professional groups, most select nursing in the top group, often ahead of doctors and other noble professions.

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last updated at 2021-01-31 10:15:27 UTC

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