CORD-19:0b87046abff5d934edc840da7e39a09ced213d7e JSONTXT 8 Projects

Abstract industry-level analysis 1:54-56 market structure see below Porter's Five Forces analysis 1:51, 1:56-57, 1:56F see also Porter's Five Forces analysis value chain analysis 1:55-56, 1:56F firm strategy 1:58 growth 1:59-60, 1:59F approaches to 1:59 'profit from the core' 1:59 SWOT analyses and value plate 1:51, 1:58, 1:58F value creation and capture 1:58-59 food and agribusiness value chain and sectors 1:51, 1:52F challenges 1:51-53 see also Food value chain global environment for 1:53 consolidation, concentration and structural changes 1:53-54 farming products 1:54 food value chain linkages, changes 1:53-54 'hybrid forms' of supply chain coordination 1:54 markets in developed/developing countries 1:53, 1:53T nutraceuticals and industrial products 1:54 sustainability 1:54 economic 1:54 environmental 1:54 social 1:54 uncertainty and volatility 1:54, 1:55T human capital management 1:65 human capital development 1:68T, 1:66 leadership 1:66, 1:67F organizational structure 1:65 skills and competence 1:65-66 marketing 1:60-61 brands 1:60, 1:61F distribution channels 1:61 integrated communications 1:61-62 packaging 1:60-61 price 1:61 products 1:60-61 sales force and people 1:62 market structure and structural change 1:57-58 conduct 1:57 conduct and performance analyses 1:57 industrial organization and structure 1:57 negotiation, power and trust 1:57 performance 1:57 risk sharing 1:57 strategic management 1:57 transaction cost of economics 1:57 operations 1:64 economies of scope and scale 1:64 inventory management 1:65 logistics 1:64-65 statistical process control and process mapping 1:65 Agricultural abundance 3:352 Agricultural advances 2:69 Agricultural biodiversity definition 3:1 see also Biodiversity Agricultural chemicals ethics and 1:85 food contamination 3:370 see also Chemicals; Fertilizer(s); Herbicide(s); Phytochemicals; specific chemicals Agricultural development, climate change and 3:333 Agricultural ecosystems 2:23-24 governance challenges 2:34 management 2:24-25 see also Ecosystem(s) Agricultural extension 4:544 Agricultural intensification catchment management, water quality mitigation 4:108 closing yield gaps 3:360-361 coffee production see Coffee cultivation (Latin America) definition 4:172 rice 2:31, 2:31F Agricultural Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits and Security Act (AgJOBS) 1:148, 1:149 H-2A program and 1:149 Agricultural landscapes 2:21, 2:31-32 composition and structure, management 2:52 ecosystem service management 2:27-28 see also Ecosystem service(s) integrated landscape management 3:2 management as multifunctional systems 2:21, 2:30 restructuring to large fields 2:31-32 effect on pollination 2:32 pest control 2:32-33, 2:33, 2:33F soil biodiversity and 2:52, 2:52 research, ecoefficiency 2:57 see also Natural habitat; Soil biodiversity Agricultural Market Information System Dust pollution Air quality 1: 283-292, 3:30-31 dust pollution see Dust pollution forage crops and 3:403 legal requirements 1:164 pollutants 1:284 ammonia see Ammonia (NH 3 ) animal feeding operation see Animal feeding operation (AFO) confined animal feeding operation see diseases see Livestock disease exhibiting and for recreation, welfare see Animal welfare feeding operation see Animal feeding operation (AFO) health see Animal health poisonous 3:377 production contracts 1:160 ruminants see Ruminants see also Livestock; specific animals Animal agricultural products see Animal products Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) 5:25, 5:27, 5:29-30 Animal behavior organic livestock farming 4:293-294 straight breeding 2:178 Animal biotechnology 1:1-16, 5:30-32 animal clones 1:5, 2:176, 5:31-32 see also Animal cloning assisted reproductive technology see Assisted reproductive technology biopharming 1:9-10 complex protein production 1:9-10 human disease models 1:10 xenotransplantation 1:1, 1:10 China 1:14 definition 1:1 disease resistant animals 1:10-11 antimicrobials 1:11 avian influenza viruses 1:11 foot and mouth disease 1:11 mad cow disease (BSE) 1:10-11 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome 1:11 domestication see Animal domestication European Union 1:14 history of 1:1-3 domestication 1:2T multimedia annexes 1:14 risks and regulations 1:12-13 animal health and welfare concerns 1:13 environmental concerns 1:13 food safety concerns 1:13 human health concerns 1:12-13 selective breeding enhanced by 1:11-12 genetic screening of breeding stock 1:11-12 single nucleotide polymorphism 1:1, 1:12T transgenic animals 1:6-7, 1:7, 5:30, 5:31 cattle muscle growth 1:8 cow's milk 1:8-9 disease resistance see Animal biotechnology, disease resistant animals for food 1:7 genome editing 1:7 GloFish 1:7, 1:7 less smelly pig 1:7, 1:7 in medicine/research see Animal biotechnology, biopharming new and improved products 1:7 pigs 1:9 production methods 1:6-7 silk 1:9 wool growth 1:9 USA, regulations 1:13-14 FDA 5:30 FDA concern areas 5:30-31 USDA 5:30 see also Biotechnology; Genomics, animal; Transformation ( 2:3, 2:3F sources 2:1-2, 2:3-5 agricultural facilities 2:3-5 primary risks 2:4 agricultural lands 2:11-13 biomass burning 2:14, 2:15T farming operations 2:13-14, 2:15T natural events 2:11-13, 2:13F, 2:13T, 2:14F fugative dust 2:4-5 livestock facilities 2:4-5 beef feedyards 2:4-5, 2:5T, 2:6F dairy cattle 2:5-6, 2:7F, 2:7T poultry 2:7-8, 2:8 sheep and goats 2:6-7 swine 2:7-8, 2:8 point sources 2:1-2 processing and storage facilities 2:8-9 cotton gins 2:8-9, 2:10F, 2:11T grain elevators and feed mills 2:9-11, 2:12F, 2:12T Saharan Desert 2:1-2 total suspended particulate matter (TSP farmers, communities and NGOs leading 3:13 networks for information sharing 3:13 organizations and programmes 3:13 definition 3:1, 3:2, 3:2F ecosystems and 3:4 entry points to landscape management 3:4, 3:4 environmental organizations 3:4 farmers and land users 3:4 food security 3:4, 3:4F humanitarian organizations 3:4 examples of initiatives 3:4-5 agroforestry for watershed protection in China 3:5 farming/forestry in Kenya 3:4-5 farming with wildlife in Skagit River Delta (USA) 3:5 history/evolution 3:2-4 integrated landscape management, definition 3:1, 3:2 as integrated landscape management application 3:2 key elements 3:5-6, 3:5T, 3:8, 3:11 ecological/social/economic synergy management 3:6-8 biodiversity and 3:7, 3:7F social synergies 3:8 water availability 3:6, 3:7F land use practices 3:8, 3:9F multiple landscape objectives and land use 3:8 agroforestry 3:8, 3:9F habitat value 3:8, 3:9F soil quality 3:8 multistakeholder management 3:10-12 collaborative processes 3:12, 3:12F international 3:11-12, 3:11T performance criteria 3:6T scientific advances improving 3:8 stakeholder agreement on objectives 3:6, 3:6T stakeholders and social synergies 3:8 supportive markets/policies and investment programs 3:8-10 certification systems 3:9-10 payment mechanisms 3:10 policies 3:10 supply chains 3:10, 3:10F sustainability 3:10 trade-offs in land/resource uses 3:6-8 Landscapes for People, Food and Nature initiative 3:11-12, 3:13, 3:14 origin of term 3:2 requirement and landscape resulting 3:2, 3:3F research 3:13-14 focus areas 3:13 priorities 3:14 sectors/stakeholders involved 3:11-12, 3:11T time-frame 3:12 assumptions 5:2 econometrics definition 5:1 empirical estimation 5:2-3 commonly used estimators 5:3 desirable estimator properties 5:2-3 maximum likelihood estimation 5:3 method of moments 5:3 ordinary least squares 5:3 statistical inference 5:3 homoskedastic errors 5:2, 5:4 special situations 5:5-6 limited dependent variable models 5:5-6 panel data models 5:7 time-series models 5:6-7 violation of model assumptions 5:3-4 functional form 5:5 generalized least squares (GLS) 5:4 homoskedastic errors 5:4 instrumental variable method 5:5 multicollinearity 5:5 stochastic or endogenous regressors 5:4-5 Econometrics, Alpine 2:431 Anglo-Nubians 2:431 domestication 1:2, 2:430 history 5:123-124 dust pollution from 2:6-7 evolution and genetic diversity 5:122-123 feeding habits 5:125-126 fiber breeds 2:432 Angora 2:432 genetics 5:126 global distribution 1:316T goatskin production 2:433 housing management 2:432 meat breeds 2:431-432 Black Bengal 2:431-432 meat production 2:433 milk production 2:433 yield 1:239 nutrition 2:432-433 feeding the goat 2:433 periurban production system 5:128, 5:128-129 population densities 5:124-125 population size 2:433 production systems 2:432 production trends 5:130 as seed concentrators 3:410 silk production 1:9 slum livestock agriculture 5:115-116 smallholder production systems see Smallholder integrated production systems species differences 5:125 uses of specific breeds 5:124-125 utility 2:431 zoological classification 2:430, 2:430T Goethite 3:38 pH and charge 3:51, 3:52F 197, 4:197T analytic hierarchy process method 4:200, 4:200F environmental criteria 4:198 initial matrix 4:199, 4:201F, 4 :195, 4:196 initial matrix (IM) 4:195, 4:196 PROMETHEE method 4:196, 4:196 Genetically modified (GM) crops genetic markers in selection programs 2:195-198 see also marker-assisted selection (below) genotypic variation 2: 189, family mean differences across environments 2:191-192 microenvironmental (experimental error) variation 2:192 narrow-sense (Lush) 2: 189-190, 2:190 polyploidy and complex mating systems 2:190-191 selection units and response units 2:190-191 historical background 3:417, 4:78-79 horticulture see Horticulture, climate change and introgression programs 2:194, 2:194-195 marker-assisted selection 2:195-198 association analysis :191-192 genetic marker use 2:195-198 see also Plant breeding, marker-assisted selection genomic 2:197, 2:197-198 reducing time for 2:192 statistical techniques 2:193-194 self-fertilizing species 2:187, 2:188, 2:190-191 statistical techniques 2:193-194 best linear unbiased prediction 2:193, 2:193-194 :274-275, 4:274F, 5:171T, 5:177-179, 5:198-199 loss into water see Water quality nutrient availability and water 5:197-198, 5:198T plant requirements 5:197, 5:197T sources Quantitative methods in agricultural economics 5:1-10 applications 5:1, 5:9-10 forecasting economic trends 5:10 influencing factors 5:9 computable general equilibrium 5:1, 5:9 econometric estimation see Econometric estimation hypothesis tests 5:1, 5:2, 5:3, 5:5 operations research see Operations research techniques regression analysis 5:1, 5:3 simultaneous equations 5:1, 5:4-5, 5:9 Quantitative trait(s), history 5:123 dust pollution from 2:6-7 evolution and genetic diversity 5:122-123 fat-rump 5:122, 5:125 fat-tail 5:122, 5:125 feeding habits 5:125-126 foot-and-mouth disease see Foot-andmouth disease (FMD) genetics 5:126 global distribution 1:316T hair 5:125 definition 5:122 origin 5:122 lineages 5:122 meat production 2:434 milk production 2:434 population 2:434 population densities 5:124-125 predominant breeds 5:124-125 production trends 5:130 sheepskin production 2:434 smallholder production systems see Smallholder integrated production systems species differences 5:125 uses of specific breeds 5:124-125 utility 2:433 wild and domestic, interbreeding 5:122 wool growth 1:9 wool production 2:434 zoological classification 2:433, 2:433T Sheet/interrill erosion 5:153

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