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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
TextSentencer_T1 0-117 Sentence denotes Third Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control takes office Eurosurveillance editorial team
TextSentencer_T1 0-117 Sentence denotes Third Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control takes office Eurosurveillance editorial team
TextSentencer_T2 119-127 Sentence denotes Abstract
TextSentencer_T2 119-127 Sentence denotes Abstract
TextSentencer_T3 130-350 Sentence denotes On Friday 16 June 2017, Dr Andrea Ammon took up office as the third Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) following her election by the Centre's management board earlier the same year.
TextSentencer_T3 130-350 Sentence denotes On Friday 16 June 2017, Dr Andrea Ammon took up office as the third Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) following her election by the Centre's management board earlier the same year.
TextSentencer_T4 351-729 Sentence denotes The appointment follows a two-year tenure as acting director during which Dr Ammon steered the ECDC steadily and calmly through a challenging period when besides the Centre's day-to-day work, expertise and resources were requested for the European preparedness and response to global threats such as the Ebola and Zika virus disease outbreaks in Africa and the Americas [1, 2] .
TextSentencer_T4 351-729 Sentence denotes The appointment follows a two-year tenure as acting director during which Dr Ammon steered the ECDC steadily and calmly through a challenging period when besides the Centre's day-to-day work, expertise and resources were requested for the European preparedness and response to global threats such as the Ebola and Zika virus disease outbreaks in Africa and the Americas [1, 2] .
TextSentencer_T5 730-863 Sentence denotes Dr Ammon joined the newly established ECDC already in May 2005, as one of its first employees and Head of the Surveillance Unit [3] .
TextSentencer_T5 730-863 Sentence denotes Dr Ammon joined the newly established ECDC already in May 2005, as one of its first employees and Head of the Surveillance Unit [3] .
TextSentencer_T6 864-1009 Sentence denotes While still setting up the unit, she was instrumental in drafting and implementing a long-term surveillance strategy for the European Union (EU).
TextSentencer_T6 864-1009 Sentence denotes While still setting up the unit, she was instrumental in drafting and implementing a long-term surveillance strategy for the European Union (EU).
TextSentencer_T7 1010-1267 Sentence denotes As part of this, she and her enthusiastic team evaluated the existing 17 European Dedicated Surveillance Networks (DSN) which included wellestablished and widely known networks such as EURO TB and EURO HIV, and gradually transferred them into the ECDC [4] .
TextSentencer_T7 1010-1267 Sentence denotes As part of this, she and her enthusiastic team evaluated the existing 17 European Dedicated Surveillance Networks (DSN) which included wellestablished and widely known networks such as EURO TB and EURO HIV, and gradually transferred them into the ECDC [4] .
TextSentencer_T8 1268-1472 Sentence denotes In parallel, her unit developed The European Surveillance System (TESSy), revised the EU case definitions and produced for the first time an Annual Epidemiological Report on infectious diseases in the EU.
TextSentencer_T8 1268-1472 Sentence denotes In parallel, her unit developed The European Surveillance System (TESSy), revised the EU case definitions and produced for the first time an Annual Epidemiological Report on infectious diseases in the EU.
TextSentencer_T9 1473-1666 Sentence denotes A medical doctor by training, Dr Ammon discovered her passion for public health early in her career and she has extensive experience in working in public health authorities at differing levels.
TextSentencer_T9 1473-1666 Sentence denotes A medical doctor by training, Dr Ammon discovered her passion for public health early in her career and she has extensive experience in working in public health authorities at differing levels.
TextSentencer_T10 1667-2043 Sentence denotes Starting at the local and then regional level in the German federal state of Bavaria, she moved to the national public health institute, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 1996, where she was among the first national Field Epidemiology Programme trainees and simultaneously a member of the first cohort of the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET).
TextSentencer_T10 1667-2043 Sentence denotes Starting at the local and then regional level in the German federal state of Bavaria, she moved to the national public health institute, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 1996, where she was among the first national Field Epidemiology Programme trainees and simultaneously a member of the first cohort of the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET).
TextSentencer_T11 2044-2182 Sentence denotes At RKI, she became the Head of Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and State Epidemiologist for Germany from late 2002 to 2005.
TextSentencer_T11 2044-2182 Sentence denotes At RKI, she became the Head of Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and State Epidemiologist for Germany from late 2002 to 2005.
TextSentencer_T12 2183-2453 Sentence denotes Besides coordinating the national outbreak response team for current and emerging infections, she directed the national field epidemiology training programme and coordinated emergency planning for influenza and epidemiological research programmes in infectious diseases.
TextSentencer_T12 2183-2453 Sentence denotes Besides coordinating the national outbreak response team for current and emerging infections, she directed the national field epidemiology training programme and coordinated emergency planning for influenza and epidemiological research programmes in infectious diseases.
TextSentencer_T13 2454-2562 Sentence denotes Furthermore, she provided scientific advice for government ministries, Members of Parliament and the public.
TextSentencer_T13 2454-2562 Sentence denotes Furthermore, she provided scientific advice for government ministries, Members of Parliament and the public.
TextSentencer_T14 2563-2684 Sentence denotes In 2003, she coordinated the German response to Europe's first imported case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
TextSentencer_T14 2563-2684 Sentence denotes In 2003, she coordinated the German response to Europe's first imported case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
TextSentencer_T15 2685-2825 Sentence denotes During her time at RKI, Dr Ammon also became a nationally and internationally respected expert in the field of food-and waterborne diseases.
TextSentencer_T15 2685-2825 Sentence denotes During her time at RKI, Dr Ammon also became a nationally and internationally respected expert in the field of food-and waterborne diseases.
TextSentencer_T16 2826-2944 Sentence denotes Her PhD was on the synergy between epidemiology and microbiology in the prevention and control of food-borne diseases.
TextSentencer_T16 2826-2944 Sentence denotes Her PhD was on the synergy between epidemiology and microbiology in the prevention and control of food-borne diseases.
TextSentencer_T17 2945-3139 Sentence denotes Dr Ammon's professional and leadership skills are complemented by other strong characteristics such as a mind open to suggestions, a capacity for motivating staff and an acute sense of fairness.
TextSentencer_T17 2945-3139 Sentence denotes Dr Ammon's professional and leadership skills are complemented by other strong characteristics such as a mind open to suggestions, a capacity for motivating staff and an acute sense of fairness.
TextSentencer_T18 3140-3344 Sentence denotes The Eurosurveillance journal and its editors benefited from Dr Ammon's strategic vision and sense for quality between 2007 and 2015, when she was an associate editor and a strong supporter of the journal.
TextSentencer_T18 3140-3344 Sentence denotes The Eurosurveillance journal and its editors benefited from Dr Ammon's strategic vision and sense for quality between 2007 and 2015, when she was an associate editor and a strong supporter of the journal.
TextSentencer_T19 3345-3504 Sentence denotes She resigned from this position when taking up her post as ECDC Director to mark the editorial independence of the journal from its publisher and its Director.
TextSentencer_T19 3345-3504 Sentence denotes She resigned from this position when taking up her post as ECDC Director to mark the editorial independence of the journal from its publisher and its Director.