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PubMed:7923175 JSONTXT

T cells from renal cell carcinoma patients exhibit an abnormal pattern of kappa B-specific DNA-binding activity: a preliminary report. Recent data suggest that the poor induction of a T-cell response to human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) may be related to alterations in signal transduction pathways. We report that T cells from RCC patients have two alterations in kappa B motif-specific DNA-binding activity. The first alteration involves the constitutive expression of substantial kappa B-binding activity in nuclear extracts, which was observed in the electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The magnitude of kappa B activity in unstimulated patient T cells was similar to that observed in T cells from normal individuals that had been activated in vitro. On the basis of Western blotting experiments using antibodies to kappa B/Rel family proteins, the kappa B-binding activity constitutively expressed in T cells from RCC patients is composed mostly of the NF-kappa B1 (p50) subunit. The second abnormality in kappa B-binding activity in T cells from these patients is that RelA, a member of the Rel homology family which is part of the normal NF-kappa B complex, was not induced in the nucleus following activation. Western blotting analysis did not detect any RelA in nuclear extracts either before or after stimulation of T cells. The altered kappa B-binding activity in T cells from RCC patients may impair their capacity to respond normally to various stimuli.

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