> top > docs > PMC:7799378 > spans > 24023-26873 > annotations

PMC:7799378 / 24023-26873 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue tao:has_database_id
950 23-38 Disease denotes G6PD deficiency MESH:D005955
951 42-50 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
982 460-471 Species denotes chikungunya Tax:37124
983 539-548 Species denotes influenza Tax:11309
984 61-72 Chemical denotes Chloroquine MESH:D002738
985 74-76 Chemical denotes CQ MESH:D002738
986 81-97 Chemical denotes 4-aminoquinoline MESH:C001920
987 378-380 Chemical denotes CQ MESH:D002738
988 454-456 Chemical denotes CQ MESH:D002738
989 582-600 Chemical denotes Hydroxychloroquine MESH:D006886
990 602-605 Chemical denotes HCQ MESH:D006886
991 626-637 Chemical denotes chloroquine MESH:D002738
992 745-748 Chemical denotes HCQ MESH:D006886
993 848-850 Chemical denotes CQ MESH:D002738
994 854-857 Chemical denotes HCQ MESH:D006886
995 1016-1019 Chemical denotes HCQ MESH:D006886
996 1121-1132 Chemical denotes chloroquine MESH:D002738
997 141-148 Disease denotes malaria MESH:D008288
998 153-163 Disease denotes amoebiasis MESH:D000562
999 204-223 Disease denotes autoimmune diseases MESH:D001327
1000 235-254 Disease denotes lupus erythematosus MESH:D008180
1001 259-279 Disease denotes rheumatoid arthritis MESH:D001172
1002 316-328 Disease denotes inflammation MESH:D007249
1003 482-496 Disease denotes HCV infections MESH:D006526
1004 553-570 Disease denotes dengue infections MESH:D003715
1005 660-668 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
1006 757-765 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
1007 880-908 Disease denotes hemolysis in G6PD deficiency MESH:D006461
1008 990-999 Disease denotes hemolysis MESH:D006461
1009 1036-1050 Disease denotes G6PD-deficient MESH:D005955
1010 1104-1113 Disease denotes hemolysis MESH:D006461
1011 1145-1159 Disease denotes G6PD-deficient MESH:D005955
1028 1806-1810 Gene denotes mTOR Gene:2475
1029 1992-1996 Gene denotes mTOR Gene:2475
1030 2078-2086 Species denotes patients Tax:9606
1031 1931-1940 Chemical denotes Metformin MESH:D008687
1032 2119-2128 Chemical denotes metformin MESH:D008687
1033 1248-1256 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
1034 1475-1487 Disease denotes inflammation MESH:D007249
1035 1626-1635 Disease denotes infection MESH:D007239
1036 1829-1838 Disease denotes infection MESH:D007239
1037 1953-1961 Disease denotes diabetic MESH:D003920
1038 2041-2050 Disease denotes mortality MESH:D003643
1039 2092-2100 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
1040 2163-2175 Disease denotes inflammation MESH:D007249
1041 2437-2445 Disease denotes COVID-19 MESH:C000657245
1042 2463-2472 Disease denotes mortality MESH:D003643
1043 2734-2749 Disease denotes G6PD deficiency MESH:D005955


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T194 0-60 Sentence denotes Potential influence of G6PD deficiency on COVID-19 therapies
T195 61-174 Sentence denotes Chloroquine (CQ), a 4-aminoquinoline drug, is commonly used in the treatment of malaria and amoebiasis [122,123].
T196 175-363 Sentence denotes It is also used for treating autoimmune diseases, including lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, due to its capacity for modulating inflammation and the immune response [124,125].
T197 364-416 Sentence denotes The effect of CQ on certain viruses is inconclusive.
T198 417-581 Sentence denotes A positive response is observed with CQ in chikungunya, HIV, and HCV infections [126–129], whereas it is not effective in influenza and dengue infections [126,130].
T199 582-723 Sentence denotes Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a derivative of chloroquine and its treatment for COVID-19 is currently being evaluated in clinical trials [131].
T200 724-819 Sentence denotes The potential use of HCQ against COVID-19 may raise safety issues in certain populations [132].
T201 820-919 Sentence denotes Recent reports suggest that CQ or HCQ is possibly linked to hemolysis in G6PD deficiency [133–135].
T202 920-1073 Sentence denotes However, two large retrospective studies indicated that no episode of hemolysis was found after HCQ treatment among G6PD-deficient individuals [136,137].
T203 1074-1196 Sentence denotes Hence, the claim that oxidant hemolysis due to chloroquine exposure in G6PD-deficient individuals remains unsettled [138].
T204 1197-1330 Sentence denotes Despite the efforts of developing vaccines against COVID-19, studies show that the elderly are less responsive to immune stimulation.
T205 1331-1442 Sentence denotes During aging, the depletion of naïve T cells and B cells weakens the immune defense against invading pathogens.
T206 1443-1578 Sentence denotes Moreover, chronic and low-grade inflammation in the elderly, known as inflammaging, leads to a reduced ability to external stimulation.
T207 1579-1678 Sentence denotes These events result in an impaired response to infection and dampen the reaction to vaccines [139].
T208 1679-1802 Sentence denotes Nevertheless, some anti-aging therapies show promising results related to enhancing the anti-viral response in the elderly.
T209 1803-1930 Sentence denotes An mTOR inhibitor reduces infection, improves vaccination responses, and enhances the anti-viral response in the elderly [140].
T210 1931-2036 Sentence denotes Metformin is a common diabetic drug that indirectly inhibits mTOR and extends life span in animals [141].
T211 2037-2139 Sentence denotes The mortality rate drops in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who have received metformin [142,143].
T212 2140-2234 Sentence denotes Senolytic drugs reduce inflammation and selectively remove senescent cells during aging [144].
T213 2235-2387 Sentence denotes These anti-aging compounds can exert their function in promoting healthspan by maintaining redox homeostasis and alleviating oxidative stress [145–147].
T214 2388-2504 Sentence denotes These compounds administered to the elderly with COVID-19 may reduce their mortality and improve recovery [148–151].
T215 2505-2701 Sentence denotes This opens the possibility of reducing the signs of aging or immunosenescence in the elderly population with drugs such as calorie restriction mimetics and senolytics before vaccination [152,153].
T216 2702-2850 Sentence denotes In particular, the elderly with G6PD deficiency may benefit from these treatments through boosting their antioxidative defense and immune responses.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue hp_id
T43 204-223 Phenotype denotes autoimmune diseases http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0002960
T44 259-279 Phenotype denotes rheumatoid arthritis http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0001370
T45 979-999 Phenotype denotes episode of hemolysis http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0004802
T46 2360-2376 Phenotype denotes oxidative stress http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0025464