> top > docs > PMC:3279418 > spans > 16251-16439 > annotations

PMC:3279418 / 16251-16439 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15037 0-2 IN denotes At
T15038 3-4 CD denotes 0
T15039 4-5 -COMMA- denotes ,
T15040 6-8 CD denotes 15
T15041 8-9 -COMMA- denotes ,
T15042 10-12 CD denotes 30
T15043 12-13 -COMMA- denotes ,
T15044 14-17 CC denotes and
T15045 18-20 CD denotes 60
T15046 21-28 NN denotes minutes
T15047 28-29 -COMMA- denotes ,
T15048 30-40 JJ denotes whole-cell
T15049 41-48 NN denotes lysates
T15050 49-53 VB denotes were
T15051 54-62 VB denotes obtained
T15052 63-66 CC denotes and
T15053 67-74 JJ denotes subject
T15054 75-77 TO denotes to
T15055 78-89 NN denotes immunoblots
T15056 90-94 IN denotes with
T15057 95-105 NN denotes antibodies
T15058 106-113 IN denotes against
T15059 114-122 NN denotes proteins
T15060 123-131 VB denotes involved
T15061 132-134 IN denotes in
T15062 135-140 NN denotes NF-κB
T15063 140-141 -COMMA- denotes ,
T15064 142-151 NN denotes TBK1/IRF3
T15065 151-152 -COMMA- denotes ,
T15066 153-159 NN denotes ERK1/2
T15067 159-160 -COMMA- denotes ,
T15068 161-164 CC denotes and
T15069 165-168 NN denotes p38
T15070 169-178 NN denotes signaling
T15071 179-187 NN denotes pathways
R12576 T15038 T15039 arg1Of 0,","
R12577 T15039 T15041 arg1Of ",",","
R12578 T15040 T15039 arg2Of 15,","
R12579 T15041 T15044 arg1Of ",",and
R12580 T15042 T15041 arg2Of 30,","
R12581 T15044 T15037 arg2Of and,At
R12582 T15044 T15043 arg1Of and,","
R12583 T15046 T15044 arg2Of minutes,and
R12584 T15046 T15045 arg1Of minutes,60
R12585 T15049 T15048 arg1Of lysates,whole-cell
R12586 T15049 T15050 arg1Of lysates,were
R12587 T15049 T15051 arg2Of lysates,obtained
R12588 T15049 T15053 arg1Of lysates,subject
R12589 T15051 T15052 arg1Of obtained,and
R12590 T15052 T15037 arg1Of and,At
R12591 T15052 T15047 arg1Of and,","
R12592 T15052 T15050 arg2Of and,were
R12593 T15053 T15052 arg2Of subject,and
R12594 T15053 T15054 arg1Of subject,to
R12595 T15055 T15054 arg2Of immunoblots,to
R12596 T15055 T15056 arg1Of immunoblots,with
R12597 T15057 T15056 arg2Of antibodies,with
R12598 T15057 T15058 arg1Of antibodies,against
R12599 T15059 T15058 arg2Of proteins,against
R12600 T15059 T15060 arg2Of proteins,involved
R12601 T15060 T15061 arg1Of involved,in
R12602 T15062 T15063 arg1Of NF-κB,","
R12603 T15063 T15065 arg1Of ",",","
R12604 T15064 T15063 arg2Of TBK1/IRF3,","
R12605 T15065 T15068 arg1Of ",",and
R12606 T15066 T15065 arg2Of ERK1/2,","
R12607 T15068 T15067 arg1Of and,","
R12608 T15069 T15068 arg2Of p38,and
R12609 T15071 T15061 arg2Of pathways,in
R12610 T15071 T15062 arg1Of pathways,NF-κB
R12611 T15071 T15064 arg1Of pathways,TBK1/IRF3
R12612 T15071 T15066 arg1Of pathways,ERK1/2
R12613 T15071 T15069 arg1Of pathways,p38
R12614 T15071 T15070 arg1Of pathways,signaling


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15172 0-2 IN denotes At
T15173 3-4 CD denotes 0
T15174 4-5 , denotes ,
T15175 6-8 CD denotes 15
T15176 8-9 , denotes ,
T15177 10-12 CD denotes 30
T15178 12-13 , denotes ,
T15179 14-17 CC denotes and
T15180 18-20 CD denotes 60
T15181 21-28 NNS denotes minutes
T15182 28-29 , denotes ,
T15183 30-40 JJ denotes whole-cell
T15184 41-48 NNS denotes lysates
T15185 49-53 VBD denotes were
T15186 54-62 VBN denotes obtained
T15187 63-66 CC denotes and
T15188 67-74 JJ denotes subject
T15189 75-77 TO denotes to
T15190 78-89 NNS denotes immunoblots
T15191 90-94 IN denotes with
T15192 95-105 NNS denotes antibodies
T15193 106-113 IN denotes against
T15194 114-122 NNS denotes proteins
T15195 123-131 VBN denotes involved
T15196 132-134 IN denotes in
T15197 135-140 NNP denotes NF-κB
T15198 140-141 , denotes ,
T15199 142-151 NNP denotes TBK1/IRF3
T15200 151-152 , denotes ,
T15201 153-159 NNP denotes ERK1/2
T15202 159-160 , denotes ,
T15203 161-164 CC denotes and
T15204 165-168 CD denotes p38
T15205 169-178 VBG denotes signaling
T15206 179-187 NNS denotes pathways
T15207 187-188 . denotes .
R12706 T15172 T15186 prep At,obtained
R12707 T15173 T15172 pobj 0,At
R12708 T15174 T15177 punct ",",30
R12709 T15175 T15177 quantmod 15,30
R12710 T15176 T15177 punct ",",30
R12711 T15177 T15173 appos 30,0
R12712 T15178 T15177 punct ",",30
R12713 T15179 T15177 cc and,30
R12714 T15180 T15181 nummod 60,minutes
R12715 T15181 T15186 npadvmod minutes,obtained
R12716 T15182 T15186 punct ",",obtained
R12717 T15183 T15184 amod whole-cell,lysates
R12718 T15184 T15186 nsubjpass lysates,obtained
R12719 T15185 T15186 auxpass were,obtained
R12720 T15186 T15186 ROOT obtained,obtained
R12721 T15187 T15186 cc and,obtained
R12722 T15188 T15186 conj subject,obtained
R12723 T15189 T15188 prep to,subject
R12724 T15190 T15189 pobj immunoblots,to
R12725 T15191 T15190 prep with,immunoblots
R12726 T15192 T15191 pobj antibodies,with
R12727 T15193 T15190 prep against,immunoblots
R12728 T15194 T15193 pobj proteins,against
R12729 T15195 T15194 acl involved,proteins
R12730 T15196 T15195 prep in,involved
R12731 T15197 T15196 pobj NF-κB,in
R12732 T15198 T15197 punct ",",NF-κB
R12733 T15199 T15197 conj TBK1/IRF3,NF-κB
R12734 T15200 T15199 punct ",",TBK1/IRF3
R12735 T15201 T15199 conj ERK1/2,TBK1/IRF3
R12736 T15202 T15201 punct ",",ERK1/2
R12737 T15203 T15201 cc and,ERK1/2
R12738 T15204 T15206 nummod p38,pathways
R12739 T15205 T15206 compound signaling,pathways
R12740 T15206 T15197 appos pathways,NF-κB
R12741 T15207 T15186 punct .,obtained


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15264 169-178 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0023052 denotes signaling
T15265 142-146 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0008384 denotes TBK1
T15266 153-157 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0004707 denotes ERK1
T15267 165-168 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0004707 denotes p38
T15268 169-187 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0007165 denotes signaling pathways


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15271 95-105 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0003823 denotes antibodies
T15272 142-146 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0008384 denotes TBK1
T15273 153-157 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0004707 denotes ERK1
T15274 165-168 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0004707 denotes p38


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15276 36-40 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cell
T15277 95-105 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0019815 denotes antibodies
T15278 95-105 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0042571 denotes antibodies


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14995 0-188 Sentence denotes At 0, 15, 30, and 60 minutes, whole-cell lysates were obtained and subject to immunoblots with antibodies against proteins involved in NF-κB, TBK1/IRF3, ERK1/2, and p38 signaling pathways.
T110 0-188 Sentence denotes At 0, 15, 30, and 60 minutes, whole-cell lysates were obtained and subject to immunoblots with antibodies against proteins involved in NF-κB, TBK1/IRF3, ERK1/2, and p38 signaling pathways.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15295 142-146 Protein denotes TBK1
T15296 147-151 Protein denotes IRF3
T15297 153-157 Protein denotes ERK1
T15298 158-159 Protein denotes 2


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15305 135-140 Protein denotes NF-κB
T15306 142-146 Protein denotes TBK1
T15307 147-151 Protein denotes IRF3
T15308 153-157 Protein denotes ERK1
T15309 165-168 Protein denotes p38


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14985 142-146 Protein denotes TBK1
T14986 147-151 Protein denotes IRF3
T14987 153-157 Protein denotes ERK1
T14988 158-159 Protein denotes 2


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15116 142-146 Q9UHD2 denotes TBK1
T15117 147-151 Q14653 denotes IRF3
T15118 153-157 P27361 denotes ERK1
T15119 165-168 O15264 denotes p38
T15120 165-168 P53778 denotes p38
T15121 165-168 Q16539 denotes p38
T15122 165-168 Q15759 denotes p38


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14977 142-146 Protein denotes TBK1
T14978 147-151 Protein denotes IRF3
T14979 153-157 Protein denotes ERK1
T14980 158-159 Protein denotes 2