> top > docs > PMC:2222968 > spans > 8787-8980 > annotations

PMC:2222968 / 8787-8980 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3353 0-9 RB denotes Naturally
T3354 10-19 VB denotes occurring
T3355 20-23 NN denotes Th2
T3356 24-29 NN denotes cells
T3357 30-34 JJ denotes such
T3358 35-37 IN denotes as
T3359 38-44 JJ denotes CRTH2+
T3360 45-46 NN denotes T
T3361 47-52 NN denotes cells
T3362 52-53 -COMMA- denotes ,
T3363 54-55 NN denotes T
T3364 56-61 NN denotes cells
T3365 62-70 VB denotes isolated
T3366 71-80 VB denotes according
T3367 81-83 TO denotes to
T3368 84-89 PRP-DOLLAR- denotes their
T3369 90-94 NN denotes IL-4
T3370 95-104 NN denotes secretion
T3371 104-105 -COMMA- denotes ,
T3372 106-108 CC denotes or
T3373 109-111 DT denotes an
T3374 112-126 JJ denotes IL-4–producing
T3375 127-128 NN denotes T
T3376 129-133 NN denotes cell
T3377 134-139 NN denotes clone
T3378 140-141 -LRB- denotes (
T3379 141-144 NN denotes BR8
T3380 144-145 -RRB- denotes )
T3381 146-150 VB denotes were
T3382 151-155 RB denotes also
T3383 156-163 VB denotes lacking
T3384 164-169 NN denotes FOXP3
T3385 170-180 NN denotes expression
T3386 181-182 -LRB- denotes (
T3387 182-188 NN denotes Figure
T3388 189-191 NN denotes 2B
T3389 191-192 -RRB- denotes )
R2715 T3354 T3353 arg1Of occurring,Naturally
R2716 T3356 T3354 arg1Of cells,occurring
R2717 T3356 T3355 arg1Of cells,Th2
R2718 T3356 T3358 arg1Of cells,as
R2719 T3356 T3372 arg1Of cells,or
R2720 T3358 T3357 arg1Of as,such
R2721 T3361 T3358 arg2Of cells,as
R2722 T3361 T3359 arg1Of cells,CRTH2+
R2723 T3361 T3360 arg1Of cells,T
R2724 T3361 T3362 arg1Of cells,","
R2725 T3364 T3362 arg2Of cells,","
R2726 T3364 T3363 arg1Of cells,T
R2727 T3364 T3365 arg2Of cells,isolated
R2728 T3365 T3366 arg1Of isolated,according
R2729 T3367 T3366 arg2Of to,according
R2730 T3370 T3367 arg2Of secretion,to
R2731 T3370 T3368 arg1Of secretion,their
R2732 T3370 T3369 arg1Of secretion,IL-4
R2733 T3372 T3371 arg1Of or,","
R2734 T3372 T3381 arg1Of or,were
R2735 T3372 T3383 arg1Of or,lacking
R2736 T3377 T3372 arg2Of clone,or
R2737 T3377 T3373 arg1Of clone,an
R2738 T3377 T3374 arg1Of clone,IL-4–producing
R2739 T3377 T3375 arg1Of clone,T
R2740 T3377 T3376 arg1Of clone,cell
R2741 T3377 T3378 arg1Of clone,(
R2742 T3379 T3378 arg2Of BR8,(
R2743 T3380 T3378 arg3Of ),(
R2744 T3383 T3381 arg2Of lacking,were
R2745 T3383 T3382 arg1Of lacking,also
R2746 T3385 T3383 arg2Of expression,lacking
R2747 T3385 T3384 arg1Of expression,FOXP3
R2748 T3385 T3386 arg1Of expression,(
R2749 T3388 T3386 arg2Of 2B,(
R2750 T3388 T3387 arg1Of 2B,Figure
R2751 T3389 T3386 arg3Of ),(


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4051 0-9 RB denotes Naturally
T4052 10-19 VBG denotes occurring
T4053 20-23 JJ denotes Th2
T4054 24-29 NNS denotes cells
T4055 30-34 JJ denotes such
T4056 35-37 IN denotes as
T4057 38-43 NNP denotes CRTH2
T4058 43-44 NNP denotes +
T4059 45-46 NNP denotes T
T4060 47-52 NNS denotes cells
T4061 52-53 , denotes ,
T4062 54-55 NNP denotes T
T4063 56-61 NNS denotes cells
T4064 62-70 VBD denotes isolated
T4065 71-80 VBG denotes according
T4066 81-83 TO denotes to
T4067 84-89 PRP$ denotes their
T4068 90-94 NN denotes IL-4
T4069 95-104 NN denotes secretion
T4070 104-105 , denotes ,
T4071 106-108 CC denotes or
T4072 109-111 DT denotes an
T4073 112-116 NN denotes IL-4
T4074 117-126 VBG denotes producing
T4075 127-128 NNP denotes T
T4076 129-133 NN denotes cell
T4077 134-139 NN denotes clone
T4078 140-141 -LRB- denotes (
T4079 141-144 CD denotes BR8
T4080 144-145 -RRB- denotes )
T4081 146-150 VBD denotes were
T4082 151-155 RB denotes also
T4083 156-163 VBG denotes lacking
T4084 164-169 CD denotes FOXP3
T4085 170-180 NN denotes expression
T4086 181-182 -LRB- denotes (
T4087 182-188 NN denotes Figure
T4088 189-191 NN denotes 2B
T4089 191-192 -RRB- denotes )
T4090 192-193 . denotes .
R3268 T4051 T4052 advmod Naturally,occurring
R3269 T4052 T4064 advcl occurring,isolated
R3270 T4053 T4054 amod Th2,cells
R3272 T4054 T4052 dobj cells,occurring
R3273 T4055 T4056 amod such,as
R3274 T4056 T4054 prep as,cells
R3276 T4057 T4060 compound CRTH2,cells
R3277 T4058 T4060 compound +,cells
R3278 T4059 T4060 compound T,cells
R3280 T4060 T4056 pobj cells,as
R3282 T4061 T4064 punct ",",isolated
R3283 T4062 T4063 compound T,cells
R3284 T4063 T4064 nsubj cells,isolated
R3285 T4064 T4064 ROOT isolated,isolated
R3287 T4065 T4064 prep according,isolated
R3288 T4066 T4065 prep to,according
R3289 T4067 T4069 poss their,secretion
R3293 T4068 T4069 compound IL-4,secretion
R3295 T4069 T4066 pobj secretion,to
R3297 T4070 T4069 punct ",",secretion
R3298 T4071 T4069 cc or,secretion
R3299 T4072 T4073 det an,IL-4
R3301 T4073 T4069 conj IL-4,secretion
R3302 T4074 T4065 conj producing,according
R3303 T4075 T4077 compound T,clone
R3305 T4076 T4077 compound cell,clone
R3306 T4077 T4074 dobj clone,producing
R3307 T4078 T4077 punct (,clone
R3309 T4079 T4077 appos BR8,clone
R3310 T4080 T4077 punct ),clone
R3311 T4081 T4083 aux were,lacking
R3313 T4082 T4083 advmod also,lacking
R3314 T4083 T4064 ccomp lacking,isolated
R3315 T4084 T4085 nummod FOXP3,expression
R3316 T4085 T4083 dobj expression,lacking
R3317 T4086 T4088 punct (,2B
R3318 T4087 T4088 compound Figure,2B
R3319 T4088 T4085 appos 2B,expression
R3321 T4089 T4064 punct ),isolated
R3322 T4090 T4064 punct .,isolated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2894 90-104 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0072602 denotes IL-4 secretion
T2896 95-104 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0046903 denotes secretion


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4445 90-94 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005136 denotes IL-4
T4446 112-116 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005136 denotes IL-4


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4472 24-29 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T4473 47-52 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T4474 56-61 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2880 0-193 Sentence denotes Naturally occurring Th2 cells such as CRTH2+ T cells, T cells isolated according to their IL-4 secretion, or an IL-4–producing T cell clone (BR8) were also lacking FOXP3 expression (Figure 2B).
T65 0-193 Sentence denotes Naturally occurring Th2 cells such as CRTH2+ T cells, T cells isolated according to their IL-4 secretion, or an IL-4–producing T cell clone (BR8) were also lacking FOXP3 expression (Figure 2B).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4905 38-43 Protein denotes CRTH2
T4906 90-94 Protein denotes IL-4
T4907 95-104 Gene_expression denotes secretion
T4908 112-116 Protein denotes IL-4
T4909 117-126 Gene_expression denotes producing
T4910 156-163 Negative_regulation denotes lacking
T4911 164-169 Protein denotes FOXP3
T4912 170-180 Gene_expression denotes expression
R3842 T4906 T4907 themeOf IL-4,secretion
R3843 T4908 T4909 themeOf IL-4,producing
R3845 T4911 T4912 themeOf FOXP3,expression
R3846 T4912 T4910 themeOf expression,lacking


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2924 95-104 Gene_expression denotes secretion
T2925 117-126 Gene_expression denotes producing
T2926 156-163 Negative_regulation denotes lacking
T2927 170-180 Gene_expression denotes expression
T2977 38-43 Protein denotes CRTH2
T2978 90-94 Protein denotes IL-4
T2979 112-116 Protein denotes IL-4
T2981 164-169 Protein denotes FOXP3
R2322 T2927 T2926 themeOf expression,lacking
R2345 T2978 T2924 themeOf IL-4,secretion
R2346 T2979 T2925 themeOf IL-4,producing
R2348 T2981 T2927 themeOf FOXP3,expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3632 90-94 P05112 denotes IL-4
T3633 112-116 P05112 denotes IL-4
T3634 164-169 Q9BZS1 denotes FOXP3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2813 38-43 Protein denotes CRTH2
T2814 90-94 Protein denotes IL-4
T2815 95-104 Gene_expression denotes secretion
T2816 112-116 Protein denotes IL-4
T2817 117-126 Gene_expression denotes producing
T2818 156-163 Negative_regulation denotes lacking
T2819 164-169 Protein denotes FOXP3
T2820 170-180 Gene_expression denotes expression
R2290 T2814 T2815 themeOf IL-4,secretion
R2291 T2816 T2817 themeOf IL-4,producing
R2292 T2819 T2820 themeOf FOXP3,expression
R2293 T2820 T2818 themeOf expression,lacking