> top > docs > PMC:1584416 > spans > 570-946 > annotations

PMC:1584416 / 570-946 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T168 7-17 NN denotes pleiotropy
T170 18-28 VBN denotes associated
T171 29-33 IN denotes with
T172 34-37 NN denotes XPD
T173 48-57 NNS denotes disorders
T174 38-47 JJ denotes recessive
T175 58-60 IN denotes in
T176 61-69 NN denotes compound
T177 89-95 NNS denotes models
T178 70-82 JJ denotes heterozygous
T179 83-88 NN denotes mouse
T180 95-96 . denotes .
T181 96-323 sentence denotes Alterations in this essential helicase, with functions in both DNA repair and basal transcription, result in diverse pathologies ranging from elevated UV sensitivity and cancer predisposition to accelerated segmental progeria.
T182 97-108 NNS denotes Alterations
T183 196-202 VBP denotes result
T184 109-111 IN denotes in
T185 112-116 DT denotes this
T186 127-135 NN denotes helicase
T187 117-126 JJ denotes essential
T188 135-137 , denotes ,
T189 137-141 IN denotes with
T190 142-151 NNS denotes functions
T191 152-154 IN denotes in
T192 155-159 CC denotes both
T193 164-170 NN denotes repair
T194 160-163 NN denotes DNA
T195 171-174 CC denotes and
T196 175-180 JJ denotes basal
T197 181-194 NN denotes transcription
T198 194-196 , denotes ,
T199 203-205 IN denotes in
T200 206-213 JJ denotes diverse
T201 214-225 NNS denotes pathologies
T202 226-233 VBG denotes ranging
T203 234-238 IN denotes from
T204 239-247 VBN denotes elevated
T205 251-262 NN denotes sensitivity
T206 248-250 NN denotes UV
T207 263-266 CC denotes and
T208 267-273 NN denotes cancer
T209 274-288 NN denotes predisposition
T210 289-291 IN denotes to
T211 292-303 VBN denotes accelerated
T212 314-322 NN denotes progeria
T213 304-313 JJ denotes segmental
T214 322-323 . denotes .
T216 324-326 PRP denotes We
T217 327-333 VBP denotes report
T218 334-335 DT denotes a
T219 336-343 NN denotes variety
T220 344-346 IN denotes of
T221 347-356 JJ denotes biallelic
T222 357-364 NNS denotes effects
T223 365-367 IN denotes on
R82 T173 T171 pobj disorders,with
R83 T174 T173 amod recessive,disorders
R86 T177 T175 pobj models,in
R87 T178 T177 amod heterozygous,models
R88 T179 T177 compound mouse,models
R93 T186 T184 pobj helicase,in
R94 T187 T186 amod essential,helicase
R100 T193 T191 pobj repair,in
R101 T194 T193 compound DNA,repair
R112 T205 T203 pobj sensitivity,from
R113 T206 T205 compound UV,sensitivity
R119 T212 T210 pobj progeria,to
R120 T213 T212 amod segmental,progeria
R79 T170 T168 acl associated,pleiotropy
R80 T171 T170 prep with,associated
R81 T172 T173 nmod XPD,disorders
R84 T175 T170 prep in,associated
R85 T176 T177 nmod compound,models
R90 T182 T183 nsubj Alterations,result
R91 T184 T182 prep in,Alterations
R92 T185 T186 det this,helicase
R95 T188 T186 punct ", ",helicase
R96 T189 T186 prep with,helicase
R97 T190 T189 pobj functions,with
R98 T191 T190 prep in,functions
R99 T192 T193 preconj both,repair
R102 T195 T193 cc and,repair
R103 T196 T197 amod basal,transcription
R104 T197 T193 conj transcription,repair
R105 T198 T183 punct ", ",result
R106 T199 T183 prep in,result
R107 T200 T201 amod diverse,pathologies
R108 T201 T199 pobj pathologies,in
R109 T202 T201 acl ranging,pathologies
R110 T203 T202 prep from,ranging
R111 T204 T205 amod elevated,sensitivity
R114 T207 T205 cc and,sensitivity
R115 T208 T209 compound cancer,predisposition
R116 T209 T205 conj predisposition,sensitivity
R117 T210 T203 prep to,from
R118 T211 T212 amod accelerated,progeria
R121 T214 T183 punct .,result
R122 T216 T217 nsubj We,report
R123 T218 T219 det a,variety
R124 T219 T217 dobj variety,report
R125 T220 T219 prep of,variety
R126 T221 T222 amod biallelic,effects
R127 T222 T220 pobj effects,of
R128 T223 T222 prep on,effects


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28 34-37 PR:000007164 denotes XPD
T29 83-88 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T30 160-170 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T31 349-356 SO:0001023 denotes allelic


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T58 34-37 PR_EXT:000007164 denotes XPD
T59 83-88 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T60 97-108 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes Alterations
T61 127-135 GO_EXT:0004386 denotes helicase
T62 160-163 CHEBI_SO_EXT:DNA denotes DNA
T63 160-170 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T64 181-194 GO_EXT:transcription denotes transcription
T65 349-356 SO_EXT:0001023 denotes allelic