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Below is a list of pre-registered, automatic annotation services which are interoperable with PubAnnotation.

If you do not know an applicable annotation service to your purpose, you may want to take a look at PubDictionaries, which is a highly customizable, dictionary-based text annotation service.

NameDescription MaintainerUpdated_at

1-20 / 84 show all
PD-ORYZAGP-UNIPROT use dictionary with rice gene mention and UniProt URIslarmande2021-07-07
PD-ORYZAGP-UNIPROT-B use dictionary of rice gene mentions with UniProt Urislarmande2021-01-29
PubTator-Species To pull the pre-computed Species annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10
PubTator-Mutation To pull the pre-computed mutation annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10
PubTator-Gene To pull the pre-computed gene annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10
PubTator-Disease To pull the pre-computed disease annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10
PubTator-Chemical To pull the pre-computed chemical annotation from PubTator.Jin-Dong Kim2018-12-10
LappsGridTimeML TimeML event annotator from GATE running on the Language Applications Grid.ksuderman2018-04-14
LappsGridBioNER The Abner Tagger for BioMedical named entity recognition running on the Language Applications Grid.ksuderman2018-04-14
LappsGridStanfordPOSTagger Stanford Part-Of-Speech tagger running on the Language Applications Grid.ksuderman2018-04-14
TextSentencer sentence segmentationJin-Dong Kim2024-08-29
Pubtator-Gene Pubtator Gene annotations from pubmed idalo332022-05-06
PubTator PubTator annotation provided by NCBIJin-Dong Kim2020-04-15
PD-MONDO-B PubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary. Asynchronous protocol.Jin-Dong Kim2020-12-23
PD-MONDO PubDictionaries annotation with the MONDO dictionary.Jin-Dong Kim2025-01-23
PD-CHEBI Pubdictionaries annotation using the terms sourced from CHEBI, the 2020-03-31 versionJin-Dong Kim2021-12-14
PD-FMA-PAE Physical Anatomical Entities from FMAJin-Dong Kim2021-07-08
PD-ORYZAGP-RAPDB OryzaGP pub dictionary based on RAPDB URIlarmande2021-07-09
OntoGeneER OntoGene Entity RecognitionNico Colic2023-05-31
PD-MeSH2022_C_and_F03_plus_FN-B MeSH C and F03 terms + FNs of PD_MeSH2022_C_and_F03-B that appear in two or more documentsyucca2021-12-22