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Name TDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

441-460 / 593 show all
Erin_test @ Yonsei University0ErinErinHJ_Kim2023-11-29Testing
Epistemic_Statements The goal of this work is to identify epistemic statements in the scientific literature. An epistemic statement is a statement of unknowns, hypotheses, speculations, uncertainties, including statements of claims, hypotheses, questions, explanations, future opportunities, surprises, issues, or concerns within a sentence. The unit of an epistemic statement is a sentence automatically parsed. The classification is binary - epistemic statement or not. We will label epistemic statements only and one can assume that if a statement is not labeled, then it is not an epistemic statement. The classifier is a CRF, trained on gold standard annotations of epistemic statements that are currently ongoing. We report an F-measure of 0.91 after 5-fold cross validation on a test set with 914 statements and an F-measure of 0.9 on a held out document with 130 statements. This project is still under development and is submitted to be used for the CovidLit project and associated Hackathon. Please contact Mayla if you have any questions.1.42 Mmboguslav2023-11-24Developing
epi-statement-test 2Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-30Testing
ENG_RE_pruas 248pruas_182023-12-01Developing
ENG_RE_mabarros 193mabarros2023-11-26Developing
ENG_RE_Diana 213dpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE_CONSENSUS 250dpavot2023-11-28
ENG_RE Entities and relations annotations from the following ontologies: Disease Ontology ('DO'), Gene Ontology ('GO'), Human Phenotype Ontology ('HPO'), and ChEBI ontology ('CHEBI').224Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_pruas 582Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_mabarros 452mabarros2023-12-01Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_Diana 461dpavot2023-11-29Uploading
ENG_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 607dpavot2023-11-28Developing
ENG_NER_NEL Annotations in COVID-19 related PubMed abstracts from the following ontologies: Disease Ontology ("do"), Gene Ontology ("go"), Human Phenotype Ontology ("hpo"), ChEBI ontology ("chebi"), MeSH 493LASIGE-DeSTpruas_182023-11-26Developing
EDAN70 NLP tagging of articles concerning covid19.0fettmedknaoz2023-11-29
EDAM-topics annotation for EDAM topics11.6 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
EDAM-DFO annotation for EDAM terms for data, formats, and operations12.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
EC-Neurodegenerative Alternative methods to animal experiments for neurodegenerative diseases.0zebet2023-11-30Developing
EBM_test 35Suexuan2024-08-23
DPCIannotation01 0Suexuan2024-08-22
DocumentLevelAnnotationSample A sample project for document level annotation47Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
Name T# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

441-460 / 593 show all
Erin_test 0ErinErinHJ_Kim2023-11-29Testing
Epistemic_Statements 1.42 Mmboguslav2023-11-24Developing
epi-statement-test 2Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-30Testing
ENG_RE_pruas 248pruas_182023-12-01Developing
ENG_RE_mabarros 193mabarros2023-11-26Developing
ENG_RE_Diana 213dpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE_CONSENSUS 250dpavot2023-11-28
ENG_RE 224Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_pruas 582Pedro Ruaspruas_182023-11-30Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_mabarros 452mabarros2023-12-01Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_Diana 461dpavot2023-11-29Uploading
ENG_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 607dpavot2023-11-28Developing
ENG_NER_NEL 493LASIGE-DeSTpruas_182023-11-26Developing
EDAN70 0fettmedknaoz2023-11-29
EDAM-topics 11.6 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
EDAM-DFO 12.5 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
EC-Neurodegenerative 0zebet2023-11-30Developing
EBM_test 35Suexuan2024-08-23
DPCIannotation01 0Suexuan2024-08-22
DocumentLevelAnnotationSample 47Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing