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NameTDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainer Updated_atStatus

61-80 / 590 show all
ENG_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 607dpavot2023-11-28Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_Diana 461dpavot2023-11-29Uploading
PT_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 354dpavot2023-11-27
PT_NER_NEL_Diana 318dpavot2023-11-24Developing
PGR-UNK Identification of Unknown Relations 91Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE_Diana 213dpavot2023-11-29Developing
PGR-NEG Identification of Negative Relations 23Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-28Developing
PGR-FAL Identification of False Relations128Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE Entities and relations annotations from the following ontologies: Disease Ontology ('DO'), Gene Ontology ('GO'), Human Phenotype Ontology ('HPO'), and ChEBI ontology ('CHEBI').224Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE_CONSENSUS 250dpavot2023-11-28
testing_230112 2eatfish2023-11-29Testing
AxD_symptoms Symptoms of AxD from available case report and case series401Eisuke Dohi2023-11-29Developing
LitEisuke 6.12 KEisuke Dohi2023-11-29Developing
TEST-DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature Annotated by Mesh_All_FN795Eisuke Dohi2023-11-29Released
LitCoin-MONDO_bioort2019 DiseaeseOrPhenotypicFeature3.72 KEisuke Dohi2023-11-29Testing
test01 0Erika Asamizu2015-09-11Testing
Erin_test @ Yonsei University0ErinErinHJ_Kim2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-test Entities annotations from the test set of the BioNLP-ST 2016 SeeDev task. SeeDev task focuses on seed storage and reserve accumulation on the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The SeeDev task is based on the knowledge model Gene Regulation Network for Arabidopsis (GRNA) that meets the needs of text-mining (i.e. manual annotation of texts and automatic information extraction), experimental data indexing and retrieval and reuse in other plant systems. It is also expected to meet the requirements of the integration of the text knowledge with knowledge derived from experimental data in view of modeling in systems biology. GRNA model defines 16 different types of entities, and 22 types of event (in five sets of event types) that may be combined in complex events. For more information, please refer to the task website All annotations : Train set Development set Test set (without events) 184EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-training Entities and event annotations from the training set of the BioNLP-ST 2016 SeeDev task. SeeDev task focuses on seed storage and reserve accumulation on the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The SeeDev task is based on the knowledge model Gene Regulation Network for Arabidopsis (GRNA) that meets the needs of text-mining (i.e. manual annotation of texts and automatic information extraction), experimental data indexing and retrieval and reuse in other plant systems. It is also expected to meet the requirements of the integration of the text knowledge with knowledge derived from experimental data in view of modeling in systems biology. GRNA model defines 16 different types of entities, and 22 types of event (in five sets of event types) that may be combined in complex events. For more information, please refer to the task website All annotations : Train set Development set Test set (without events) 35EstelleChaix2023-11-28Released
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-dev Entities and event annotations from the development set of the BioNLP-ST 2016 SeeDev task. SeeDev task focuses on seed storage and reserve accumulation on the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The SeeDev task is based on the knowledge model Gene Regulation Network for Arabidopsis (GRNA) that meets the needs of text-mining (i.e. manual annotation of texts and automatic information extraction), experimental data indexing and retrieval and reuse in other plant systems. It is also expected to meet the requirements of the integration of the text knowledge with knowledge derived from experimental data in view of modeling in systems biology. GRNA model defines 16 different types of entities, and 22 types of event (in five sets of event types) that may be combined in complex events. For more information, please refer to the task website All annotations : Train set Development set Test set (without events) 61EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released
NameT# Ann.AuthorMaintainer Updated_atStatus

61-80 / 590 show all
ENG_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 607dpavot2023-11-28Developing
ENG_NER_NEL_Diana 461dpavot2023-11-29Uploading
PT_NER_NEL_CONSENSUS 354dpavot2023-11-27
PT_NER_NEL_Diana 318dpavot2023-11-24Developing
PGR-UNK 91Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE_Diana 213dpavot2023-11-29Developing
PGR-NEG 23Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-28Developing
PGR-FAL 128Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE 224Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
ENG_RE_CONSENSUS 250dpavot2023-11-28
testing_230112 2eatfish2023-11-29Testing
AxD_symptoms 401Eisuke Dohi2023-11-29Developing
LitEisuke 6.12 KEisuke Dohi2023-11-29Developing
TEST-DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature 795Eisuke Dohi2023-11-29Released
LitCoin-MONDO_bioort2019 3.72 KEisuke Dohi2023-11-29Testing
test01 0Erika Asamizu2015-09-11Testing
Erin_test 0ErinErinHJ_Kim2023-11-29Testing
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-test 184EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-training 35EstelleChaix2023-11-28Released
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-dev 61EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released