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NameTDescription# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

461-480 / 557 show all
SPECIES800_autotagged This project comprises the SPECIES800 corpus documents automatically annotated by the Jensenlab tagger. Annotated entity types are: Genes/proteins from the mentioned organisms (and any human ones) PubChem Compound identifiers NCBI Taxonomy entries Gene Ontology cellular component terms BRENDA Tissue Ontology terms Disease Ontology terms Environment Ontology terms The SPECIES 800 (S800) comprises 800 PubMed abstracts. In its original form species mentions were manually identified and mapped to the corresponding NCBI Taxonomy identifiers. Described in: The SPECIES and ORGANISMS Resources for Fast and Accurate Identification of Taxonomic Names in Text. Pafilis E, Frankild SP, Fanini L, Faulwetter S, Pavloudi C, et al. (2013). PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(6): e65390. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065390. The manually annotated corpus is also available as a PubAnnotation project (see here). 0Evangelos Pafilis, Sampo Pyysalo, Lars Juhl Jensenevangelos2015-11-20Testing
tf-test 0Takatomo Fujisawa2015-11-20Testing
test01 0Erika Asamizu2015-09-11Testing
ichiharatest_150825_2 test0ichihara_hisakoHisako Ichihara2015-09-11Testing
falsetest_150825 test0ichihara_hisakoHisako Ichihara2015-09-11Testing
LODQA 0Michel Dumontiermicheldumontier2015-02-20Testing
Kymeka_cho_test 583davidecho2024-01-18
causal0001 test0ju-hyuck hanJu-Hyuck Han2024-01-17
korean_corpus validation korean90donghwan kim2023-11-29
korean_copus_eval 53donghwan kim2023-11-29
OGERtesthhaider5 465hhaider52023-11-29
LitCovid_AGAC_only 5.73 Kxiajingbo2023-11-29
Oryza-OGER 462 Kfabiorinaldi2023-11-29
LitCovid-PD-UBERON 540 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
EDAN70 NLP tagging of articles concerning covid19.0fettmedknaoz2023-11-29
LitCovid-PubTator-s 196Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
zhou-1124 0zhoukaiyin2023-11-29
testone 6.76 Kykyao2023-11-29
test3 10.7 Kykyao2023-11-29
glycosmos_glycans 0kiyoko2023-11-29
NameT# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

461-480 / 557 show all
SPECIES800_autotagged 0Evangelos Pafilis, Sampo Pyysalo, Lars Juhl Jensenevangelos2015-11-20Testing
tf-test 0Takatomo Fujisawa2015-11-20Testing
test01 0Erika Asamizu2015-09-11Testing
ichiharatest_150825_2 0ichihara_hisakoHisako Ichihara2015-09-11Testing
falsetest_150825 0ichihara_hisakoHisako Ichihara2015-09-11Testing
LODQA 0Michel Dumontiermicheldumontier2015-02-20Testing
Kymeka_cho_test 583davidecho2024-01-18
causal0001 0ju-hyuck hanJu-Hyuck Han2024-01-17
korean_corpus 90donghwan kim2023-11-29
korean_copus_eval 53donghwan kim2023-11-29
OGERtesthhaider5 465hhaider52023-11-29
LitCovid_AGAC_only 5.73 Kxiajingbo2023-11-29
Oryza-OGER 462 Kfabiorinaldi2023-11-29
LitCovid-PD-UBERON 540 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
EDAN70 0fettmedknaoz2023-11-29
LitCovid-PubTator-s 196Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-29
zhou-1124 0zhoukaiyin2023-11-29
testone 6.76 Kykyao2023-11-29
test3 10.7 Kykyao2023-11-29
glycosmos_glycans 0kiyoko2023-11-29