> top > projects


NameTDescription # Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

161-180 / 590 show all
FirstAuthor_s_Plants For only Plants4.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Testing
cancer_precision for gene mutaiton and cancer therapy8serenity2023-11-29Testing
FA_Top107-forWeb ※※※ !要データ加工! webリンク用には、この結果を加工して使っています。その他で使われる場合に、末尾記載の問題を別途解決する必要があります。 !要データ加工! ※※※ Top100+本来Top100に入るべきだった7レビューの計、107レビュー中99レビュー。 5414, 6076, 6930, 8403, 9643, 12112, 18544, 18829は、0denotationでドキュメント自体登録していません。 @AikoHIRAKIはtypoを修正したレビューフォルダ。 attributesの詳細はconfig参照。 ※※※ !注意! webリンク側のしばりで、選択文字列は複数のUniProtIDに対応していません。(例)Protein1~Protein7とある場合、 Protein1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7をさし、かつ全てにUniProtIDがあったとしても、1と7のみUniProtIDをとってきています。 "~"は、Protein2, 3, 4, 5, 6を意味していますが、positionではなく文字列で検索をかけているのと、見せ方の仕様上、これらのIDは全て未取得となっています。⇔GeneProteinでは"~"に2-6のIDsをもたせていました。 該当レビュー;14898(~=MAPK2, MAPK3, MAPK4, MAPK5, MAPK6), 10471(~=Ago2, Ago3) --------------------------------------- (例)ProteinAB...ProteinCD...ProteinB...ProteinDとある場合、 ProteinABは、ProteinAとBというLexical_Cueになっています。ProteinCDも同様に、ProteinCとD。BとDだけでは、このレビュー内ではProteinBやProteinDをさすことが分かるのですが、それ以外で使用する場合に、BとDにそれぞれ該当UniProtIDをあてるのは不適切です。 該当レビュー;11957(β4=itgb4, β1=itgb1, β5=itgb5, β3=itgb3) 他の例が出てきたら順次、ここに記載していきます。当座、これらは削除する必要があります。 attributeで削除フラグをつけるか、Jakeの機能がTextAEに実装されれば解決するか、検討して、何かしら分かるようにしておきます。 (例)ProteinA/B とある場合、 webリンクでは、"ProteinA"にUniProtID-Aを、"/B"にUniProtID-Bをつけています(リンク側のしばり)。webリンク以外で使われる場合には、別プロジェクトのFA_Top100Plus-GeneProteinで行っていたようなRelationを使って、"/B"ではなく、"ProteinB"として、UniProtID-Bと対応させる必要があります。現状のとり方ですと、要Relation箇所は救済出来ません。 Lexical cueには"/B"とありますが、Objectには"ProteinB"と残してあるので、Objectを参照して下さい。 但し、言語処理のようなpositionがご入用な場合には上では対応出来ていません。 該当レビュー;11935(/4=BMP4), 14898(/2=LATS2), 7412(/2=TSC2), 4629(/2=CtBP2) (webリンクでは、レビュー毎に完結しているので、"/B"がそのレビューで他の意味をなしていなければ対応出来るのと、文字列合致でリンクを貼っているためです。) !注意! ※※※ RelationのmergedはTextAEの既存機能で既に出来ます。10.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Beta
GlycoBiology-FMA FMA ontology-based annotation to GlycoBiology abstracts96.3 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
LitCoin-MeSH-Disease-2 Flase Negative全部入れてみた4.08 Kyucca2023-11-29
FA_PR25 FirstAuthor Protein Ontology 25 entries512AikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Developing
FirstAuthor10 FirstAuthor104.78 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Developing
Find2ER Find the Findings of Enzymatic Reaction0Akihiro KamedaAkihiro Kameda2023-11-26Testing
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-test Entities annotations from the test set of the BioNLP-ST 2016 SeeDev task. SeeDev task focuses on seed storage and reserve accumulation on the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The SeeDev task is based on the knowledge model Gene Regulation Network for Arabidopsis (GRNA) that meets the needs of text-mining (i.e. manual annotation of texts and automatic information extraction), experimental data indexing and retrieval and reuse in other plant systems. It is also expected to meet the requirements of the integration of the text knowledge with knowledge derived from experimental data in view of modeling in systems biology. GRNA model defines 16 different types of entities, and 22 types of event (in five sets of event types) that may be combined in complex events. For more information, please refer to the task website All annotations : Train set Development set Test set (without events) 184EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released
ENG_RE Entities and relations annotations from the following ontologies: Disease Ontology ('DO'), Gene Ontology ('GO'), Human Phenotype Ontology ('HPO'), and ChEBI ontology ('CHEBI').224Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-training Entities and event annotations from the training set of the BioNLP-ST 2016 SeeDev task. SeeDev task focuses on seed storage and reserve accumulation on the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The SeeDev task is based on the knowledge model Gene Regulation Network for Arabidopsis (GRNA) that meets the needs of text-mining (i.e. manual annotation of texts and automatic information extraction), experimental data indexing and retrieval and reuse in other plant systems. It is also expected to meet the requirements of the integration of the text knowledge with knowledge derived from experimental data in view of modeling in systems biology. GRNA model defines 16 different types of entities, and 22 types of event (in five sets of event types) that may be combined in complex events. For more information, please refer to the task website All annotations : Train set Development set Test set (without events) 35EstelleChaix2023-11-28Released
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-dev Entities and event annotations from the development set of the BioNLP-ST 2016 SeeDev task. SeeDev task focuses on seed storage and reserve accumulation on the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The SeeDev task is based on the knowledge model Gene Regulation Network for Arabidopsis (GRNA) that meets the needs of text-mining (i.e. manual annotation of texts and automatic information extraction), experimental data indexing and retrieval and reuse in other plant systems. It is also expected to meet the requirements of the integration of the text knowledge with knowledge derived from experimental data in view of modeling in systems biology. GRNA model defines 16 different types of entities, and 22 types of event (in five sets of event types) that may be combined in complex events. For more information, please refer to the task website All annotations : Train set Development set Test set (without events) 61EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released
Gene_Chemical EMU abstract annotation0zhoukaiyin2023-11-29Developing
Grays_part1 Embryology1.44 Kokubo2023-11-30Testing
RDoCTask2SampleData Each annotation file contains an annotated abstract with the most relevant sentence. The relevant sentence is annotated with the RDoC category name. The annotation data are formatted as json files. Please refer to the following page for a more detailed description of the json format http://www.pubannotation.org/docs/annotation-format/. 10mmanani1s2023-11-29Released
RDoCTask1SampleData Each annotation file contains an annotated abstract with an RDoC category. Each title span in these sample data is annotated with the corresponding related RDoC construct, although the RDoC category would apply for the entire abstract. The annotation data are formatted as json files. Please refer to the following page for a more detailed description of the json format http://www.pubannotation.org/docs/annotation-format/.20mmanani1s2023-11-29Released
c_corpus Documents included in the c_corpus: https://github.com/SMAFIRA/c_corpus/blob/master/SMAFIRAc_0.4_Annotations.csv107 K2023-11-29Released
PMC-KEGG Documents from PMC including the word KEGG, with names of software tools and databases marked. 27yucca2023-11-28Developing
DLUT931 DLUT NLP Lab.Test our event extration result for 16 GE task.4.57 KDLUT9312023-11-30Testing
DisGeNET Disease-Gene association annotation.3.12 MNuria Queralt Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Beta
NameT# Ann.AuthorMaintainerUpdated_atStatus

161-180 / 590 show all
FirstAuthor_s_Plants 4.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Testing
cancer_precision 8serenity2023-11-29Testing
FA_Top107-forWeb 10.3 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Beta
GlycoBiology-FMA 96.3 KJin-Dong Kim2023-11-29Testing
LitCoin-MeSH-Disease-2 4.08 Kyucca2023-11-29
FA_PR25 512AikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Developing
FirstAuthor10 4.78 KAikoHIRAKI2023-11-29Developing
Find2ER 0Akihiro KamedaAkihiro Kameda2023-11-26Testing
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-test 184EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released
ENG_RE 224Diana Sousadpavot2023-11-29Developing
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-training 35EstelleChaix2023-11-28Released
bionlp-st-2016-SeeDev-dev 61EstelleChaix2023-11-29Released
Gene_Chemical 0zhoukaiyin2023-11-29Developing
Grays_part1 1.44 Kokubo2023-11-30Testing
RDoCTask2SampleData 10mmanani1s2023-11-29Released
RDoCTask1SampleData 20mmanani1s2023-11-29Released
c_corpus 107 K2023-11-29Released
PMC-KEGG 27yucca2023-11-28Developing
DLUT931 4.57 KDLUT9312023-11-30Testing
DisGeNET 3.12 MNuria Queralt Jin-Dong Kim2023-11-24Beta