
PMC:1064895 / 3700-4627 JSONTXT 26 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2116 0-5 Protein denotes IL-17
T2140 91-97 Positive_regulation denotes induce
T2117 98-102 Protein denotes IL-6
T2118 107-111 Protein denotes IL-8
T2119 204-209 Protein denotes TNF-α
T2120 214-218 Protein denotes IL-1
T2121 220-225 Protein denotes IL-17
T2141 272-280 Gene_expression denotes produced
T2122 335-340 Protein denotes IL-17
T2142 395-404 Positive_regulation denotes induction
T2123 408-413 Protein denotes RANKL
T2124 415-469 Protein denotes receptor activator of nuclear factor κB [NF-κB] ligand
T2143 525-535 Positive_regulation denotes stimulates
T2144 540-550 Gene_expression denotes production
T2125 554-558 Protein denotes IL-6
T2126 563-589 Protein denotes leukemia inhibitory factor
T2127 753-758 Protein denotes IL-17
T2145 878-886 Gene_expression denotes produced
T2128 890-893 Protein denotes CD4
R1068 T2116 T2140 causeOf IL-17,induce
R1069 T2117 T2140 themeOf IL-6,induce
R1070 T2118 T2140 themeOf IL-8,induce
R1071 T2119 T2141 themeOf TNF-α,produced
R1072 T2120 T2141 themeOf IL-1,produced
R1073 T2121 T2141 themeOf IL-17,produced
R1074 T2123 T2142 themeOf RANKL,induction
R1075 T2124 T2142 themeOf receptor activator of nuclear factor κB [NF-κB] ligand,induction
R1076 T2124 T2123 equivalentTo receptor activator of nuclear factor κB [NF-κB] ligand,RANKL
R1077 T2125 T2144 themeOf IL-6,production
R1078 T2126 T2144 themeOf leukemia inhibitory factor,production
R1079 T2127 T2145 themeOf IL-17,produced
R1086 T2144 T2143 themeOf production,stimulates