PubMed:3920758 / 0-12 JSONTXT

Adsorption and desorption of polydimethylsiloxane, PCBs, cadmium nitrate, copper sulfate, nickel sulfate and zinc nitrate by river surface sediments. An investigation into the adsorption and desorption of polydimethylsiloxane, PCBs, cadmium nitrate, copper sulfate, nickel nitrate and zinc nitrate by river sediments was carried out using either a flow-through system or a semi-static system. The material balance in the sediment compartment could be explained by the equation, dCs/dT= K1Cw-K2Cs. The adsorption rate constants (K1), desorption rate constants (K2) and concentration factors (K1/K2) were calculated. For hydrophobic chemicals, the K1's were independent of water solubility, but the K2's were relatively related to water solubility. For both hydrophobic chemicals and heavy metals, the concentration factors per fraction organic carbon were similar to the soil sorption coefficients (Koc), expressed on a organic carbon basis.

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