PubMed:14563607 / 0-136 JSONTXT 3 Projects

[Peritoneal tuberculosis simulating advanced ovarian carcinoma: a case report]. Tuberculose péritonéale disséminée simulant un cancer ovarien: à propos d'un cas. Disseminated peritoneal tuberculosis accounts for 1-3% of tuberculosis disease, represented by high frequency of lung defects in endemic countries. The authors report one case in a 43-year-old woman, the initial interpretation of which, based on pleural and peritoneal exudate, showed suspected latero-uterine mass and significant elevated serum CA 125 level, mimicking disseminated ovarian carcinoma. Only after exploring laparotomy with biopsy was disseminated peritoneal tuberculosis identified, thus correcting the diagnosis. Symptomatology, X-ray defect, and cynetic of serum CA 125 level were left in totality after 3 months of antituberculosis multidrugs. This is a diagnostic trap, which presents a new interest for such pathology as tuberculosis, which is on the increase again in the West.

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