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PubMed:10075738 JSONTXT 22 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1 0-88 Sentence denotes Cloning and characterization of androgen receptor coactivator, ARA55, in human prostate.
T2 89-306 Sentence denotes Androgen receptor (AR) is a hormone-activated transcriptional factor that can bind to androgen response elements and that regulates the transcription of target genes via a mechanism that presumably involves cofactors.
T3 307-398 Sentence denotes We report here the cloning of a novel AR coactivator ARA55 using a yeast two-hybrid system.
T4 399-561 Sentence denotes ARA55 consists of 444 amino acids with the predicted molecular mass of 55 kDa and its sequence shows very high homology to mouse hic5, a TGF-beta1-inducible gene.
T5 562-695 Sentence denotes Yeast and mammalian two-hybrid systems and co-immunoprecipitation assays all prove ARA55 can bind to AR in a ligand-dependent manner.
T6 696-952 Sentence denotes Transient transfection assay in prostate cancer DU145 cells further demonstrates that ARA55 can enhance AR transcriptional activity in the presence of 1 nM dihydrotestosterone or its antagonists such as 100 nM 17beta-estradiol or 1 microM hydroxyflutamide.
T7 953-1072 Sentence denotes Our data also suggest the C-terminal half of ARA55, which includes three LIM motifs, is sufficient to interact with AR.
T8 1073-1216 Sentence denotes Northern blot and polymerase chain reaction quantitation showed ARA55 can be expressed differently in normal prostate and prostate tumor cells.
T9 1217-1364 Sentence denotes Together, our data suggests that ARA55 may play very important roles in the progression of prostate cancer by the modulation of AR transactivation.