PMC:3279418 / 8254-9575 JSONTXT 14 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T56 0-107 Sentence denotes 10.1371/journal.pone.0031809.g002 Figure 2 Effect of Sharpin mutation on DC subpopulations and maturation.
T13265 44-107 Sentence denotes Effect of Sharpin mutation on DC subpopulations and maturation.
T13266 108-203 Sentence denotes (A) Spleens from WT and cpdm mice were isolated and subject to collagenase and DNase digestion.
T57 108-203 Sentence denotes (A) Spleens from WT and cpdm mice were isolated and subject to collagenase and DNase digestion.
T13267 204-315 Sentence denotes The obtained splenic homogenates were centrifuged over a Percoll gradient (35% and 55% density) for 15 minutes.
T58 204-315 Sentence denotes The obtained splenic homogenates were centrifuged over a Percoll gradient (35% and 55% density) for 15 minutes.
T13268 316-663 Sentence denotes The bands at the 35%-medium and the 35–55% interface were pooled, washed and stained with a combination of various antibodies to stain different DC subsets, conventional CD11c+CD8α+, CD11c+CD8α− and plasmacytoid DC (CD11c−PDCA-1+).The top panels were gated on FSChiSSClo cells to show separate populations of CD11c+PDCA-1− and CD11c−PDCA-1+ cells.
T59 316-663 Sentence denotes The bands at the 35%-medium and the 35–55% interface were pooled, washed and stained with a combination of various antibodies to stain different DC subsets, conventional CD11c+CD8α+, CD11c+CD8α− and plasmacytoid DC (CD11c−PDCA-1+).The top panels were gated on FSChiSSClo cells to show separate populations of CD11c+PDCA-1− and CD11c−PDCA-1+ cells.
T13269 664-804 Sentence denotes Further gating on the CD11c+PDCA-1− subpopulation gave the bottom panel that showed two distinct pools of CD11c+CD8α+ and CD11c+CD8α− cells.
T60 664-804 Sentence denotes Further gating on the CD11c+PDCA-1− subpopulation gave the bottom panel that showed two distinct pools of CD11c+CD8α+ and CD11c+CD8α− cells.
T13270 805-1033 Sentence denotes Percentages were calculated based on the parental population and were additionally shown as bar graphs (n = 2) (B). (C) WT and cpdm BMDC (5×105) cells were stimulated with medium, 100 ng/ml LPS or 25 µg/ml poly I:C for 24 hours.
T61 805-1033 Sentence denotes Percentages were calculated based on the parental population and were additionally shown as bar graphs (n = 2) (B). (C) WT and cpdm BMDC (5×105) cells were stimulated with medium, 100 ng/ml LPS or 25 µg/ml poly I:C for 24 hours.
T13271 1034-1151 Sentence denotes The cells were labeled with PE-labeled anti-CD40, anti-CD80, and anti-CD86, and subjected to flow cytometry analysis.
T62 1034-1151 Sentence denotes The cells were labeled with PE-labeled anti-CD40, anti-CD80, and anti-CD86, and subjected to flow cytometry analysis.
T13272 1152-1215 Sentence denotes The populations shown in histograms were gated on CD11c+ cells.
T63 1152-1215 Sentence denotes The populations shown in histograms were gated on CD11c+ cells.
T13273 1216-1260 Sentence denotes Unstained cells served as negative controls.
T64 1216-1260 Sentence denotes Unstained cells served as negative controls.
T13274 1261-1319 Sentence denotes Results are representative of two independent experiments.
T65 1261-1319 Sentence denotes Results are representative of two independent experiments.