> top > projects > kaiyin_test > docs > PubMed:28472301 > annotations

PubMed:28472301 JSONTXT 28 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE-old TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2 4-20 PosReg denotes gain-of-function
T3 21-29 Var denotes mutation
T1 36-43 Gene denotes CACNA1D
T4 75-100 Disease denotes autism spectrum disorders
T5 105-113 Disease denotes epilepsy
T6 938-943 Var denotes V401L
T7 1007-1015 PosReg denotes enhanced
T8 1016-1033 MPA denotes current densities
T9 1208-1215 Var denotes changes
T10 1242-1250 PosReg denotes enhanced
T11 1251-1282 MPA denotes Ca2+-influx through the channel
R1 T3 T2 CauseOf mutation,gain-of-function
R2 T4 T2 ThemeOf autism spectrum disorders,gain-of-function
R3 T5 T2 ThemeOf epilepsy,gain-of-function
R4 T1 T3 ThemeOf CACNA1D,mutation
R5 T8 T7 ThemeOf current densities,enhanced
R6 T11 T10 ThemeOf Ca2+-influx through the channel,enhanced
R7 T6 T7 CauseOf V401L,enhanced
R8 T9 T10 CauseOf changes,enhanced