PMC:549712 / 46635-47948 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13733 0-4 JJ denotes Many
T13735 5-13 JJ denotes previous
T13736 14-24 JJ denotes functional
T13734 25-32 NNS denotes studies
T13738 33-37 WDT denotes that
T13739 38-46 VBD denotes reported
T13740 47-48 DT denotes a
T13741 49-60 NN denotes requirement
T13742 61-64 IN denotes for
T13743 65-70 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13744 71-74 IN denotes for
T13745 75-78 DT denotes the
T13746 79-91 NN denotes phagocytosis
T13747 92-94 IN denotes of
T13748 95-104 JJ denotes apoptotic
T13749 105-110 NNS denotes cells
T13737 111-115 VBD denotes used
T13750 116-119 DT denotes the
T13752 120-130 JJ denotes monoclonal
T13753 131-141 JJ denotes anti-Ptdsr
T13751 142-150 NN denotes antibody
T13754 151-154 NN denotes mAb
T13755 155-162 NN denotes 217G8E9
T13756 163-164 -LRB- denotes [
T13757 164-166 CD denotes 26
T13758 166-167 -RRB- denotes ]
T13759 167-168 . denotes .
T13760 168-411 sentence denotes This antibody was used in Ptdsr binding and blocking experiments, as well as in subcellular localization studies, which led to the conclusion that Ptdsr is a transmembrane receptor critical for signal transduction at the engulfment interface.
T13761 169-173 DT denotes This
T13762 174-182 NN denotes antibody
T13764 183-186 VBD denotes was
T13763 187-191 VBN denotes used
T13765 192-194 IN denotes in
T13766 195-200 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13768 201-208 NN denotes binding
T13769 209-212 CC denotes and
T13770 213-221 NN denotes blocking
T13767 222-233 NNS denotes experiments
T13771 233-235 , denotes ,
T13772 235-237 RB denotes as
T13774 238-242 RB denotes well
T13773 243-245 IN denotes as
T13775 246-248 IN denotes in
T13776 249-260 JJ denotes subcellular
T13778 261-273 NN denotes localization
T13777 274-281 NNS denotes studies
T13779 281-283 , denotes ,
T13780 283-288 WDT denotes which
T13781 289-292 VBD denotes led
T13782 293-295 IN denotes to
T13783 296-299 DT denotes the
T13784 300-310 NN denotes conclusion
T13785 311-315 IN denotes that
T13787 316-321 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13786 322-324 VBZ denotes is
T13788 325-326 DT denotes a
T13790 327-340 NN denotes transmembrane
T13789 341-349 NN denotes receptor
T13791 350-358 JJ denotes critical
T13792 359-362 IN denotes for
T13793 363-369 NN denotes signal
T13794 370-382 NN denotes transduction
T13795 383-385 IN denotes at
T13796 386-389 DT denotes the
T13798 390-400 NN denotes engulfment
T13797 401-410 NN denotes interface
T13799 410-411 . denotes .
T13800 411-542 sentence denotes More recently it was used in binding assays to show that the human and worm Ptdsr molecules can recognize phosphatidylserine [45].
T13801 412-416 RBR denotes More
T13802 417-425 RB denotes recently
T13804 426-428 PRP denotes it
T13805 429-432 VBD denotes was
T13803 433-437 VBN denotes used
T13806 438-440 IN denotes in
T13807 441-448 NN denotes binding
T13808 449-455 NNS denotes assays
T13809 456-458 TO denotes to
T13810 459-463 VB denotes show
T13811 464-468 IN denotes that
T13813 469-472 DT denotes the
T13815 473-478 JJ denotes human
T13816 479-482 CC denotes and
T13817 483-487 NN denotes worm
T13818 488-493 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13814 494-503 NNS denotes molecules
T13819 504-507 MD denotes can
T13812 508-517 VB denotes recognize
T13820 518-536 NN denotes phosphatidylserine
T13821 537-538 -LRB- denotes [
T13822 538-540 CD denotes 45
T13823 540-541 -RRB- denotes ]
T13824 541-542 . denotes .
T13825 542-766 sentence denotes In the course of the study presented here, we stained immunohistochemically for Ptdsr with mAb 217G8E9 on wild-type and Ptdsr-deficient macrophages and fibroblasts (see Additional data file 1, Figure S2 and data not shown).
T13826 543-545 IN denotes In
T13828 546-549 DT denotes the
T13829 550-556 NN denotes course
T13830 557-559 IN denotes of
T13831 560-563 DT denotes the
T13832 564-569 NN denotes study
T13833 570-579 VBN denotes presented
T13834 580-584 RB denotes here
T13835 584-586 , denotes ,
T13836 586-588 PRP denotes we
T13827 589-596 VBD denotes stained
T13837 597-618 RB denotes immunohistochemically
T13838 619-622 IN denotes for
T13839 623-628 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13840 629-633 IN denotes with
T13841 634-637 NN denotes mAb
T13842 638-645 NN denotes 217G8E9
T13843 646-648 IN denotes on
T13844 649-653 JJ denotes wild
T13846 653-654 HYPH denotes -
T13845 654-658 NN denotes type
T13848 659-662 CC denotes and
T13849 663-668 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13851 668-669 HYPH denotes -
T13850 669-678 JJ denotes deficient
T13847 679-690 NNS denotes macrophages
T13852 691-694 CC denotes and
T13853 695-706 NNS denotes fibroblasts
T13854 707-708 -LRB- denotes (
T13855 708-711 VB denotes see
T13856 712-722 JJ denotes Additional
T13857 723-727 NNS denotes data
T13858 728-732 NN denotes file
T13859 733-734 CD denotes 1
T13860 734-736 , denotes ,
T13861 736-742 NN denotes Figure
T13862 743-745 NN denotes S2
T13863 746-749 CC denotes and
T13864 750-754 NNS denotes data
T13865 755-758 RB denotes not
T13866 759-764 VBN denotes shown
T13867 764-765 -RRB- denotes )
T13868 765-766 . denotes .
T13869 766-851 sentence denotes To our surprise, we observed similar staining patterns with cells of both genotypes.
T13870 767-769 IN denotes To
T13872 770-773 PRP$ denotes our
T13873 774-782 NN denotes surprise
T13874 782-784 , denotes ,
T13875 784-786 PRP denotes we
T13871 787-795 VBD denotes observed
T13876 796-803 JJ denotes similar
T13878 804-812 NN denotes staining
T13877 813-821 NNS denotes patterns
T13879 822-826 IN denotes with
T13880 827-832 NNS denotes cells
T13881 833-835 IN denotes of
T13882 836-840 DT denotes both
T13883 841-850 NNS denotes genotypes
T13884 850-851 . denotes .
T13885 851-1167 sentence denotes Furthermore, using a Ptdsr-peptide array we found that mAb 217G8E9 can bind weakly to a Ptdsr peptide, explaining the original isolation of Ptdsr cDNA clones by phage display [26]; but the antibody mainly recognizes additional, as-yet unknown, membrane-associated protein(s) (see Additional data file 1, Figure S2).
T13886 852-863 RB denotes Furthermore
T13888 863-865 , denotes ,
T13889 865-870 VBG denotes using
T13890 871-872 DT denotes a
T13892 873-878 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13894 878-879 HYPH denotes -
T13893 879-886 NN denotes peptide
T13891 887-892 NN denotes array
T13895 893-895 PRP denotes we
T13887 896-901 VBD denotes found
T13896 902-906 IN denotes that
T13898 907-910 NN denotes mAb
T13899 911-918 NN denotes 217G8E9
T13900 919-922 MD denotes can
T13897 923-927 VB denotes bind
T13901 928-934 RB denotes weakly
T13902 935-937 IN denotes to
T13903 938-939 DT denotes a
T13905 940-945 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13904 946-953 NN denotes peptide
T13906 953-955 , denotes ,
T13907 955-965 VBG denotes explaining
T13908 966-969 DT denotes the
T13910 970-978 JJ denotes original
T13909 979-988 NN denotes isolation
T13911 989-991 IN denotes of
T13912 992-997 NN denotes Ptdsr
T13914 998-1002 NN denotes cDNA
T13913 1003-1009 NNS denotes clones
T13915 1010-1012 IN denotes by
T13916 1013-1018 NN denotes phage
T13917 1019-1026 NN denotes display
T13918 1027-1028 -LRB- denotes [
T13919 1028-1030 CD denotes 26
T13920 1030-1031 -RRB- denotes ]
T13921 1031-1032 : denotes ;
T13922 1033-1036 CC denotes but
T13923 1037-1040 DT denotes the
T13924 1041-1049 NN denotes antibody
T13926 1050-1056 RB denotes mainly
T13925 1057-1067 VBZ denotes recognizes
T13927 1068-1078 JJ denotes additional
T13929 1078-1080 , denotes ,
T13930 1080-1082 RB denotes as
T13932 1082-1083 HYPH denotes -
T13931 1083-1086 RB denotes yet
T13933 1087-1094 JJ denotes unknown
T13934 1094-1096 , denotes ,
T13935 1096-1104 NN denotes membrane
T13937 1104-1105 HYPH denotes -
T13936 1105-1115 VBN denotes associated
T13928 1116-1123 NN denotes protein
T13938 1123-1124 -LRB- denotes (
T13939 1124-1125 AFX denotes s
T13940 1125-1126 -RRB- denotes )
T13941 1127-1128 -LRB- denotes (
T13943 1128-1131 VB denotes see
T13944 1132-1142 JJ denotes Additional
T13945 1143-1147 NNS denotes data
T13946 1148-1152 NN denotes file
T13947 1153-1154 CD denotes 1
T13948 1154-1156 , denotes ,
T13949 1156-1162 NN denotes Figure
T13942 1163-1165 NN denotes S2
T13950 1165-1166 -RRB- denotes )
T13951 1166-1167 . denotes .
T13952 1167-1313 sentence denotes Experiments that have used this antibody should therefore be interpreted with great caution as they might come to be viewed in a different light.
T13953 1168-1179 NNS denotes Experiments
T13955 1180-1184 WDT denotes that
T13957 1185-1189 VBP denotes have
T13956 1190-1194 VBN denotes used
T13958 1195-1199 DT denotes this
T13959 1200-1208 NN denotes antibody
T13960 1209-1215 MD denotes should
T13961 1216-1225 RB denotes therefore
T13962 1226-1228 VB denotes be
T13954 1229-1240 VBN denotes interpreted
T13963 1241-1245 IN denotes with
T13964 1246-1251 JJ denotes great
T13965 1252-1259 NN denotes caution
T13966 1260-1262 IN denotes as
T13968 1263-1267 PRP denotes they
T13969 1268-1273 MD denotes might
T13967 1274-1278 VB denotes come
T13970 1279-1281 TO denotes to
T13972 1282-1284 VB denotes be
T13971 1285-1291 VBN denotes viewed
T13973 1292-1294 IN denotes in
T13974 1295-1296 DT denotes a
T13976 1297-1306 JJ denotes different
T13975 1307-1312 NN denotes light
T13977 1312-1313 . denotes .
R8228 T13733 T13734 amod Many,studies
R8229 T13734 T13737 nsubj studies,used
R8230 T13735 T13734 amod previous,studies
R8231 T13736 T13734 amod functional,studies
R8232 T13738 T13739 dep that,reported
R8233 T13739 T13734 relcl reported,studies
R8234 T13740 T13741 det a,requirement
R8235 T13741 T13739 dobj requirement,reported
R8236 T13742 T13741 prep for,requirement
R8237 T13743 T13742 pobj Ptdsr,for
R8238 T13744 T13741 prep for,requirement
R8239 T13745 T13746 det the,phagocytosis
R8240 T13746 T13744 pobj phagocytosis,for
R8241 T13747 T13746 prep of,phagocytosis
R8242 T13748 T13749 amod apoptotic,cells
R8243 T13749 T13747 pobj cells,of
R8244 T13750 T13751 det the,antibody
R8245 T13751 T13737 dobj antibody,used
R8246 T13752 T13751 amod monoclonal,antibody
R8247 T13753 T13751 amod anti-Ptdsr,antibody
R8248 T13754 T13755 compound mAb,217G8E9
R8249 T13755 T13751 appos 217G8E9,antibody
R8250 T13756 T13757 punct [,26
R8251 T13757 T13737 parataxis 26,used
R8252 T13758 T13757 punct ],26
R8253 T13759 T13737 punct .,used
R8254 T13761 T13762 det This,antibody
R8255 T13762 T13763 nsubjpass antibody,used
R8256 T13764 T13763 auxpass was,used
R8257 T13765 T13763 prep in,used
R8258 T13766 T13767 nmod Ptdsr,experiments
R8259 T13767 T13765 pobj experiments,in
R8260 T13768 T13767 nmod binding,experiments
R8261 T13769 T13768 cc and,binding
R8262 T13770 T13768 conj blocking,binding
R8263 T13771 T13765 punct ", ",in
R8264 T13772 T13773 advmod as,as
R8265 T13773 T13765 cc as,in
R8266 T13774 T13773 advmod well,as
R8267 T13775 T13765 conj in,in
R8268 T13776 T13777 amod subcellular,studies
R8269 T13777 T13775 pobj studies,in
R8270 T13778 T13777 compound localization,studies
R8271 T13779 T13777 punct ", ",studies
R8272 T13780 T13781 dep which,led
R8273 T13781 T13777 relcl led,studies
R8274 T13782 T13781 prep to,led
R8275 T13783 T13784 det the,conclusion
R8276 T13784 T13782 pobj conclusion,to
R8277 T13785 T13786 mark that,is
R8278 T13786 T13784 acl is,conclusion
R8279 T13787 T13786 nsubj Ptdsr,is
R8280 T13788 T13789 det a,receptor
R8281 T13789 T13786 attr receptor,is
R8282 T13790 T13789 compound transmembrane,receptor
R8283 T13791 T13789 amod critical,receptor
R8284 T13792 T13791 prep for,critical
R8285 T13793 T13794 compound signal,transduction
R8286 T13794 T13792 pobj transduction,for
R8287 T13795 T13794 prep at,transduction
R8288 T13796 T13797 det the,interface
R8289 T13797 T13795 pobj interface,at
R8290 T13798 T13797 compound engulfment,interface
R8291 T13799 T13763 punct .,used
R8292 T13801 T13802 advmod More,recently
R8293 T13802 T13803 advmod recently,used
R8294 T13804 T13803 nsubjpass it,used
R8295 T13805 T13803 auxpass was,used
R8296 T13806 T13803 prep in,used
R8297 T13807 T13808 compound binding,assays
R8298 T13808 T13806 pobj assays,in
R8299 T13809 T13810 aux to,show
R8300 T13810 T13803 advcl show,used
R8301 T13811 T13812 mark that,recognize
R8302 T13812 T13810 ccomp recognize,show
R8303 T13813 T13814 det the,molecules
R8304 T13814 T13812 nsubj molecules,recognize
R8305 T13815 T13814 amod human,molecules
R8306 T13816 T13815 cc and,human
R8307 T13817 T13815 conj worm,human
R8308 T13818 T13814 compound Ptdsr,molecules
R8309 T13819 T13812 aux can,recognize
R8310 T13820 T13812 dobj phosphatidylserine,recognize
R8311 T13821 T13822 punct [,45
R8312 T13822 T13803 parataxis 45,used
R8313 T13823 T13822 punct ],45
R8314 T13824 T13803 punct .,used
R8315 T13826 T13827 prep In,stained
R8316 T13828 T13829 det the,course
R8317 T13829 T13826 pobj course,In
R8318 T13830 T13829 prep of,course
R8319 T13831 T13832 det the,study
R8320 T13832 T13830 pobj study,of
R8321 T13833 T13832 acl presented,study
R8322 T13834 T13833 advmod here,presented
R8323 T13835 T13827 punct ", ",stained
R8324 T13836 T13827 nsubj we,stained
R8325 T13837 T13827 advmod immunohistochemically,stained
R8326 T13838 T13827 prep for,stained
R8327 T13839 T13838 pobj Ptdsr,for
R8328 T13840 T13827 prep with,stained
R8329 T13841 T13842 compound mAb,217G8E9
R8330 T13842 T13840 pobj 217G8E9,with
R8331 T13843 T13827 prep on,stained
R8332 T13844 T13845 amod wild,type
R8333 T13845 T13847 nmod type,macrophages
R8334 T13846 T13845 punct -,type
R8335 T13847 T13843 pobj macrophages,on
R8336 T13848 T13845 cc and,type
R8337 T13849 T13850 npadvmod Ptdsr,deficient
R8338 T13850 T13845 conj deficient,type
R8339 T13851 T13850 punct -,deficient
R8340 T13852 T13847 cc and,macrophages
R8341 T13853 T13847 conj fibroblasts,macrophages
R8342 T13854 T13855 punct (,see
R8343 T13855 T13827 parataxis see,stained
R8344 T13856 T13857 amod Additional,data
R8345 T13857 T13858 compound data,file
R8346 T13858 T13855 dobj file,see
R8347 T13859 T13858 nummod 1,file
R8348 T13860 T13858 punct ", ",file
R8349 T13861 T13862 compound Figure,S2
R8350 T13862 T13858 conj S2,file
R8351 T13863 T13862 cc and,S2
R8352 T13864 T13862 conj data,S2
R8353 T13865 T13866 neg not,shown
R8354 T13866 T13864 acl shown,data
R8355 T13867 T13855 punct ),see
R8356 T13868 T13827 punct .,stained
R8357 T13870 T13871 prep To,observed
R8358 T13872 T13873 poss our,surprise
R8359 T13873 T13870 pobj surprise,To
R8360 T13874 T13871 punct ", ",observed
R8361 T13875 T13871 nsubj we,observed
R8362 T13876 T13877 amod similar,patterns
R8363 T13877 T13871 dobj patterns,observed
R8364 T13878 T13877 compound staining,patterns
R8365 T13879 T13871 prep with,observed
R8366 T13880 T13879 pobj cells,with
R8367 T13881 T13880 prep of,cells
R8368 T13882 T13883 det both,genotypes
R8369 T13883 T13881 pobj genotypes,of
R8370 T13884 T13871 punct .,observed
R8371 T13886 T13887 advmod Furthermore,found
R8372 T13888 T13887 punct ", ",found
R8373 T13889 T13887 advcl using,found
R8374 T13890 T13891 det a,array
R8375 T13891 T13889 dobj array,using
R8376 T13892 T13893 compound Ptdsr,peptide
R8377 T13893 T13891 compound peptide,array
R8378 T13894 T13893 punct -,peptide
R8379 T13895 T13887 nsubj we,found
R8380 T13896 T13897 mark that,bind
R8381 T13897 T13887 ccomp bind,found
R8382 T13898 T13899 compound mAb,217G8E9
R8383 T13899 T13897 nsubj 217G8E9,bind
R8384 T13900 T13897 aux can,bind
R8385 T13901 T13897 advmod weakly,bind
R8386 T13902 T13897 prep to,bind
R8387 T13903 T13904 det a,peptide
R8388 T13904 T13902 pobj peptide,to
R8389 T13905 T13904 compound Ptdsr,peptide
R8390 T13906 T13897 punct ", ",bind
R8391 T13907 T13897 advcl explaining,bind
R8392 T13908 T13909 det the,isolation
R8393 T13909 T13907 dobj isolation,explaining
R8394 T13910 T13909 amod original,isolation
R8395 T13911 T13909 prep of,isolation
R8396 T13912 T13913 compound Ptdsr,clones
R8397 T13913 T13911 pobj clones,of
R8398 T13914 T13913 compound cDNA,clones
R8399 T13915 T13909 prep by,isolation
R8400 T13916 T13917 compound phage,display
R8401 T13917 T13915 pobj display,by
R8402 T13918 T13919 punct [,26
R8403 T13919 T13887 parataxis 26,found
R8404 T13920 T13919 punct ],26
R8405 T13921 T13887 punct ;,found
R8406 T13922 T13887 cc but,found
R8407 T13923 T13924 det the,antibody
R8408 T13924 T13925 nsubj antibody,recognizes
R8409 T13925 T13887 conj recognizes,found
R8410 T13926 T13925 advmod mainly,recognizes
R8411 T13927 T13928 amod additional,protein
R8412 T13928 T13925 dobj protein,recognizes
R8413 T13929 T13928 punct ", ",protein
R8414 T13930 T13931 advmod as,yet
R8415 T13931 T13933 advmod yet,unknown
R8416 T13932 T13931 punct -,yet
R8417 T13933 T13928 amod unknown,protein
R8418 T13934 T13928 punct ", ",protein
R8419 T13935 T13936 npadvmod membrane,associated
R8420 T13936 T13928 amod associated,protein
R8421 T13937 T13936 punct -,associated
R8422 T13938 T13928 punct (,protein
R8423 T13939 T13928 nmod s,protein
R8424 T13940 T13928 punct ),protein
R8425 T13941 T13942 punct (,S2
R8426 T13942 T13925 parataxis S2,recognizes
R8427 T13943 T13942 advcl see,S2
R8428 T13944 T13945 amod Additional,data
R8429 T13945 T13946 compound data,file
R8430 T13946 T13943 dobj file,see
R8431 T13947 T13946 nummod 1,file
R8432 T13948 T13942 punct ", ",S2
R8433 T13949 T13942 compound Figure,S2
R8434 T13950 T13942 punct ),S2
R8435 T13951 T13925 punct .,recognizes
R8436 T13953 T13954 nsubjpass Experiments,interpreted
R8437 T13955 T13956 dep that,used
R8438 T13956 T13953 relcl used,Experiments
R8439 T13957 T13956 aux have,used
R8440 T13958 T13959 det this,antibody
R8441 T13959 T13956 dobj antibody,used
R8442 T13960 T13954 aux should,interpreted
R8443 T13961 T13954 advmod therefore,interpreted
R8444 T13962 T13954 auxpass be,interpreted
R8445 T13963 T13954 prep with,interpreted
R8446 T13964 T13965 amod great,caution
R8447 T13965 T13963 pobj caution,with
R8448 T13966 T13967 mark as,come
R8449 T13967 T13954 advcl come,interpreted
R8450 T13968 T13967 nsubj they,come
R8451 T13969 T13967 aux might,come
R8452 T13970 T13971 aux to,viewed
R8453 T13971 T13967 xcomp viewed,come
R8454 T13972 T13971 auxpass be,viewed
R8455 T13973 T13971 prep in,viewed
R8456 T13974 T13975 det a,light
R8457 T13975 T13973 pobj light,in
R8458 T13976 T13975 amod different,light
R8459 T13977 T13954 punct .,interpreted