PMC:549712 / 132-531 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T289 0-12 NN denotes Phagocytosis
T291 13-15 IN denotes of
T292 16-25 JJ denotes apoptotic
T293 26-31 NNS denotes cells
T290 32-34 VBZ denotes is
T294 35-46 JJ denotes fundamental
T295 47-49 IN denotes to
T296 50-56 NN denotes animal
T297 57-68 NN denotes development
T298 68-70 , denotes ,
T299 70-76 JJ denotes immune
T300 77-85 NN denotes function
T301 86-89 CC denotes and
T302 90-98 JJ denotes cellular
T303 99-110 NN denotes homeostasis
T304 110-111 . denotes .
T305 111-274 sentence denotes The phosphatidylserine receptor (Ptdsr) on phagocytes has been implicated in the recognition and engulfment of apoptotic cells and in anti-inflammatory signaling.
T306 112-115 DT denotes The
T308 116-134 NN denotes phosphatidylserine
T307 135-143 NN denotes receptor
T310 144-145 -LRB- denotes (
T311 145-150 NN denotes Ptdsr
T312 150-151 -RRB- denotes )
T313 152-154 IN denotes on
T314 155-165 NNS denotes phagocytes
T315 166-169 VBZ denotes has
T316 170-174 VBN denotes been
T309 175-185 VBN denotes implicated
T317 186-188 IN denotes in
T318 189-192 DT denotes the
T319 193-204 NN denotes recognition
T320 205-208 CC denotes and
T321 209-219 NN denotes engulfment
T322 220-222 IN denotes of
T323 223-232 JJ denotes apoptotic
T324 233-238 NNS denotes cells
T325 239-242 CC denotes and
T326 243-245 IN denotes in
T327 246-263 JJ denotes anti-inflammatory
T328 264-273 NN denotes signaling
T329 273-274 . denotes .
T330 274-399 sentence denotes To determine the biological function of the phosphatidylserine receptor in vivo, we inactivated the Ptdsr gene in the mouse.
T331 275-277 TO denotes To
T332 278-287 VB denotes determine
T334 288-291 DT denotes the
T336 292-302 JJ denotes biological
T335 303-311 NN denotes function
T337 312-314 IN denotes of
T338 315-318 DT denotes the
T340 319-337 NN denotes phosphatidylserine
T339 338-346 NN denotes receptor
T341 347-349 FW denotes in
T342 350-354 FW denotes vivo
T343 354-356 , denotes ,
T344 356-358 PRP denotes we
T333 359-370 VBD denotes inactivated
T345 371-374 DT denotes the
T347 375-380 NN denotes Ptdsr
T346 381-385 NN denotes gene
T348 386-388 IN denotes in
T349 389-392 DT denotes the
T350 393-398 NN denotes mouse
T351 398-399 . denotes .
R17 T289 T290 nsubj Phagocytosis,is
R18 T291 T289 prep of,Phagocytosis
R19 T292 T293 amod apoptotic,cells
R20 T293 T291 pobj cells,of
R21 T294 T290 acomp fundamental,is
R22 T295 T294 prep to,fundamental
R23 T296 T297 compound animal,development
R24 T297 T295 pobj development,to
R25 T298 T297 punct ", ",development
R26 T299 T300 amod immune,function
R27 T300 T297 conj function,development
R28 T301 T300 cc and,function
R29 T302 T303 amod cellular,homeostasis
R30 T303 T300 conj homeostasis,function
R31 T304 T290 punct .,is
R32 T306 T307 det The,receptor
R33 T307 T309 nsubjpass receptor,implicated
R34 T308 T307 compound phosphatidylserine,receptor
R35 T310 T307 punct (,receptor
R36 T311 T307 appos Ptdsr,receptor
R37 T312 T307 punct ),receptor
R38 T313 T307 prep on,receptor
R39 T314 T313 pobj phagocytes,on
R40 T315 T309 aux has,implicated
R41 T316 T309 auxpass been,implicated
R42 T317 T309 prep in,implicated
R43 T318 T319 det the,recognition
R44 T319 T317 pobj recognition,in
R45 T320 T319 cc and,recognition
R46 T321 T319 conj engulfment,recognition
R47 T322 T319 prep of,recognition
R48 T323 T324 amod apoptotic,cells
R49 T324 T322 pobj cells,of
R50 T325 T317 cc and,in
R51 T326 T317 conj in,in
R52 T327 T328 amod anti-inflammatory,signaling
R53 T328 T326 pobj signaling,in
R54 T329 T309 punct .,implicated
R55 T331 T332 aux To,determine
R56 T332 T333 advcl determine,inactivated
R57 T334 T335 det the,function
R58 T335 T332 dobj function,determine
R59 T336 T335 amod biological,function
R60 T337 T335 prep of,function
R61 T338 T339 det the,receptor
R62 T339 T337 pobj receptor,of
R63 T340 T339 compound phosphatidylserine,receptor
R64 T341 T342 advmod in,vivo
R65 T342 T335 advmod vivo,function
R66 T343 T333 punct ", ",inactivated
R67 T344 T333 nsubj we,inactivated
R68 T345 T346 det the,gene
R69 T346 T333 dobj gene,inactivated
R70 T347 T346 compound Ptdsr,gene
R71 T348 T333 prep in,inactivated
R72 T349 T350 det the,mouse
R73 T350 T348 pobj mouse,in
R74 T351 T333 punct .,inactivated