Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T9176 |
0-8 |
NN |
denotes |
Analysis |
T9177 |
9-11 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9178 |
12-20 |
JJ |
denotes |
marginal |
T9180 |
21-24 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T9181 |
25-30 |
JJ |
denotes |
basal |
T9179 |
31-35 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9182 |
36-44 |
denotes |
barriers |
T9183 |
45-47 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T9184 |
48-50 |
IN |
denotes |
in |
T9185 |
51-58 |
NN |
denotes |
Slc26a4 |
T9187 |
58-59 |
denotes |
- |
T9188 |
59-60 |
denotes |
/ |
T9189 |
60-61 |
denotes |
- |
T9186 |
62-66 |
denotes |
mice |
T9190 |
66-67 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9191 |
67-111 |
sentence |
denotes |
Tight junctions were visualized by F actin. |
T9192 |
68-73 |
JJ |
denotes |
Tight |
T9193 |
74-83 |
denotes |
junctions |
T9195 |
84-88 |
denotes |
were |
T9194 |
89-99 |
denotes |
visualized |
T9196 |
100-102 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T9197 |
103-104 |
NN |
denotes |
F |
T9198 |
105-110 |
NN |
denotes |
actin |
T9199 |
110-111 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9200 |
111-232 |
sentence |
denotes |
Whole-mounts of stria vascularis were viewed either from the basal cell side (a-f) or from the marginal cell side (g-l). |
T9201 |
112-117 |
JJ |
denotes |
Whole |
T9203 |
117-118 |
denotes |
- |
T9202 |
118-124 |
denotes |
mounts |
T9205 |
125-127 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9206 |
128-133 |
NN |
denotes |
stria |
T9207 |
134-144 |
NN |
denotes |
vascularis |
T9208 |
145-149 |
denotes |
were |
T9204 |
150-156 |
denotes |
viewed |
T9209 |
157-163 |
CC |
denotes |
either |
T9210 |
164-168 |
IN |
denotes |
from |
T9211 |
169-172 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9213 |
173-178 |
JJ |
denotes |
basal |
T9214 |
179-183 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9212 |
184-188 |
NN |
denotes |
side |
T9215 |
189-190 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9216 |
190-191 |
NN |
denotes |
a |
T9217 |
191-192 |
denotes |
- |
T9218 |
192-193 |
NN |
denotes |
f |
T9219 |
193-194 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9220 |
195-197 |
CC |
denotes |
or |
T9221 |
198-202 |
IN |
denotes |
from |
T9222 |
203-206 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9224 |
207-215 |
JJ |
denotes |
marginal |
T9225 |
216-220 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9223 |
221-225 |
NN |
denotes |
side |
T9226 |
226-227 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9227 |
227-228 |
NN |
denotes |
g |
T9228 |
228-229 |
denotes |
- |
T9229 |
229-230 |
NN |
denotes |
l |
T9230 |
230-231 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9231 |
231-232 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9232 |
232-317 |
sentence |
denotes |
Bright field images verify that the same area was viewed from either side (b and h). |
T9233 |
233-239 |
JJ |
denotes |
Bright |
T9234 |
240-245 |
NN |
denotes |
field |
T9235 |
246-252 |
denotes |
images |
T9236 |
253-259 |
denotes |
verify |
T9237 |
260-264 |
IN |
denotes |
that |
T9239 |
265-268 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9241 |
269-273 |
JJ |
denotes |
same |
T9240 |
274-278 |
NN |
denotes |
area |
T9242 |
279-282 |
denotes |
was |
T9238 |
283-289 |
denotes |
viewed |
T9243 |
290-294 |
IN |
denotes |
from |
T9244 |
295-301 |
CC |
denotes |
either |
T9245 |
302-306 |
NN |
denotes |
side |
T9246 |
307-308 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9247 |
308-309 |
NN |
denotes |
b |
T9248 |
310-313 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T9249 |
314-315 |
NN |
denotes |
h |
T9250 |
315-316 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9251 |
316-317 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9252 |
317-450 |
sentence |
denotes |
Colored bright field images were mixed with images of F actin staining to indicate the position of pigment granules (d, j, f and l). |
T9253 |
318-325 |
JJ |
denotes |
Colored |
T9255 |
326-332 |
JJ |
denotes |
bright |
T9256 |
333-338 |
NN |
denotes |
field |
T9254 |
339-345 |
denotes |
images |
T9258 |
346-350 |
denotes |
were |
T9257 |
351-356 |
denotes |
mixed |
T9259 |
357-361 |
IN |
denotes |
with |
T9260 |
362-368 |
denotes |
images |
T9261 |
369-371 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9262 |
372-373 |
NN |
denotes |
F |
T9263 |
374-379 |
NN |
denotes |
actin |
T9264 |
380-388 |
NN |
denotes |
staining |
T9265 |
389-391 |
TO |
denotes |
to |
T9266 |
392-400 |
VB |
denotes |
indicate |
T9267 |
401-404 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9268 |
405-413 |
NN |
denotes |
position |
T9269 |
414-416 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9270 |
417-424 |
NN |
denotes |
pigment |
T9271 |
425-433 |
denotes |
granules |
T9272 |
434-435 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9273 |
435-436 |
NN |
denotes |
d |
T9274 |
436-438 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T9275 |
438-439 |
NN |
denotes |
j |
T9276 |
439-441 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T9277 |
441-442 |
NN |
denotes |
f |
T9278 |
443-446 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T9279 |
447-448 |
NN |
denotes |
l |
T9280 |
448-449 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9281 |
449-450 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9282 |
450-577 |
sentence |
denotes |
Focus was varied to either visualize the marginal cell barrier (SMC, c-d and i-j) or the basal cell barrier (BC, e-f and k-l). |
T9283 |
451-456 |
NN |
denotes |
Focus |
T9285 |
457-460 |
denotes |
was |
T9284 |
461-467 |
denotes |
varied |
T9286 |
468-470 |
TO |
denotes |
to |
T9288 |
471-477 |
CC |
denotes |
either |
T9287 |
478-487 |
VB |
denotes |
visualize |
T9289 |
488-491 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9291 |
492-500 |
JJ |
denotes |
marginal |
T9292 |
501-505 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9290 |
506-513 |
NN |
denotes |
barrier |
T9293 |
514-515 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9295 |
515-518 |
NN |
denotes |
T9296 |
518-520 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T9294 |
520-521 |
NN |
denotes |
c |
T9297 |
521-522 |
denotes |
- |
T9298 |
522-523 |
NN |
denotes |
d |
T9299 |
524-527 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T9300 |
528-529 |
NN |
denotes |
i |
T9301 |
529-530 |
denotes |
- |
T9302 |
530-531 |
NN |
denotes |
j |
T9303 |
531-532 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9304 |
533-535 |
CC |
denotes |
or |
T9305 |
536-539 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9307 |
540-545 |
JJ |
denotes |
basal |
T9308 |
546-550 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9306 |
551-558 |
NN |
denotes |
barrier |
T9309 |
559-560 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9311 |
560-562 |
NN |
denotes |
BC |
T9312 |
562-564 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T9310 |
564-565 |
NN |
denotes |
e |
T9313 |
565-566 |
denotes |
- |
T9314 |
566-567 |
NN |
denotes |
f |
T9315 |
568-571 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T9316 |
572-573 |
NN |
denotes |
k |
T9317 |
573-574 |
denotes |
- |
T9318 |
574-575 |
NN |
denotes |
l |
T9319 |
575-576 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9320 |
576-577 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9321 |
577-662 |
sentence |
denotes |
Both the marginal cell (e-f) and the basal cell barrier (i-f) appeared to be intact. |
T9322 |
578-582 |
CC |
denotes |
Both |
T9324 |
583-586 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9325 |
587-595 |
JJ |
denotes |
marginal |
T9323 |
596-600 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9327 |
601-602 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9328 |
602-603 |
NN |
denotes |
e |
T9329 |
603-604 |
denotes |
- |
T9330 |
604-605 |
NN |
denotes |
f |
T9331 |
605-606 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9332 |
607-610 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T9333 |
611-614 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9335 |
615-620 |
JJ |
denotes |
basal |
T9334 |
621-625 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9336 |
626-633 |
NN |
denotes |
barrier |
T9337 |
634-635 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9338 |
635-636 |
NN |
denotes |
i |
T9339 |
636-637 |
denotes |
- |
T9340 |
637-638 |
NN |
denotes |
f |
T9341 |
638-639 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9326 |
640-648 |
denotes |
appeared |
T9342 |
649-651 |
TO |
denotes |
to |
T9343 |
652-654 |
VB |
denotes |
be |
T9344 |
655-661 |
JJ |
denotes |
intact |
T9345 |
661-662 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9346 |
662-750 |
sentence |
denotes |
It was critical for this finding that pigmentation did not block the path of the laser. |
T9347 |
663-665 |
denotes |
It |
T9348 |
666-669 |
denotes |
was |
T9349 |
670-678 |
JJ |
denotes |
critical |
T9350 |
679-682 |
IN |
denotes |
for |
T9351 |
683-687 |
DT |
denotes |
this |
T9352 |
688-695 |
NN |
denotes |
finding |
T9353 |
696-700 |
IN |
denotes |
that |
T9355 |
701-713 |
NN |
denotes |
pigmentation |
T9356 |
714-717 |
denotes |
did |
T9357 |
718-721 |
RB |
denotes |
not |
T9354 |
722-727 |
VB |
denotes |
block |
T9358 |
728-731 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9359 |
732-736 |
NN |
denotes |
path |
T9360 |
737-739 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9361 |
740-743 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9362 |
744-749 |
NN |
denotes |
laser |
T9363 |
749-750 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9364 |
750-895 |
sentence |
denotes |
Blockage of the laser by pigmentation produces the untrue impression of a discontinuous marginal cell barrier (c-d) or basal cell barrier (k-l). |
T9365 |
751-759 |
NN |
denotes |
Blockage |
T9367 |
760-762 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9368 |
763-766 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9369 |
767-772 |
NN |
denotes |
laser |
T9370 |
773-775 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T9371 |
776-788 |
NN |
denotes |
pigmentation |
T9366 |
789-797 |
denotes |
produces |
T9372 |
798-801 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T9374 |
802-808 |
JJ |
denotes |
untrue |
T9373 |
809-819 |
NN |
denotes |
impression |
T9375 |
820-822 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9376 |
823-824 |
DT |
denotes |
a |
T9378 |
825-838 |
JJ |
denotes |
discontinuous |
T9379 |
839-847 |
JJ |
denotes |
marginal |
T9380 |
848-852 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9377 |
853-860 |
NN |
denotes |
barrier |
T9381 |
861-862 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9382 |
862-863 |
NN |
denotes |
c |
T9383 |
863-864 |
denotes |
- |
T9384 |
864-865 |
NN |
denotes |
d |
T9385 |
865-866 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9386 |
867-869 |
CC |
denotes |
or |
T9387 |
870-875 |
JJ |
denotes |
basal |
T9388 |
876-880 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T9389 |
881-888 |
NN |
denotes |
barrier |
T9390 |
889-890 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T9391 |
890-891 |
NN |
denotes |
k |
T9392 |
891-892 |
denotes |
- |
T9393 |
892-893 |
NN |
denotes |
l |
T9394 |
893-894 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T9395 |
894-895 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9396 |
895-968 |
sentence |
denotes |
Comparison of images is aided by marking a significant area with a star. |
T9397 |
896-906 |
NN |
denotes |
Comparison |
T9399 |
907-909 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T9400 |
910-916 |
denotes |
images |
T9401 |
917-919 |
denotes |
is |
T9398 |
920-925 |
denotes |
aided |
T9402 |
926-928 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T9403 |
929-936 |
denotes |
marking |
T9404 |
937-938 |
DT |
denotes |
a |
T9406 |
939-950 |
JJ |
denotes |
significant |
T9405 |
951-955 |
NN |
denotes |
area |
T9407 |
956-960 |
IN |
denotes |
with |
T9408 |
961-962 |
DT |
denotes |
a |
T9409 |
963-967 |
NN |
denotes |
star |
T9410 |
967-968 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T9411 |
968-982 |
sentence |
denotes |
Bars = 10 μm. |
T9412 |
969-973 |
denotes |
Bars |
T9414 |
974-975 |
denotes |
= |
T9415 |
976-978 |
CD |
denotes |
10 |
T9413 |
979-981 |
denotes |
μm |
T9416 |
981-982 |
. |
denotes |
. |
R5658 |
T9177 |
T9176 |
prep |
of,Analysis |
R5659 |
T9178 |
T9179 |
amod |
marginal,cell |
R5660 |
T9179 |
T9182 |
compound |
cell,barriers |
R5661 |
T9180 |
T9178 |
cc |
and,marginal |
R5662 |
T9181 |
T9178 |
conj |
basal,marginal |
R5663 |
T9182 |
T9177 |
pobj |
barriers,of |
R5664 |
T9183 |
T9182 |
nmod |
by,barriers |
R5665 |
T9184 |
T9182 |
prep |
in,barriers |
R5666 |
T9185 |
T9186 |
nmod |
Slc26a4,mice |
R5667 |
T9186 |
T9184 |
pobj |
mice,in |
R5668 |
T9187 |
T9185 |
punct |
-,Slc26a4 |
R5669 |
T9188 |
T9185 |
punct |
/,Slc26a4 |
R5670 |
T9189 |
T9185 |
punct |
-,Slc26a4 |
R5671 |
T9190 |
T9176 |
punct |
.,Analysis |
R5672 |
T9192 |
T9193 |
amod |
Tight,junctions |
R5673 |
T9193 |
T9194 |
nsubjpass |
junctions,visualized |
R5674 |
T9195 |
T9194 |
auxpass |
were,visualized |
R5675 |
T9196 |
T9194 |
prep |
by,visualized |
R5676 |
T9197 |
T9198 |
compound |
F,actin |
R5677 |
T9198 |
T9196 |
pobj |
actin,by |
R5678 |
T9199 |
T9194 |
punct |
.,visualized |
R5679 |
T9201 |
T9202 |
amod |
Whole,mounts |
R5680 |
T9202 |
T9204 |
nsubjpass |
mounts,viewed |
R5681 |
T9203 |
T9202 |
punct |
-,mounts |
R5682 |
T9205 |
T9202 |
prep |
of,mounts |
R5683 |
T9206 |
T9207 |
compound |
stria,vascularis |
R5684 |
T9207 |
T9205 |
pobj |
vascularis,of |
R5685 |
T9208 |
T9204 |
auxpass |
were,viewed |
R5686 |
T9209 |
T9210 |
preconj |
either,from |
R5687 |
T9210 |
T9204 |
prep |
from,viewed |
R5688 |
T9211 |
T9212 |
det |
the,side |
R5689 |
T9212 |
T9210 |
pobj |
side,from |
R5690 |
T9213 |
T9214 |
amod |
basal,cell |
R5691 |
T9214 |
T9212 |
compound |
cell,side |
R5692 |
T9215 |
T9216 |
punct |
(,a |
R5693 |
T9216 |
T9212 |
parataxis |
a,side |
R5694 |
T9217 |
T9218 |
punct |
-,f |
R5695 |
T9218 |
T9216 |
prep |
f,a |
R5696 |
T9219 |
T9216 |
punct |
),a |
R5697 |
T9220 |
T9210 |
cc |
or,from |
R5698 |
T9221 |
T9210 |
conj |
from,from |
R5699 |
T9222 |
T9223 |
det |
the,side |
R5700 |
T9223 |
T9221 |
pobj |
side,from |
R5701 |
T9224 |
T9225 |
amod |
marginal,cell |
R5702 |
T9225 |
T9223 |
compound |
cell,side |
R5703 |
T9226 |
T9227 |
punct |
(,g |
R5704 |
T9227 |
T9223 |
parataxis |
g,side |
R5705 |
T9228 |
T9229 |
punct |
-,l |
R5706 |
T9229 |
T9227 |
prep |
l,g |
R5707 |
T9230 |
T9227 |
punct |
),g |
R5708 |
T9231 |
T9204 |
punct |
.,viewed |
R5709 |
T9233 |
T9234 |
amod |
Bright,field |
R5710 |
T9234 |
T9235 |
compound |
field,images |
R5711 |
T9235 |
T9236 |
nsubj |
images,verify |
R5712 |
T9237 |
T9238 |
mark |
that,viewed |
R5713 |
T9238 |
T9236 |
ccomp |
viewed,verify |
R5714 |
T9239 |
T9240 |
det |
the,area |
R5715 |
T9240 |
T9238 |
nsubjpass |
area,viewed |
R5716 |
T9241 |
T9240 |
amod |
same,area |
R5717 |
T9242 |
T9238 |
auxpass |
was,viewed |
R5718 |
T9243 |
T9238 |
prep |
from,viewed |
R5719 |
T9244 |
T9245 |
preconj |
either,side |
R5720 |
T9245 |
T9243 |
pobj |
side,from |
R5721 |
T9246 |
T9247 |
punct |
(,b |
R5722 |
T9247 |
T9236 |
parataxis |
b,verify |
R5723 |
T9248 |
T9247 |
cc |
and,b |
R5724 |
T9249 |
T9247 |
conj |
h,b |
R5725 |
T9250 |
T9247 |
punct |
),b |
R5726 |
T9251 |
T9236 |
punct |
.,verify |
R5727 |
T9253 |
T9254 |
amod |
Colored,images |
R5728 |
T9254 |
T9257 |
nsubjpass |
images,mixed |
R5729 |
T9255 |
T9256 |
amod |
bright,field |
R5730 |
T9256 |
T9254 |
compound |
field,images |
R5731 |
T9258 |
T9257 |
auxpass |
were,mixed |
R5732 |
T9259 |
T9257 |
prep |
with,mixed |
R5733 |
T9260 |
T9259 |
pobj |
images,with |
R5734 |
T9261 |
T9260 |
prep |
of,images |
R5735 |
T9262 |
T9263 |
compound |
F,actin |
R5736 |
T9263 |
T9264 |
compound |
actin,staining |
R5737 |
T9264 |
T9261 |
pobj |
staining,of |
R5738 |
T9265 |
T9266 |
aux |
to,indicate |
R5739 |
T9266 |
T9257 |
advcl |
indicate,mixed |
R5740 |
T9267 |
T9268 |
det |
the,position |
R5741 |
T9268 |
T9266 |
dobj |
position,indicate |
R5742 |
T9269 |
T9268 |
prep |
of,position |
R5743 |
T9270 |
T9271 |
compound |
pigment,granules |
R5744 |
T9271 |
T9269 |
pobj |
granules,of |
R5745 |
T9272 |
T9273 |
punct |
(,d |
R5746 |
T9273 |
T9257 |
parataxis |
d,mixed |
R5747 |
T9274 |
T9273 |
punct |
", ",d |
R5748 |
T9275 |
T9273 |
conj |
j,d |
R5749 |
T9276 |
T9275 |
punct |
", ",j |
R5750 |
T9277 |
T9275 |
conj |
f,j |
R5751 |
T9278 |
T9277 |
cc |
and,f |
R5752 |
T9279 |
T9277 |
conj |
l,f |
R5753 |
T9280 |
T9273 |
punct |
),d |
R5754 |
T9281 |
T9257 |
punct |
.,mixed |
R5755 |
T9283 |
T9284 |
nsubjpass |
Focus,varied |
R5756 |
T9285 |
T9284 |
auxpass |
was,varied |
R5757 |
T9286 |
T9287 |
aux |
to,visualize |
R5758 |
T9287 |
T9284 |
advcl |
visualize,varied |
R5759 |
T9288 |
T9287 |
preconj |
either,visualize |
R5760 |
T9289 |
T9290 |
det |
the,barrier |
R5761 |
T9290 |
T9287 |
dobj |
barrier,visualize |
R5762 |
T9291 |
T9292 |
amod |
marginal,cell |
R5763 |
T9292 |
T9290 |
compound |
cell,barrier |
R5764 |
T9293 |
T9294 |
punct |
(,c |
R5765 |
T9294 |
T9290 |
parataxis |
c,barrier |
R5766 |
T9295 |
T9294 |
dep |
SMC,c |
R5767 |
T9296 |
T9294 |
punct |
", ",c |
R5768 |
T9297 |
T9298 |
punct |
-,d |
R5769 |
T9298 |
T9294 |
prep |
d,c |
R5770 |
T9299 |
T9294 |
cc |
and,c |
R5771 |
T9300 |
T9294 |
conj |
i,c |
R5772 |
T9301 |
T9302 |
punct |
-,j |
R5773 |
T9302 |
T9300 |
prep |
j,i |
R5774 |
T9303 |
T9294 |
punct |
),c |
R5775 |
T9304 |
T9290 |
cc |
or,barrier |
R5776 |
T9305 |
T9306 |
det |
the,barrier |
R5777 |
T9306 |
T9290 |
conj |
barrier,barrier |
R5778 |
T9307 |
T9308 |
amod |
basal,cell |
R5779 |
T9308 |
T9306 |
compound |
cell,barrier |
R5780 |
T9309 |
T9310 |
punct |
(,e |
R5781 |
T9310 |
T9306 |
parataxis |
e,barrier |
R5782 |
T9311 |
T9310 |
dep |
BC,e |
R5783 |
T9312 |
T9310 |
punct |
", ",e |
R5784 |
T9313 |
T9314 |
punct |
-,f |
R5785 |
T9314 |
T9310 |
prep |
f,e |
R5786 |
T9315 |
T9310 |
cc |
and,e |
R5787 |
T9316 |
T9310 |
conj |
k,e |
R5788 |
T9317 |
T9318 |
punct |
-,l |
R5789 |
T9318 |
T9316 |
prep |
l,k |
R5790 |
T9319 |
T9310 |
punct |
),e |
R5791 |
T9320 |
T9284 |
punct |
.,varied |
R5792 |
T9322 |
T9323 |
preconj |
Both,cell |
R5793 |
T9323 |
T9326 |
nsubj |
cell,appeared |
R5794 |
T9324 |
T9323 |
det |
the,cell |
R5795 |
T9325 |
T9323 |
amod |
marginal,cell |
R5796 |
T9327 |
T9328 |
punct |
(,e |
R5797 |
T9328 |
T9323 |
parataxis |
e,cell |
R5798 |
T9329 |
T9330 |
punct |
-,f |
R5799 |
T9330 |
T9328 |
prep |
f,e |
R5800 |
T9331 |
T9328 |
punct |
),e |
R5801 |
T9332 |
T9323 |
cc |
and,cell |
R5802 |
T9333 |
T9334 |
det |
the,cell |
R5803 |
T9334 |
T9336 |
compound |
cell,barrier |
R5804 |
T9335 |
T9334 |
amod |
basal,cell |
R5805 |
T9336 |
T9323 |
conj |
barrier,cell |
R5806 |
T9337 |
T9338 |
punct |
(,i |
R5807 |
T9338 |
T9336 |
parataxis |
i,barrier |
R5808 |
T9339 |
T9340 |
punct |
-,f |
R5809 |
T9340 |
T9338 |
prep |
f,i |
R5810 |
T9341 |
T9338 |
punct |
),i |
R5811 |
T9342 |
T9343 |
aux |
to,be |
R5812 |
T9343 |
T9326 |
xcomp |
be,appeared |
R5813 |
T9344 |
T9343 |
acomp |
intact,be |
R5814 |
T9345 |
T9326 |
punct |
.,appeared |
R5815 |
T9347 |
T9348 |
nsubj |
It,was |
R5816 |
T9349 |
T9348 |
acomp |
critical,was |
R5817 |
T9350 |
T9348 |
prep |
for,was |
R5818 |
T9351 |
T9352 |
det |
this,finding |
R5819 |
T9352 |
T9350 |
pobj |
finding,for |
R5820 |
T9353 |
T9354 |
mark |
that,block |
R5821 |
T9354 |
T9348 |
ccomp |
block,was |
R5822 |
T9355 |
T9354 |
nsubj |
pigmentation,block |
R5823 |
T9356 |
T9354 |
aux |
did,block |
R5824 |
T9357 |
T9354 |
neg |
not,block |
R5825 |
T9358 |
T9359 |
det |
the,path |
R5826 |
T9359 |
T9354 |
dobj |
path,block |
R5827 |
T9360 |
T9359 |
prep |
of,path |
R5828 |
T9361 |
T9362 |
det |
the,laser |
R5829 |
T9362 |
T9360 |
pobj |
laser,of |
R5830 |
T9363 |
T9348 |
punct |
.,was |
R5831 |
T9365 |
T9366 |
nsubj |
Blockage,produces |
R5832 |
T9367 |
T9365 |
prep |
of,Blockage |
R5833 |
T9368 |
T9369 |
det |
the,laser |
R5834 |
T9369 |
T9367 |
pobj |
laser,of |
R5835 |
T9370 |
T9365 |
prep |
by,Blockage |
R5836 |
T9371 |
T9370 |
pobj |
pigmentation,by |
R5837 |
T9372 |
T9373 |
det |
the,impression |
R5838 |
T9373 |
T9366 |
dobj |
impression,produces |
R5839 |
T9374 |
T9373 |
amod |
untrue,impression |
R5840 |
T9375 |
T9373 |
prep |
of,impression |
R5841 |
T9376 |
T9377 |
det |
a,barrier |
R5842 |
T9377 |
T9375 |
pobj |
barrier,of |
R5843 |
T9378 |
T9377 |
amod |
discontinuous,barrier |
R5844 |
T9379 |
T9380 |
amod |
marginal,cell |
R5845 |
T9380 |
T9377 |
compound |
cell,barrier |
R5846 |
T9381 |
T9382 |
punct |
(,c |
R5847 |
T9382 |
T9377 |
parataxis |
c,barrier |
R5848 |
T9383 |
T9384 |
punct |
-,d |
R5849 |
T9384 |
T9382 |
prep |
d,c |
R5850 |
T9385 |
T9382 |
punct |
),c |
R5851 |
T9386 |
T9377 |
cc |
or,barrier |
R5852 |
T9387 |
T9388 |
amod |
basal,cell |
R5853 |
T9388 |
T9389 |
compound |
cell,barrier |
R5854 |
T9389 |
T9377 |
conj |
barrier,barrier |
R5855 |
T9390 |
T9391 |
punct |
(,k |
R5856 |
T9391 |
T9389 |
parataxis |
k,barrier |
R5857 |
T9392 |
T9393 |
punct |
-,l |
R5858 |
T9393 |
T9391 |
prep |
l,k |
R5859 |
T9394 |
T9391 |
punct |
),k |
R5860 |
T9395 |
T9366 |
punct |
.,produces |
R5861 |
T9397 |
T9398 |
nsubjpass |
Comparison,aided |
R5862 |
T9399 |
T9397 |
prep |
of,Comparison |
R5863 |
T9400 |
T9399 |
pobj |
images,of |
R5864 |
T9401 |
T9398 |
auxpass |
is,aided |
R5865 |
T9402 |
T9398 |
prep |
by,aided |
R5866 |
T9403 |
T9402 |
pcomp |
marking,by |
R5867 |
T9404 |
T9405 |
det |
a,area |
R5868 |
T9405 |
T9403 |
dobj |
area,marking |
R5869 |
T9406 |
T9405 |
amod |
significant,area |
R5870 |
T9407 |
T9403 |
prep |
with,marking |
R5871 |
T9408 |
T9409 |
det |
a,star |
R5872 |
T9409 |
T9407 |
pobj |
star,with |
R5873 |
T9410 |
T9398 |
punct |
.,aided |
R5874 |
T9412 |
T9413 |
nsubj |
Bars,μm |
R5875 |
T9414 |
T9413 |
punct |
=,μm |
R5876 |
T9415 |
T9413 |
nummod |
10,μm |
R5877 |
T9416 |
T9413 |
punct |
.,μm |