PMC:340383 / 12634-13425 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3161 0-3 DT denotes The
T3162 4-15 NN denotes specificity
T3164 16-18 IN denotes of
T3165 19-22 DT denotes the
T3167 23-28 NN denotes Acdp1
T3168 29-30 NN denotes C
T3170 30-31 HYPH denotes -
T3169 31-39 NN denotes terminus
T3166 40-48 NN denotes antibody
T3163 49-57 VBZ denotes suggests
T3171 58-61 DT denotes the
T3172 62-73 NN denotes possibility
T3173 74-76 IN denotes of
T3174 77-82 VBG denotes using
T3175 83-85 PRP denotes it
T3176 86-88 TO denotes to
T3177 89-97 VB denotes localize
T3178 98-102 NN denotes Acdp
T3179 102-103 HYPH denotes -
T3180 103-104 CD denotes 1
T3181 105-111 IN denotes within
T3182 112-117 NNS denotes cells
T3183 117-118 . denotes .
T3184 118-291 sentence denotes Since Northern blot revealed almost exclusive expression of Acdp1 in the brain, we examined its subcellular localization in hippocampus neurons isolated from mouse embryos.
T3185 119-124 IN denotes Since
T3187 125-133 NNP denotes Northern
T3188 134-138 NN denotes blot
T3186 139-147 VBD denotes revealed
T3190 148-154 RB denotes almost
T3191 155-164 JJ denotes exclusive
T3192 165-175 NN denotes expression
T3193 176-178 IN denotes of
T3194 179-184 NN denotes Acdp1
T3195 185-187 IN denotes in
T3196 188-191 DT denotes the
T3197 192-197 NN denotes brain
T3198 197-199 , denotes ,
T3199 199-201 PRP denotes we
T3189 202-210 VBD denotes examined
T3200 211-214 PRP$ denotes its
T3202 215-226 JJ denotes subcellular
T3201 227-239 NN denotes localization
T3203 240-242 IN denotes in
T3204 243-254 NN denotes hippocampus
T3205 255-262 NNS denotes neurons
T3206 263-271 VBN denotes isolated
T3207 272-276 IN denotes from
T3208 277-282 NN denotes mouse
T3209 283-290 NNS denotes embryos
T3210 290-291 . denotes .
T3211 291-411 sentence denotes The neurons were cultured on glass coverslips coated with a confluent monolayer of mouse cortical astrocytes in dishes.
T3212 292-295 DT denotes The
T3213 296-303 NNS denotes neurons
T3215 304-308 VBD denotes were
T3214 309-317 VBN denotes cultured
T3216 318-320 IN denotes on
T3217 321-326 NN denotes glass
T3218 327-337 NNS denotes coverslips
T3219 338-344 VBN denotes coated
T3220 345-349 IN denotes with
T3221 350-351 DT denotes a
T3223 352-361 JJ denotes confluent
T3222 362-371 NN denotes monolayer
T3224 372-374 IN denotes of
T3225 375-380 NN denotes mouse
T3227 381-389 JJ denotes cortical
T3226 390-400 NNS denotes astrocytes
T3228 401-403 IN denotes in
T3229 404-410 NNS denotes dishes
T3230 410-411 . denotes .
T3231 411-476 sentence denotes Immunostaining was using the Acdp1 C-terminus specific antibody.
T3232 412-426 NN denotes Immunostaining
T3234 427-430 VBD denotes was
T3233 431-436 VBG denotes using
T3235 437-440 DT denotes the
T3237 441-446 NN denotes Acdp1
T3238 447-448 NN denotes C
T3240 448-449 HYPH denotes -
T3239 449-457 NN denotes terminus
T3241 458-466 JJ denotes specific
T3236 467-475 NN denotes antibody
T3242 475-476 . denotes .
T3243 476-564 sentence denotes Confocal imaging revealed that Acdp1 is predominantly localized on the plasma membrane.
T3244 477-485 JJ denotes Confocal
T3245 486-493 NN denotes imaging
T3246 494-502 VBD denotes revealed
T3247 503-507 IN denotes that
T3249 508-513 NN denotes Acdp1
T3250 514-516 VBZ denotes is
T3251 517-530 RB denotes predominantly
T3248 531-540 VBN denotes localized
T3252 541-543 IN denotes on
T3253 544-547 DT denotes the
T3255 548-554 NN denotes plasma
T3254 555-563 NN denotes membrane
T3256 563-564 . denotes .
T3257 564-791 sentence denotes A series of sections of a cell at the thickness of 0.5 micrometer clearly showed membrane location of Acdp1-immunoreactivity (Fig. 7), which is consistent with the observation of transmembrane domains within the Acdp proteins.
T3258 565-566 DT denotes A
T3259 567-573 NN denotes series
T3261 574-576 IN denotes of
T3262 577-585 NNS denotes sections
T3263 586-588 IN denotes of
T3264 589-590 DT denotes a
T3265 591-595 NN denotes cell
T3266 596-598 IN denotes at
T3267 599-602 DT denotes the
T3268 603-612 NN denotes thickness
T3269 613-615 IN denotes of
T3270 616-619 CD denotes 0.5
T3271 620-630 NN denotes micrometer
T3272 631-638 RB denotes clearly
T3260 639-645 VBD denotes showed
T3273 646-654 NN denotes membrane
T3274 655-663 NN denotes location
T3275 664-666 IN denotes of
T3276 667-672 NN denotes Acdp1
T3278 672-673 HYPH denotes -
T3277 673-689 NN denotes immunoreactivity
T3279 690-691 -LRB- denotes (
T3280 691-695 NN denotes Fig.
T3281 696-697 CD denotes 7
T3282 697-698 -RRB- denotes )
T3283 698-700 , denotes ,
T3284 700-705 WDT denotes which
T3285 706-708 VBZ denotes is
T3286 709-719 JJ denotes consistent
T3287 720-724 IN denotes with
T3288 725-728 DT denotes the
T3289 729-740 NN denotes observation
T3290 741-743 IN denotes of
T3291 744-757 NN denotes transmembrane
T3292 758-765 NNS denotes domains
T3293 766-772 IN denotes within
T3294 773-776 DT denotes the
T3296 777-781 NN denotes Acdp
T3295 782-790 NN denotes proteins
T3297 790-791 . denotes .
R1845 T3161 T3162 det The,specificity
R1846 T3162 T3163 nsubj specificity,suggests
R1847 T3164 T3162 prep of,specificity
R1848 T3165 T3166 det the,antibody
R1849 T3166 T3164 pobj antibody,of
R1850 T3167 T3166 compound Acdp1,antibody
R1851 T3168 T3169 compound C,terminus
R1852 T3169 T3166 compound terminus,antibody
R1853 T3170 T3169 punct -,terminus
R1854 T3171 T3172 det the,possibility
R1855 T3172 T3163 dobj possibility,suggests
R1856 T3173 T3172 prep of,possibility
R1857 T3174 T3173 pcomp using,of
R1858 T3175 T3174 dobj it,using
R1859 T3176 T3177 aux to,localize
R1860 T3177 T3174 advcl localize,using
R1861 T3178 T3177 dobj Acdp,localize
R1862 T3179 T3178 punct -,Acdp
R1863 T3180 T3178 nummod 1,Acdp
R1864 T3181 T3177 prep within,localize
R1865 T3182 T3181 pobj cells,within
R1866 T3183 T3163 punct .,suggests
R1867 T3185 T3186 mark Since,revealed
R1868 T3186 T3189 advcl revealed,examined
R1869 T3187 T3188 compound Northern,blot
R1870 T3188 T3186 nsubj blot,revealed
R1871 T3190 T3191 advmod almost,exclusive
R1872 T3191 T3192 amod exclusive,expression
R1873 T3192 T3186 dobj expression,revealed
R1874 T3193 T3192 prep of,expression
R1875 T3194 T3193 pobj Acdp1,of
R1876 T3195 T3186 prep in,revealed
R1877 T3196 T3197 det the,brain
R1878 T3197 T3195 pobj brain,in
R1879 T3198 T3189 punct ", ",examined
R1880 T3199 T3189 nsubj we,examined
R1881 T3200 T3201 poss its,localization
R1882 T3201 T3189 dobj localization,examined
R1883 T3202 T3201 amod subcellular,localization
R1884 T3203 T3189 prep in,examined
R1885 T3204 T3205 compound hippocampus,neurons
R1886 T3205 T3203 pobj neurons,in
R1887 T3206 T3205 acl isolated,neurons
R1888 T3207 T3206 prep from,isolated
R1889 T3208 T3209 compound mouse,embryos
R1890 T3209 T3207 pobj embryos,from
R1891 T3210 T3189 punct .,examined
R1892 T3212 T3213 det The,neurons
R1893 T3213 T3214 nsubjpass neurons,cultured
R1894 T3215 T3214 auxpass were,cultured
R1895 T3216 T3214 prep on,cultured
R1896 T3217 T3218 compound glass,coverslips
R1897 T3218 T3216 pobj coverslips,on
R1898 T3219 T3218 acl coated,coverslips
R1899 T3220 T3219 prep with,coated
R1900 T3221 T3222 det a,monolayer
R1901 T3222 T3220 pobj monolayer,with
R1902 T3223 T3222 amod confluent,monolayer
R1903 T3224 T3222 prep of,monolayer
R1904 T3225 T3226 nmod mouse,astrocytes
R1905 T3226 T3224 pobj astrocytes,of
R1906 T3227 T3226 amod cortical,astrocytes
R1907 T3228 T3214 prep in,cultured
R1908 T3229 T3228 pobj dishes,in
R1909 T3230 T3214 punct .,cultured
R1910 T3232 T3233 nsubj Immunostaining,using
R1911 T3234 T3233 aux was,using
R1912 T3235 T3236 det the,antibody
R1913 T3236 T3233 dobj antibody,using
R1914 T3237 T3236 nmod Acdp1,antibody
R1915 T3238 T3239 compound C,terminus
R1916 T3239 T3241 npadvmod terminus,specific
R1917 T3240 T3239 punct -,terminus
R1918 T3241 T3236 amod specific,antibody
R1919 T3242 T3233 punct .,using
R1920 T3244 T3245 amod Confocal,imaging
R1921 T3245 T3246 nsubj imaging,revealed
R1922 T3247 T3248 mark that,localized
R1923 T3248 T3246 ccomp localized,revealed
R1924 T3249 T3248 nsubjpass Acdp1,localized
R1925 T3250 T3248 auxpass is,localized
R1926 T3251 T3248 advmod predominantly,localized
R1927 T3252 T3248 prep on,localized
R1928 T3253 T3254 det the,membrane
R1929 T3254 T3252 pobj membrane,on
R1930 T3255 T3254 compound plasma,membrane
R1931 T3256 T3246 punct .,revealed
R1932 T3258 T3259 det A,series
R1933 T3259 T3260 nsubj series,showed
R1934 T3261 T3259 prep of,series
R1935 T3262 T3261 pobj sections,of
R1936 T3263 T3262 prep of,sections
R1937 T3264 T3265 det a,cell
R1938 T3265 T3263 pobj cell,of
R1939 T3266 T3259 prep at,series
R1940 T3267 T3268 det the,thickness
R1941 T3268 T3266 pobj thickness,at
R1942 T3269 T3268 prep of,thickness
R1943 T3270 T3271 nummod 0.5,micrometer
R1944 T3271 T3269 pobj micrometer,of
R1945 T3272 T3260 advmod clearly,showed
R1946 T3273 T3274 compound membrane,location
R1947 T3274 T3260 dobj location,showed
R1948 T3275 T3274 prep of,location
R1949 T3276 T3277 compound Acdp1,immunoreactivity
R1950 T3277 T3275 pobj immunoreactivity,of
R1951 T3278 T3277 punct -,immunoreactivity
R1952 T3279 T3280 punct (,Fig.
R1953 T3280 T3277 parataxis Fig.,immunoreactivity
R1954 T3281 T3280 nummod 7,Fig.
R1955 T3282 T3280 punct ),Fig.
R1956 T3283 T3260 punct ", ",showed
R1957 T3284 T3285 dep which,is
R1958 T3285 T3260 advcl is,showed
R1959 T3286 T3285 acomp consistent,is
R1960 T3287 T3286 prep with,consistent
R1961 T3288 T3289 det the,observation
R1962 T3289 T3287 pobj observation,with
R1963 T3290 T3289 prep of,observation
R1964 T3291 T3292 compound transmembrane,domains
R1965 T3292 T3290 pobj domains,of
R1966 T3293 T3289 prep within,observation
R1967 T3294 T3295 det the,proteins
R1968 T3295 T3293 pobj proteins,within
R1969 T3296 T3295 compound Acdp,proteins
R1970 T3297 T3260 punct .,showed