PMC:1860061 / 260-332 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T498 1-10 JJ denotes difficult
T499 11-13 TO denotes to
T500 14-22 VB denotes identify
T501 22-23 . denotes .
T503 24-28 RB denotes Here
T505 29-31 PRP denotes we
T504 32-39 VBP denotes present
T506 40-41 DT denotes a
T508 42-47 JJ denotes novel
T507 48-56 NN denotes strategy
T509 57-59 TO denotes to
T510 60-68 VB denotes identify
T511 69-72 DT denotes the
R39 T499 T500 aux to,identify
R40 T500 T498 advcl identify,difficult
R42 T503 T504 advmod Here,present
R43 T505 T504 nsubj we,present
R44 T506 T507 det a,strategy
R45 T507 T504 dobj strategy,present
R46 T508 T507 amod novel,strategy
R47 T509 T510 aux to,identify
R48 T510 T507 advcl identify,strategy