PMC:1860061 / 12078-12254 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7471 0-176 sentence denotes Being aware of this, we examined these genomic regions to search whether they, or their syntenic genomic regions on the human genome, have been previously linked to arthritis.
T7472 1-6 VBG denotes Being
T7474 7-12 JJ denotes aware
T7475 13-15 IN denotes of
T7476 16-20 DT denotes this
T7477 20-22 , denotes ,
T7478 22-24 PRP denotes we
T7473 25-33 VBD denotes examined
T7479 34-39 DT denotes these
T7481 40-47 JJ denotes genomic
T7480 48-55 NNS denotes regions
T7482 56-58 TO denotes to
T7483 59-65 VB denotes search
T7484 66-73 IN denotes whether
T7486 74-78 PRP denotes they
T7487 78-80 , denotes ,
T7488 80-82 CC denotes or
T7489 83-88 PRP$ denotes their
T7491 89-97 JJ denotes syntenic
T7492 98-105 JJ denotes genomic
T7490 106-113 NNS denotes regions
T7493 114-116 IN denotes on
T7494 117-120 DT denotes the
T7496 121-126 JJ denotes human
T7495 127-133 NN denotes genome
T7497 133-135 , denotes ,
T7498 135-139 VBP denotes have
T7499 140-144 VBN denotes been
T7500 145-155 RB denotes previously
T7485 156-162 VBN denotes linked
T7501 163-165 IN denotes to
T7502 166-175 NN denotes arthritis
T7503 175-176 . denotes .
R2194 T7472 T7473 advcl Being,examined
R2195 T7474 T7472 acomp aware,Being
R2196 T7475 T7474 prep of,aware
R2197 T7476 T7475 pobj this,of
R2198 T7477 T7473 punct ", ",examined
R2199 T7478 T7473 nsubj we,examined
R2200 T7479 T7480 det these,regions
R2201 T7480 T7473 dobj regions,examined
R2202 T7481 T7480 amod genomic,regions
R2203 T7482 T7483 aux to,search
R2204 T7483 T7473 advcl search,examined
R2205 T7484 T7485 mark whether,linked
R2206 T7485 T7483 ccomp linked,search
R2207 T7486 T7485 nsubjpass they,linked
R2208 T7487 T7486 punct ", ",they
R2209 T7488 T7486 cc or,they
R2210 T7489 T7490 poss their,regions
R2211 T7490 T7486 conj regions,they
R2212 T7491 T7490 amod syntenic,regions
R2213 T7492 T7490 amod genomic,regions
R2214 T7493 T7490 prep on,regions
R2215 T7494 T7495 det the,genome
R2216 T7495 T7493 pobj genome,on
R2217 T7496 T7495 amod human,genome
R2218 T7497 T7485 punct ", ",linked
R2219 T7498 T7485 aux have,linked
R2220 T7499 T7485 auxpass been,linked
R2221 T7500 T7485 advmod previously,linked
R2222 T7501 T7485 prep to,linked
R2223 T7502 T7501 pobj arthritis,to
R2224 T7503 T7473 punct .,examined