PMC:1858683 / 477-662 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1027 1-3 , denotes ,
T1028 3-12 VBG denotes including
T1029 13-16 DT denotes the
T1031 17-25 JJ denotes critical
T1032 26-29 NN denotes PHD
T1030 30-36 NN denotes domain
T1033 36-38 , denotes ,
T1034 38-41 CC denotes and
T1035 42-48 RB denotes almost
T1036 49-58 RB denotes certainly
T1018 59-67 VBD denotes resulted
T1037 68-70 IN denotes in
T1038 71-75 JJ denotes null
T1039 76-84 NN denotes function
T1040 84-85 . denotes .
T1042 86-91 NN denotes Pygo2
T1043 92-102 JJ denotes homozygous
T1044 103-110 NNS denotes mutants
T1046 110-112 , denotes ,
T1047 112-116 IN denotes with
T1048 117-121 JJ denotes rare
T1049 122-131 NN denotes exception
T1050 131-133 , denotes ,
T1045 133-137 VBD denotes died
T1051 138-145 RB denotes shortly
T1052 146-151 IN denotes after
T1053 152-157 NN denotes birth
T1054 157-159 , denotes ,
T1055 159-163 IN denotes with
T1056 164-165 DT denotes a
T1057 166-175 NN denotes phenotype
T1058 176-185 VBG denotes including
R100 T1052 T1045 prep after,died
R101 T1053 T1052 pobj birth,after
R102 T1054 T1045 punct ", ",died
R103 T1055 T1045 prep with,died
R104 T1056 T1057 det a,phenotype
R105 T1057 T1055 pobj phenotype,with
R106 T1058 T1057 prep including,phenotype
R79 T1029 T1030 det the,domain
R80 T1030 T1028 pobj domain,including
R81 T1031 T1030 amod critical,domain
R82 T1032 T1030 compound PHD,domain
R83 T1033 T1018 punct ", ",resulted
R84 T1034 T1018 cc and,resulted
R85 T1035 T1036 advmod almost,certainly
R86 T1036 T1018 advmod certainly,resulted
R87 T1037 T1018 prep in,resulted
R88 T1038 T1039 amod null,function
R89 T1039 T1037 pobj function,in
R90 T1040 T1018 punct .,resulted
R91 T1042 T1043 npadvmod Pygo2,homozygous
R92 T1043 T1044 amod homozygous,mutants
R93 T1044 T1045 nsubj mutants,died
R94 T1046 T1045 punct ", ",died
R95 T1047 T1045 prep with,died
R96 T1048 T1049 amod rare,exception
R97 T1049 T1047 pobj exception,with
R98 T1050 T1045 punct ", ",died
R99 T1051 T1052 advmod shortly,after