Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T15914 |
0-4 |
NN |
denotes |
Alk5 |
T15916 |
4-5 |
denotes |
/ |
T15915 |
5-12 |
NN |
denotes |
Wnt1Cre |
T15917 |
13-17 |
denotes |
mice |
T15918 |
17-212 |
sentence |
denotes |
Alk5 (and Alk2) mutant and control embryos were generated by mating Alk5ko/+(Alk2ko/+)/Wnt1-Cre male mice with females homozygous for the Alk5flox (Alk2flox) allele and the R26R reporter[12,19]. |
T15919 |
18-22 |
NN |
denotes |
Alk5 |
T15921 |
23-24 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T15922 |
24-27 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T15923 |
28-32 |
NN |
denotes |
Alk2 |
T15924 |
32-33 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T15920 |
34-40 |
NN |
denotes |
mutant |
T15926 |
41-44 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T15927 |
45-52 |
NN |
denotes |
control |
T15925 |
53-60 |
denotes |
embryos |
T15929 |
61-65 |
denotes |
were |
T15928 |
66-75 |
denotes |
generated |
T15930 |
76-78 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T15931 |
79-85 |
denotes |
mating |
T15932 |
86-92 |
NN |
denotes |
Alk5ko |
T15934 |
92-93 |
denotes |
/ |
T15935 |
93-94 |
denotes |
+ |
T15936 |
94-95 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T15937 |
95-101 |
NN |
denotes |
Alk2ko |
T15938 |
101-102 |
denotes |
/ |
T15939 |
102-103 |
denotes |
+ |
T15940 |
103-104 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T15941 |
104-105 |
denotes |
/ |
T15942 |
105-109 |
NN |
denotes |
Wnt1 |
T15944 |
109-110 |
denotes |
- |
T15943 |
110-113 |
NN |
denotes |
Cre |
T15945 |
114-118 |
JJ |
denotes |
male |
T15933 |
119-123 |
denotes |
mice |
T15946 |
124-128 |
IN |
denotes |
with |
T15947 |
129-136 |
denotes |
females |
T15948 |
137-147 |
JJ |
denotes |
homozygous |
T15949 |
148-151 |
IN |
denotes |
for |
T15950 |
152-155 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T15952 |
156-164 |
NN |
denotes |
Alk5flox |
T15953 |
165-166 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T15954 |
166-174 |
NN |
denotes |
Alk2flox |
T15955 |
174-175 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T15951 |
176-182 |
NN |
denotes |
allele |
T15956 |
183-186 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T15957 |
187-190 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T15959 |
191-195 |
NN |
denotes |
R26R |
T15958 |
196-204 |
NN |
denotes |
reporter |
T15960 |
204-205 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
[ |
T15962 |
205-207 |
CD |
denotes |
12 |
T15963 |
207-208 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T15961 |
208-210 |
CD |
denotes |
19 |
T15964 |
210-211 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
] |
T15965 |
211-212 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T15966 |
212-274 |
sentence |
denotes |
Genotyping was performed by PCR as described earlier [21,42]. |
T15967 |
213-223 |
NN |
denotes |
Genotyping |
T15969 |
224-227 |
denotes |
was |
T15968 |
228-237 |
denotes |
performed |
T15970 |
238-240 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T15971 |
241-244 |
NN |
denotes |
T15972 |
245-247 |
IN |
denotes |
as |
T15973 |
248-257 |
denotes |
described |
T15974 |
258-265 |
denotes |
earlier |
T15975 |
266-267 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
[ |
T15977 |
267-269 |
CD |
denotes |
21 |
T15978 |
269-270 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T15976 |
270-272 |
CD |
denotes |
42 |
T15979 |
272-273 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
] |
T15980 |
273-274 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T15981 |
274-412 |
sentence |
denotes |
Wnt1-Cre mice were kindly provided by A. McMahon (Harvard University) and R26R reporter mice were obtained from the Jackson laboratories. |
T15982 |
275-279 |
NN |
denotes |
Wnt1 |
T15984 |
279-280 |
denotes |
- |
T15983 |
280-283 |
NN |
denotes |
Cre |
T15985 |
284-288 |
denotes |
mice |
T15987 |
289-293 |
denotes |
were |
T15988 |
294-300 |
RB |
denotes |
kindly |
T15986 |
301-309 |
denotes |
provided |
T15989 |
310-312 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T15990 |
313-315 |
denotes |
A. |
T15991 |
316-323 |
denotes |
McMahon |
T15992 |
324-325 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T15994 |
325-332 |
denotes |
Harvard |
T15993 |
333-343 |
denotes |
University |
T15995 |
343-344 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T15996 |
345-348 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T15997 |
349-353 |
NN |
denotes |
R26R |
T15998 |
354-362 |
NN |
denotes |
reporter |
T15999 |
363-367 |
denotes |
mice |
T16001 |
368-372 |
denotes |
were |
T16000 |
373-381 |
denotes |
obtained |
T16002 |
382-386 |
IN |
denotes |
from |
T16003 |
387-390 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T16005 |
391-398 |
denotes |
Jackson |
T16004 |
399-411 |
denotes |
laboratories |
T16006 |
411-412 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T16007 |
412-580 |
sentence |
denotes |
All studies were carried out at the Animal Care Facility of the Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles in accordance with institutional guidelines. |
T16008 |
413-416 |
DT |
denotes |
All |
T16009 |
417-424 |
denotes |
studies |
T16011 |
425-429 |
denotes |
were |
T16010 |
430-437 |
denotes |
carried |
T16012 |
438-441 |
RP |
denotes |
out |
T16013 |
442-444 |
IN |
denotes |
at |
T16014 |
445-448 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T16016 |
449-455 |
NN |
denotes |
Animal |
T16017 |
456-460 |
NN |
denotes |
Care |
T16015 |
461-469 |
NN |
denotes |
Facility |
T16018 |
470-472 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T16019 |
473-476 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T16021 |
477-482 |
denotes |
Saban |
T16022 |
483-491 |
denotes |
Research |
T16020 |
492-501 |
denotes |
Institute |
T16023 |
502-504 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T16024 |
505-514 |
denotes |
Childrens |
T16025 |
515-523 |
denotes |
Hospital |
T16026 |
524-527 |
denotes |
Los |
T16027 |
528-535 |
denotes |
Angeles |
T16028 |
536-538 |
IN |
denotes |
in |
T16029 |
539-549 |
NN |
denotes |
accordance |
T16030 |
550-554 |
IN |
denotes |
with |
T16031 |
555-568 |
JJ |
denotes |
institutional |
T16032 |
569-579 |
denotes |
guidelines |
T16033 |
579-580 |
. |
denotes |
. |
R4830 |
T15914 |
T15915 |
compound |
Alk5,Wnt1Cre |
R4831 |
T15915 |
T15917 |
compound |
Wnt1Cre,mice |
R4832 |
T15916 |
T15915 |
punct |
/,Wnt1Cre |
R4833 |
T15919 |
T15920 |
nmod |
Alk5,mutant |
R4834 |
T15920 |
T15925 |
nmod |
mutant,embryos |
R4835 |
T15921 |
T15919 |
punct |
(,Alk5 |
R4836 |
T15922 |
T15919 |
cc |
and,Alk5 |
R4837 |
T15923 |
T15919 |
conj |
Alk2,Alk5 |
R4838 |
T15924 |
T15920 |
punct |
),mutant |
R4839 |
T15925 |
T15928 |
nsubjpass |
embryos,generated |
R4840 |
T15926 |
T15920 |
cc |
and,mutant |
R4841 |
T15927 |
T15920 |
conj |
control,mutant |
R4842 |
T15929 |
T15928 |
auxpass |
were,generated |
R4843 |
T15930 |
T15928 |
agent |
by,generated |
R4844 |
T15931 |
T15930 |
pcomp |
mating,by |
R4845 |
T15932 |
T15933 |
nmod |
Alk5ko,mice |
R4846 |
T15933 |
T15931 |
dobj |
mice,mating |
R4847 |
T15934 |
T15932 |
punct |
/,Alk5ko |
R4848 |
T15935 |
T15932 |
punct |
+,Alk5ko |
R4849 |
T15936 |
T15937 |
punct |
(,Alk2ko |
R4850 |
T15937 |
T15932 |
parataxis |
Alk2ko,Alk5ko |
R4851 |
T15938 |
T15937 |
punct |
/,Alk2ko |
R4852 |
T15939 |
T15937 |
punct |
+,Alk2ko |
R4853 |
T15940 |
T15937 |
punct |
),Alk2ko |
R4854 |
T15941 |
T15932 |
punct |
/,Alk5ko |
R4855 |
T15942 |
T15943 |
compound |
Wnt1,Cre |
R4856 |
T15943 |
T15932 |
appos |
Cre,Alk5ko |
R4857 |
T15944 |
T15943 |
punct |
-,Cre |
R4858 |
T15945 |
T15933 |
amod |
male,mice |
R4859 |
T15946 |
T15931 |
prep |
with,mating |
R4860 |
T15947 |
T15946 |
pobj |
females,with |
R4861 |
T15948 |
T15947 |
amod |
homozygous,females |
R4862 |
T15949 |
T15948 |
prep |
for,homozygous |
R4863 |
T15950 |
T15951 |
det |
the,allele |
R4864 |
T15951 |
T15949 |
pobj |
allele,for |
R4865 |
T15952 |
T15951 |
nmod |
Alk5flox,allele |
R4866 |
T15953 |
T15954 |
punct |
(,Alk2flox |
R4867 |
T15954 |
T15952 |
parataxis |
Alk2flox,Alk5flox |
R4868 |
T15955 |
T15954 |
punct |
),Alk2flox |
R4869 |
T15956 |
T15951 |
cc |
and,allele |
R4870 |
T15957 |
T15958 |
det |
the,reporter |
R4871 |
T15958 |
T15951 |
conj |
reporter,allele |
R4872 |
T15959 |
T15958 |
compound |
R26R,reporter |
R4873 |
T15960 |
T15961 |
punct |
[,19 |
R4874 |
T15961 |
T15931 |
parataxis |
19,mating |
R4875 |
T15962 |
T15961 |
nummod |
12,19 |
R4876 |
T15963 |
T15961 |
punct |
",",19 |
R4877 |
T15964 |
T15961 |
punct |
],19 |
R4878 |
T15965 |
T15928 |
punct |
.,generated |
R4879 |
T15967 |
T15968 |
nsubjpass |
Genotyping,performed |
R4880 |
T15969 |
T15968 |
auxpass |
was,performed |
R4881 |
T15970 |
T15968 |
prep |
by,performed |
R4882 |
T15971 |
T15970 |
pobj |
PCR,by |
R4883 |
T15972 |
T15973 |
mark |
as,described |
R4884 |
T15973 |
T15968 |
advcl |
described,performed |
R4885 |
T15974 |
T15973 |
advmod |
earlier,described |
R4886 |
T15975 |
T15976 |
punct |
[,42 |
R4887 |
T15976 |
T15973 |
parataxis |
42,described |
R4888 |
T15977 |
T15976 |
nummod |
21,42 |
R4889 |
T15978 |
T15976 |
punct |
",",42 |
R4890 |
T15979 |
T15976 |
punct |
],42 |
R4891 |
T15980 |
T15968 |
punct |
.,performed |
R4892 |
T15982 |
T15983 |
compound |
Wnt1,Cre |
R4893 |
T15983 |
T15985 |
compound |
Cre,mice |
R4894 |
T15984 |
T15983 |
punct |
-,Cre |
R4895 |
T15985 |
T15986 |
nsubjpass |
mice,provided |
R4896 |
T15987 |
T15986 |
auxpass |
were,provided |
R4897 |
T15988 |
T15986 |
advmod |
kindly,provided |
R4898 |
T15989 |
T15986 |
agent |
by,provided |
R4899 |
T15990 |
T15991 |
compound |
A.,McMahon |
R4900 |
T15991 |
T15989 |
pobj |
McMahon,by |
R4901 |
T15992 |
T15993 |
punct |
(,University |
R4902 |
T15993 |
T15986 |
parataxis |
University,provided |
R4903 |
T15994 |
T15993 |
compound |
Harvard,University |
R4904 |
T15995 |
T15993 |
punct |
),University |
R4905 |
T15996 |
T15986 |
cc |
and,provided |
R4906 |
T15997 |
T15998 |
compound |
R26R,reporter |
R4907 |
T15998 |
T15999 |
compound |
reporter,mice |
R4908 |
T15999 |
T16000 |
nsubjpass |
mice,obtained |
R4909 |
T16000 |
T15986 |
conj |
obtained,provided |
R4910 |
T16001 |
T16000 |
auxpass |
were,obtained |
R4911 |
T16002 |
T16000 |
prep |
from,obtained |
R4912 |
T16003 |
T16004 |
det |
the,laboratories |
R4913 |
T16004 |
T16002 |
pobj |
laboratories,from |
R4914 |
T16005 |
T16004 |
compound |
Jackson,laboratories |
R4915 |
T16006 |
T16000 |
punct |
.,obtained |
R4916 |
T16008 |
T16009 |
det |
All,studies |
R4917 |
T16009 |
T16010 |
nsubjpass |
studies,carried |
R4918 |
T16011 |
T16010 |
auxpass |
were,carried |
R4919 |
T16012 |
T16010 |
prt |
out,carried |
R4920 |
T16013 |
T16010 |
prep |
at,carried |
R4921 |
T16014 |
T16015 |
det |
the,Facility |
R4922 |
T16015 |
T16013 |
pobj |
Facility,at |
R4923 |
T16016 |
T16017 |
compound |
Animal,Care |
R4924 |
T16017 |
T16015 |
compound |
Care,Facility |
R4925 |
T16018 |
T16015 |
prep |
of,Facility |
R4926 |
T16019 |
T16020 |
det |
the,Institute |
R4927 |
T16020 |
T16018 |
pobj |
Institute,of |
R4928 |
T16021 |
T16020 |
compound |
Saban,Institute |
R4929 |
T16022 |
T16020 |
compound |
Research,Institute |
R4930 |
T16023 |
T16020 |
prep |
of,Institute |
R4931 |
T16024 |
T16025 |
compound |
Childrens,Hospital |
R4932 |
T16025 |
T16023 |
pobj |
Hospital,of |
R4933 |
T16026 |
T16027 |
compound |
Los,Angeles |
R4934 |
T16027 |
T16025 |
npadvmod |
Angeles,Hospital |
R4935 |
T16028 |
T16010 |
prep |
in,carried |
R4936 |
T16029 |
T16028 |
pobj |
accordance,in |
R4937 |
T16030 |
T16029 |
prep |
with,accordance |
R4938 |
T16031 |
T16032 |
amod |
institutional,guidelines |
R4939 |
T16032 |
T16030 |
pobj |
guidelines,with |
R4940 |
T16033 |
T16010 |
punct |
.,carried |