PMC:1626108 / 3943-4127 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1128 0-184 sentence denotes The specific interaction of RanBP2 with a diverse set of partners likely reflects a pleiotropic role of RanBP2 in cell function, possibly through the integration of multiple pathways.
T1129 1-4 DT denotes The
T1131 5-13 JJ denotes specific
T1130 14-25 NN denotes interaction
T1133 26-28 IN denotes of
T1134 29-35 NN denotes RanBP2
T1135 36-40 IN denotes with
T1136 41-42 DT denotes a
T1138 43-50 JJ denotes diverse
T1137 51-54 NN denotes set
T1139 55-57 IN denotes of
T1140 58-66 NNS denotes partners
T1141 67-73 RB denotes likely
T1132 74-82 VBZ denotes reflects
T1142 83-84 DT denotes a
T1144 85-96 JJ denotes pleiotropic
T1143 97-101 NN denotes role
T1145 102-104 IN denotes of
T1146 105-111 NN denotes RanBP2
T1147 112-114 IN denotes in
T1148 115-119 NN denotes cell
T1149 120-128 NN denotes function
T1150 128-130 , denotes ,
T1151 130-138 RB denotes possibly
T1152 139-146 IN denotes through
T1153 147-150 DT denotes the
T1154 151-162 NN denotes integration
T1155 163-165 IN denotes of
T1156 166-174 JJ denotes multiple
T1157 175-183 NNS denotes pathways
T1158 183-184 . denotes .
R424 T1129 T1130 det The,interaction
R425 T1130 T1132 nsubj interaction,reflects
R426 T1131 T1130 amod specific,interaction
R427 T1133 T1130 prep of,interaction
R428 T1134 T1133 pobj RanBP2,of
R429 T1135 T1130 prep with,interaction
R430 T1136 T1137 det a,set
R431 T1137 T1135 pobj set,with
R432 T1138 T1137 amod diverse,set
R433 T1139 T1137 prep of,set
R434 T1140 T1139 pobj partners,of
R435 T1141 T1132 advmod likely,reflects
R436 T1142 T1143 det a,role
R437 T1143 T1132 dobj role,reflects
R438 T1144 T1143 amod pleiotropic,role
R439 T1145 T1143 prep of,role
R440 T1146 T1145 pobj RanBP2,of
R441 T1147 T1143 prep in,role
R442 T1148 T1149 compound cell,function
R443 T1149 T1147 pobj function,in
R444 T1150 T1143 punct ", ",role
R445 T1151 T1152 advmod possibly,through
R446 T1152 T1143 prep through,role
R447 T1153 T1154 det the,integration
R448 T1154 T1152 pobj integration,through
R449 T1155 T1154 prep of,integration
R450 T1156 T1157 amod multiple,pathways
R451 T1157 T1155 pobj pathways,of
R452 T1158 T1132 punct .,reflects