PMC:1626108 / 38445-39733 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14525 0-5 NN denotes Model
T14526 6-15 VBG denotes Depicting
T14527 16-17 DT denotes a
T14528 18-22 NN denotes Role
T14529 23-25 IN denotes of
T14530 26-32 NN denotes RanBP2
T14531 33-36 CC denotes and
T14532 37-41 DT denotes Some
T14533 42-44 IN denotes of
T14534 45-48 PRP$ denotes Its
T14535 49-57 NNS denotes Partners
T14536 58-60 IN denotes in
T14537 61-70 JJ denotes Metabolic
T14539 71-74 CC denotes and
T14540 75-83 JJ denotes Neuronal
T14538 84-92 NN denotes Function
T14541 92-199 sentence denotes RanBP2 interacts with Cox11 and HKI and the triad is in equilibrium under normal physiological conditions.
T14542 93-99 NN denotes RanBP2
T14543 100-109 VBZ denotes interacts
T14544 110-114 IN denotes with
T14545 115-120 NN denotes Cox11
T14546 121-124 CC denotes and
T14547 125-128 NN denotes HKI
T14548 129-132 CC denotes and
T14549 133-136 DT denotes the
T14550 137-142 NN denotes triad
T14551 143-145 VBZ denotes is
T14552 146-148 IN denotes in
T14553 149-160 NN denotes equilibrium
T14554 161-166 IN denotes under
T14555 167-173 JJ denotes normal
T14557 174-187 JJ denotes physiological
T14556 188-198 NNS denotes conditions
T14558 198-199 . denotes .
T14559 199-267 sentence denotes RanBP2 prevents the inhibition of HKI by Cox11 and its degradation.
T14560 200-206 NN denotes RanBP2
T14561 207-215 VBZ denotes prevents
T14562 216-219 DT denotes the
T14563 220-230 NN denotes inhibition
T14564 231-233 IN denotes of
T14565 234-237 NN denotes HKI
T14566 238-240 IN denotes by
T14567 241-246 NN denotes Cox11
T14568 247-250 CC denotes and
T14569 251-254 PRP$ denotes its
T14570 255-266 NN denotes degradation
T14571 266-267 . denotes .
T14572 267-381 sentence denotes The ultimate effect of RanBP2 on its partners is the stimulation of the glycolytic pathway and production of ATP.
T14573 268-271 DT denotes The
T14575 272-280 JJ denotes ultimate
T14574 281-287 NN denotes effect
T14577 288-290 IN denotes of
T14578 291-297 NN denotes RanBP2
T14579 298-300 IN denotes on
T14580 301-304 PRP$ denotes its
T14581 305-313 NNS denotes partners
T14576 314-316 VBZ denotes is
T14582 317-320 DT denotes the
T14583 321-332 NN denotes stimulation
T14584 333-335 IN denotes of
T14585 336-339 DT denotes the
T14587 340-350 JJ denotes glycolytic
T14586 351-358 NN denotes pathway
T14588 359-362 CC denotes and
T14589 363-373 NN denotes production
T14590 374-376 IN denotes of
T14591 377-380 NN denotes ATP
T14592 380-381 . denotes .
T14593 381-563 sentence denotes The glycolytic pathway is critical to fuel the constitutive Na+/K+-ATPase pump to maintain the dark current between the inner and outer segment compartments of photosensory neurons.
T14594 382-385 DT denotes The
T14596 386-396 JJ denotes glycolytic
T14595 397-404 NN denotes pathway
T14597 405-407 VBZ denotes is
T14598 408-416 JJ denotes critical
T14599 417-419 TO denotes to
T14600 420-424 VB denotes fuel
T14601 425-428 DT denotes the
T14603 429-441 JJ denotes constitutive
T14604 442-445 NN denotes Na+
T14606 445-446 SYM denotes /
T14605 446-448 NN denotes K+
T14608 448-449 HYPH denotes -
T14607 449-455 NN denotes ATPase
T14602 456-460 NN denotes pump
T14609 461-463 TO denotes to
T14610 464-472 VB denotes maintain
T14611 473-476 DT denotes the
T14613 477-481 JJ denotes dark
T14612 482-489 NN denotes current
T14614 490-497 IN denotes between
T14615 498-501 DT denotes the
T14617 502-507 JJ denotes inner
T14618 508-511 CC denotes and
T14619 512-517 JJ denotes outer
T14620 518-525 NN denotes segment
T14616 526-538 NNS denotes compartments
T14621 539-541 IN denotes of
T14622 542-554 JJ denotes photosensory
T14623 555-562 NNS denotes neurons
T14624 562-563 . denotes .
T14625 563-661 sentence denotes A deficit (haploinsufficiency) in RanBP2 disturbs the equilibrium between RanBP2, HKI, and Cox11.
T14626 564-565 DT denotes A
T14627 566-573 NN denotes deficit
T14629 574-575 -LRB- denotes (
T14630 575-593 NN denotes haploinsufficiency
T14631 593-594 -RRB- denotes )
T14632 595-597 IN denotes in
T14633 598-604 NN denotes RanBP2
T14628 605-613 VBZ denotes disturbs
T14634 614-617 DT denotes the
T14635 618-629 NN denotes equilibrium
T14636 630-637 IN denotes between
T14637 638-644 NN denotes RanBP2
T14638 644-646 , denotes ,
T14639 646-649 NN denotes HKI
T14640 649-651 , denotes ,
T14641 651-654 CC denotes and
T14642 655-660 NN denotes Cox11
T14643 660-661 . denotes .
T14644 661-913 sentence denotes This pathophysiological event promotes the destabilization and degradation of HKI and a decrease in ATP production required to maintain the depolarization state neurons, and, hence, a reduction in the response of receptoral and postreceptoral neurons.
T14645 662-666 DT denotes This
T14647 667-685 JJ denotes pathophysiological
T14646 686-691 NN denotes event
T14648 692-700 VBZ denotes promotes
T14649 701-704 DT denotes the
T14650 705-720 NN denotes destabilization
T14651 721-724 CC denotes and
T14652 725-736 NN denotes degradation
T14653 737-739 IN denotes of
T14654 740-743 NN denotes HKI
T14655 744-747 CC denotes and
T14656 748-749 DT denotes a
T14657 750-758 NN denotes decrease
T14658 759-761 IN denotes in
T14659 762-765 NN denotes ATP
T14660 766-776 NN denotes production
T14661 777-785 VBN denotes required
T14662 786-788 TO denotes to
T14663 789-797 VB denotes maintain
T14664 798-801 DT denotes the
T14666 802-816 NN denotes depolarization
T14667 817-822 NN denotes state
T14665 823-830 NNS denotes neurons
T14668 830-832 , denotes ,
T14669 832-835 CC denotes and
T14670 835-837 , denotes ,
T14671 837-842 RB denotes hence
T14673 842-844 , denotes ,
T14674 844-845 DT denotes a
T14672 846-855 NN denotes reduction
T14675 856-858 IN denotes in
T14676 859-862 DT denotes the
T14677 863-871 NN denotes response
T14678 872-874 IN denotes of
T14679 875-885 JJ denotes receptoral
T14681 886-889 CC denotes and
T14682 890-904 JJ denotes postreceptoral
T14680 905-912 NNS denotes neurons
T14683 912-913 . denotes .
T14684 913-985 sentence denotes A reduction in ATP levels also negatively modulates HKI activity/level.
T14685 914-915 DT denotes A
T14686 916-925 NN denotes reduction
T14688 926-928 IN denotes in
T14689 929-932 NN denotes ATP
T14690 933-939 NNS denotes levels
T14691 940-944 RB denotes also
T14692 945-955 RB denotes negatively
T14687 956-965 VBZ denotes modulates
T14693 966-969 NN denotes HKI
T14694 970-978 NN denotes activity
T14695 978-979 SYM denotes /
T14696 979-984 NN denotes level
T14697 984-985 . denotes .
T14698 985-1143 sentence denotes Decreased levels of HKI promote intracellular hyperglycemia and activate stress kinases, which modulate negatively the Na+/K+-ATPase pump by phosphorylation.
T14699 986-995 VBN denotes Decreased
T14700 996-1002 NNS denotes levels
T14702 1003-1005 IN denotes of
T14703 1006-1009 NN denotes HKI
T14701 1010-1017 VBP denotes promote
T14704 1018-1031 JJ denotes intracellular
T14705 1032-1045 NN denotes hyperglycemia
T14706 1046-1049 CC denotes and
T14707 1050-1058 VBP denotes activate
T14708 1059-1065 NN denotes stress
T14709 1066-1073 NNS denotes kinases
T14710 1073-1075 , denotes ,
T14711 1075-1080 WDT denotes which
T14712 1081-1089 VBP denotes modulate
T14713 1090-1100 RB denotes negatively
T14714 1101-1104 DT denotes the
T14716 1105-1108 NN denotes Na+
T14718 1108-1109 HYPH denotes /
T14717 1109-1111 NN denotes K+
T14720 1111-1112 HYPH denotes -
T14719 1112-1118 NN denotes ATPase
T14715 1119-1123 NN denotes pump
T14721 1124-1126 IN denotes by
T14722 1127-1142 NN denotes phosphorylation
T14723 1142-1143 . denotes .
T14724 1143-1240 sentence denotes Pathophysiological pathways promoted by RanBP2 haploinsufficiency are represented by dash lines.
T14725 1144-1162 JJ denotes Pathophysiological
T14726 1163-1171 NNS denotes pathways
T14728 1172-1180 VBN denotes promoted
T14729 1181-1183 IN denotes by
T14730 1184-1190 NN denotes RanBP2
T14731 1191-1209 NN denotes haploinsufficiency
T14732 1210-1213 VBP denotes are
T14727 1214-1225 VBN denotes represented
T14733 1226-1228 IN denotes by
T14734 1229-1233 NN denotes dash
T14735 1234-1239 NNS denotes lines
T14736 1239-1240 . denotes .
T14737 1240-1288 sentence denotes RIS, rod inner segment; ROS, rod outer segment.
T14738 1241-1244 NN denotes RIS
T14739 1244-1246 , denotes ,
T14740 1246-1249 NN denotes rod
T14742 1250-1255 JJ denotes inner
T14741 1256-1263 NN denotes segment
T14743 1263-1264 : denotes ;
T14744 1265-1268 NN denotes ROS
T14745 1268-1270 , denotes ,
T14746 1270-1273 NN denotes rod
T14748 1274-1279 JJ denotes outer
T14747 1280-1287 NN denotes segment
T14749 1287-1288 . denotes .
R9536 T14526 T14525 acl Depicting,Model
R9537 T14527 T14528 det a,Role
R9538 T14528 T14526 dobj Role,Depicting
R9539 T14529 T14528 prep of,Role
R9540 T14530 T14529 pobj RanBP2,of
R9541 T14531 T14530 cc and,RanBP2
R9542 T14532 T14530 conj Some,RanBP2
R9543 T14533 T14532 prep of,Some
R9544 T14534 T14535 poss Its,Partners
R9545 T14535 T14533 pobj Partners,of
R9546 T14536 T14528 prep in,Role
R9547 T14537 T14538 amod Metabolic,Function
R9548 T14538 T14536 pobj Function,in
R9549 T14539 T14537 cc and,Metabolic
R9550 T14540 T14537 conj Neuronal,Metabolic
R9551 T14542 T14543 nsubj RanBP2,interacts
R9552 T14544 T14543 prep with,interacts
R9553 T14545 T14544 pobj Cox11,with
R9554 T14546 T14545 cc and,Cox11
R9555 T14547 T14545 conj HKI,Cox11
R9556 T14548 T14543 cc and,interacts
R9557 T14549 T14550 det the,triad
R9558 T14550 T14551 nsubj triad,is
R9559 T14551 T14543 conj is,interacts
R9560 T14552 T14551 prep in,is
R9561 T14553 T14552 pobj equilibrium,in
R9562 T14554 T14551 prep under,is
R9563 T14555 T14556 amod normal,conditions
R9564 T14556 T14554 pobj conditions,under
R9565 T14557 T14556 amod physiological,conditions
R9566 T14558 T14551 punct .,is
R9567 T14560 T14561 nsubj RanBP2,prevents
R9568 T14562 T14563 det the,inhibition
R9569 T14563 T14561 dobj inhibition,prevents
R9570 T14564 T14563 prep of,inhibition
R9571 T14565 T14564 pobj HKI,of
R9572 T14566 T14563 prep by,inhibition
R9573 T14567 T14566 pobj Cox11,by
R9574 T14568 T14567 cc and,Cox11
R9575 T14569 T14570 poss its,degradation
R9576 T14570 T14567 conj degradation,Cox11
R9577 T14571 T14561 punct .,prevents
R9578 T14573 T14574 det The,effect
R9579 T14574 T14576 nsubj effect,is
R9580 T14575 T14574 amod ultimate,effect
R9581 T14577 T14574 prep of,effect
R9582 T14578 T14577 pobj RanBP2,of
R9583 T14579 T14574 prep on,effect
R9584 T14580 T14581 poss its,partners
R9585 T14581 T14579 pobj partners,on
R9586 T14582 T14583 det the,stimulation
R9587 T14583 T14576 attr stimulation,is
R9588 T14584 T14583 prep of,stimulation
R9589 T14585 T14586 det the,pathway
R9590 T14586 T14584 pobj pathway,of
R9591 T14587 T14586 amod glycolytic,pathway
R9592 T14588 T14583 cc and,stimulation
R9593 T14589 T14583 conj production,stimulation
R9594 T14590 T14589 prep of,production
R9595 T14591 T14590 pobj ATP,of
R9596 T14592 T14576 punct .,is
R9597 T14594 T14595 det The,pathway
R9598 T14595 T14597 nsubj pathway,is
R9599 T14596 T14595 amod glycolytic,pathway
R9600 T14598 T14597 acomp critical,is
R9601 T14599 T14600 aux to,fuel
R9602 T14600 T14597 advcl fuel,is
R9603 T14601 T14602 det the,pump
R9604 T14602 T14600 dobj pump,fuel
R9605 T14603 T14602 amod constitutive,pump
R9606 T14604 T14605 nmod Na+,K+
R9607 T14605 T14607 compound K+,ATPase
R9608 T14606 T14605 punct /,K+
R9609 T14607 T14602 compound ATPase,pump
R9610 T14608 T14607 punct -,ATPase
R9611 T14609 T14610 aux to,maintain
R9612 T14610 T14600 advcl maintain,fuel
R9613 T14611 T14612 det the,current
R9614 T14612 T14610 dobj current,maintain
R9615 T14613 T14612 amod dark,current
R9616 T14614 T14612 prep between,current
R9617 T14615 T14616 det the,compartments
R9618 T14616 T14614 pobj compartments,between
R9619 T14617 T14616 amod inner,compartments
R9620 T14618 T14617 cc and,inner
R9621 T14619 T14617 conj outer,inner
R9622 T14620 T14616 compound segment,compartments
R9623 T14621 T14616 prep of,compartments
R9624 T14622 T14623 amod photosensory,neurons
R9625 T14623 T14621 pobj neurons,of
R9626 T14624 T14597 punct .,is
R9627 T14626 T14627 det A,deficit
R9628 T14627 T14628 nsubj deficit,disturbs
R9629 T14629 T14627 punct (,deficit
R9630 T14630 T14627 appos haploinsufficiency,deficit
R9631 T14631 T14627 punct ),deficit
R9632 T14632 T14627 prep in,deficit
R9633 T14633 T14632 pobj RanBP2,in
R9634 T14634 T14635 det the,equilibrium
R9635 T14635 T14628 dobj equilibrium,disturbs
R9636 T14636 T14635 prep between,equilibrium
R9637 T14637 T14636 pobj RanBP2,between
R9638 T14638 T14637 punct ", ",RanBP2
R9639 T14639 T14637 conj HKI,RanBP2
R9640 T14640 T14639 punct ", ",HKI
R9641 T14641 T14639 cc and,HKI
R9642 T14642 T14639 conj Cox11,HKI
R9643 T14643 T14628 punct .,disturbs
R9644 T14645 T14646 det This,event
R9645 T14646 T14648 nsubj event,promotes
R9646 T14647 T14646 amod pathophysiological,event
R9647 T14649 T14650 det the,destabilization
R9648 T14650 T14648 dobj destabilization,promotes
R9649 T14651 T14650 cc and,destabilization
R9650 T14652 T14650 conj degradation,destabilization
R9651 T14653 T14650 prep of,destabilization
R9652 T14654 T14653 pobj HKI,of
R9653 T14655 T14650 cc and,destabilization
R9654 T14656 T14657 det a,decrease
R9655 T14657 T14650 conj decrease,destabilization
R9656 T14658 T14657 prep in,decrease
R9657 T14659 T14660 compound ATP,production
R9658 T14660 T14658 pobj production,in
R9659 T14661 T14660 acl required,production
R9660 T14662 T14663 aux to,maintain
R9661 T14663 T14661 advcl maintain,required
R9662 T14664 T14665 det the,neurons
R9663 T14665 T14663 dobj neurons,maintain
R9664 T14666 T14665 compound depolarization,neurons
R9665 T14667 T14665 compound state,neurons
R9666 T14668 T14657 punct ", ",decrease
R9667 T14669 T14657 cc and,decrease
R9668 T14670 T14657 punct ", ",decrease
R9669 T14671 T14672 advmod hence,reduction
R9670 T14672 T14657 conj reduction,decrease
R9671 T14673 T14672 punct ", ",reduction
R9672 T14674 T14672 det a,reduction
R9673 T14675 T14672 prep in,reduction
R9674 T14676 T14677 det the,response
R9675 T14677 T14675 pobj response,in
R9676 T14678 T14677 prep of,response
R9677 T14679 T14680 amod receptoral,neurons
R9678 T14680 T14678 pobj neurons,of
R9679 T14681 T14679 cc and,receptoral
R9680 T14682 T14679 conj postreceptoral,receptoral
R9681 T14683 T14648 punct .,promotes
R9682 T14685 T14686 det A,reduction
R9683 T14686 T14687 nsubj reduction,modulates
R9684 T14688 T14686 prep in,reduction
R9685 T14689 T14690 compound ATP,levels
R9686 T14690 T14688 pobj levels,in
R9687 T14691 T14687 advmod also,modulates
R9688 T14692 T14687 advmod negatively,modulates
R9689 T14693 T14694 compound HKI,activity
R9690 T14694 T14687 dobj activity,modulates
R9691 T14695 T14696 punct /,level
R9692 T14696 T14694 prep level,activity
R9693 T14697 T14687 punct .,modulates
R9694 T14699 T14700 amod Decreased,levels
R9695 T14700 T14701 nsubj levels,promote
R9696 T14702 T14700 prep of,levels
R9697 T14703 T14702 pobj HKI,of
R9698 T14704 T14705 amod intracellular,hyperglycemia
R9699 T14705 T14701 dobj hyperglycemia,promote
R9700 T14706 T14701 cc and,promote
R9701 T14707 T14701 conj activate,promote
R9702 T14708 T14709 compound stress,kinases
R9703 T14709 T14707 dobj kinases,activate
R9704 T14710 T14709 punct ", ",kinases
R9705 T14711 T14712 dep which,modulate
R9706 T14712 T14709 relcl modulate,kinases
R9707 T14713 T14712 advmod negatively,modulate
R9708 T14714 T14715 det the,pump
R9709 T14715 T14712 dobj pump,modulate
R9710 T14716 T14717 compound Na+,K+
R9711 T14717 T14719 compound K+,ATPase
R9712 T14718 T14717 punct /,K+
R9713 T14719 T14715 compound ATPase,pump
R9714 T14720 T14719 punct -,ATPase
R9715 T14721 T14712 prep by,modulate
R9716 T14722 T14721 pobj phosphorylation,by
R9717 T14723 T14701 punct .,promote
R9718 T14725 T14726 amod Pathophysiological,pathways
R9719 T14726 T14727 nsubjpass pathways,represented
R9720 T14728 T14726 acl promoted,pathways
R9721 T14729 T14728 agent by,promoted
R9722 T14730 T14731 compound RanBP2,haploinsufficiency
R9723 T14731 T14729 pobj haploinsufficiency,by
R9724 T14732 T14727 auxpass are,represented
R9725 T14733 T14727 agent by,represented
R9726 T14734 T14735 compound dash,lines
R9727 T14735 T14733 pobj lines,by
R9728 T14736 T14727 punct .,represented
R9729 T14739 T14738 punct ", ",RIS
R9730 T14740 T14741 nmod rod,segment
R9731 T14741 T14738 appos segment,RIS
R9732 T14742 T14741 amod inner,segment
R9733 T14743 T14738 punct ;,RIS
R9734 T14744 T14738 appos ROS,RIS
R9735 T14745 T14744 punct ", ",ROS
R9736 T14746 T14747 nmod rod,segment
R9737 T14747 T14744 appos segment,ROS
R9738 T14748 T14747 amod outer,segment
R9739 T14749 T14738 punct .,RIS