PMC:1626108 / 32101-32255 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6245 0-154 sentence denotes This is reflected by a reduction of the V max of HKI without significantly affecting the K m of the active site of HKI toward glucose (Figure 2A and 2B).
T6246 1-5 DT denotes This
T6248 6-8 VBZ denotes is
T6247 9-18 VBN denotes reflected
T6249 19-21 IN denotes by
T6250 22-23 DT denotes a
T6251 24-33 NN denotes reduction
T6252 34-36 IN denotes of
T6253 37-40 DT denotes the
T6254 41-46 NN denotes V max
T6255 47-49 IN denotes of
T6256 50-53 NN denotes HKI
T6257 54-61 IN denotes without
T6258 62-75 RB denotes significantly
T6259 76-85 VBG denotes affecting
T6260 86-89 DT denotes the
T6261 90-93 NN denotes K m
T6262 94-96 IN denotes of
T6263 97-100 DT denotes the
T6265 101-107 JJ denotes active
T6264 108-112 NN denotes site
T6266 113-115 IN denotes of
T6267 116-119 NN denotes HKI
T6268 120-126 IN denotes toward
T6269 127-134 NN denotes glucose
T6270 135-136 -LRB- denotes (
T6272 136-142 NN denotes Figure
T6271 143-145 NN denotes 2A
T6273 146-149 CC denotes and
T6274 150-152 NN denotes 2B
T6275 152-153 -RRB- denotes )
T6276 153-154 . denotes .
R3681 T6246 T6247 nsubjpass This,reflected
R3682 T6248 T6247 auxpass is,reflected
R3683 T6249 T6247 agent by,reflected
R3684 T6250 T6251 det a,reduction
R3685 T6251 T6249 pobj reduction,by
R3686 T6252 T6251 prep of,reduction
R3687 T6253 T6254 det the,V max
R3688 T6254 T6252 pobj V max,of
R3689 T6255 T6254 prep of,V max
R3690 T6256 T6255 pobj HKI,of
R3691 T6257 T6251 prep without,reduction
R3692 T6258 T6259 advmod significantly,affecting
R3693 T6259 T6257 pcomp affecting,without
R3694 T6260 T6261 det the,K m
R3695 T6261 T6259 dobj K m,affecting
R3696 T6262 T6261 prep of,K m
R3697 T6263 T6264 det the,site
R3698 T6264 T6262 pobj site,of
R3699 T6265 T6264 amod active,site
R3700 T6266 T6264 prep of,site
R3701 T6267 T6266 pobj HKI,of
R3702 T6268 T6261 prep toward,K m
R3703 T6269 T6268 pobj glucose,toward
R3704 T6270 T6271 punct (,2A
R3705 T6271 T6247 parataxis 2A,reflected
R3706 T6272 T6271 compound Figure,2A
R3707 T6273 T6271 cc and,2A
R3708 T6274 T6271 conj 2B,2A
R3709 T6275 T6271 punct ),2A
R3710 T6276 T6247 punct .,reflected