PMC:1626108 / 28188-28415 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5127 0-227 sentence denotes The scotopic (dark-adapted) responses mediated by the rod photoreceptor pathway at low-stimulus intensities and mixed rod and cone pathways at high-stimulus intensities were substantially reduced in RanBP2+/− mice (Figure 8A).
T5128 1-4 DT denotes The
T5130 5-13 JJ denotes scotopic
T5131 14-15 -LRB- denotes (
T5133 15-19 NN denotes dark
T5134 19-20 HYPH denotes -
T5132 20-27 VBN denotes adapted
T5135 27-28 -RRB- denotes )
T5129 29-38 NNS denotes responses
T5137 39-47 VBN denotes mediated
T5138 48-50 IN denotes by
T5139 51-54 DT denotes the
T5141 55-58 NN denotes rod
T5142 59-72 NN denotes photoreceptor
T5140 73-80 NN denotes pathway
T5143 81-83 IN denotes at
T5144 84-87 JJ denotes low
T5146 87-88 HYPH denotes -
T5145 88-96 NN denotes stimulus
T5147 97-108 NNS denotes intensities
T5148 109-112 CC denotes and
T5149 113-118 JJ denotes mixed
T5151 119-122 NN denotes rod
T5152 123-126 CC denotes and
T5153 127-131 NN denotes cone
T5150 132-140 NNS denotes pathways
T5154 141-143 IN denotes at
T5155 144-148 JJ denotes high
T5157 148-149 HYPH denotes -
T5156 149-157 NN denotes stimulus
T5158 158-169 NNS denotes intensities
T5159 170-174 VBD denotes were
T5160 175-188 RB denotes substantially
T5136 189-196 VBN denotes reduced
T5161 197-199 IN denotes in
T5162 200-206 NN denotes RanBP2
T5164 206-207 SYM denotes +
T5165 207-208 HYPH denotes /
T5166 208-209 SYM denotes
T5163 210-214 NNS denotes mice
T5167 215-216 -LRB- denotes (
T5169 216-222 NN denotes Figure
T5168 223-225 NN denotes 8A
T5170 225-226 -RRB- denotes )
T5171 226-227 . denotes .
R3228 T5128 T5129 det The,responses
R3229 T5129 T5136 nsubjpass responses,reduced
R3230 T5130 T5129 amod scotopic,responses
R3231 T5131 T5132 punct (,adapted
R3232 T5132 T5130 parataxis adapted,scotopic
R3233 T5133 T5132 npadvmod dark,adapted
R3234 T5134 T5132 punct -,adapted
R3235 T5135 T5132 punct ),adapted
R3236 T5137 T5129 acl mediated,responses
R3237 T5138 T5137 agent by,mediated
R3238 T5139 T5140 det the,pathway
R3239 T5140 T5138 pobj pathway,by
R3240 T5141 T5142 compound rod,photoreceptor
R3241 T5142 T5140 compound photoreceptor,pathway
R3242 T5143 T5140 prep at,pathway
R3243 T5144 T5145 amod low,stimulus
R3244 T5145 T5147 compound stimulus,intensities
R3245 T5146 T5145 punct -,stimulus
R3246 T5147 T5143 pobj intensities,at
R3247 T5148 T5140 cc and,pathway
R3248 T5149 T5150 amod mixed,pathways
R3249 T5150 T5140 conj pathways,pathway
R3250 T5151 T5150 nmod rod,pathways
R3251 T5152 T5151 cc and,rod
R3252 T5153 T5151 conj cone,rod
R3253 T5154 T5150 prep at,pathways
R3254 T5155 T5156 amod high,stimulus
R3255 T5156 T5158 compound stimulus,intensities
R3256 T5157 T5156 punct -,stimulus
R3257 T5158 T5154 pobj intensities,at
R3258 T5159 T5136 auxpass were,reduced
R3259 T5160 T5136 advmod substantially,reduced
R3260 T5161 T5136 prep in,reduced
R3261 T5162 T5163 nmod RanBP2,mice
R3262 T5163 T5161 pobj mice,in
R3263 T5164 T5162 punct +,RanBP2
R3264 T5165 T5162 punct /,RanBP2
R3265 T5166 T5162 punct −,RanBP2
R3266 T5167 T5168 punct (,8A
R3267 T5168 T5136 parataxis 8A,reduced
R3268 T5169 T5168 compound Figure,8A
R3269 T5170 T5168 punct ),8A
R3270 T5171 T5136 punct .,reduced