PMC:1626108 / 20374-20481 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12891 0-107 sentence denotes PLAP expression is found throughout the plexiform/synaptic layers and outer segment of photoreceptors (E).
T12892 1-5 NN denotes PLAP
T12893 6-16 NN denotes expression
T12895 17-19 VBZ denotes is
T12894 20-25 VBN denotes found
T12896 26-36 IN denotes throughout
T12897 37-40 DT denotes the
T12899 41-50 JJ denotes plexiform
T12901 50-51 HYPH denotes /
T12900 51-59 JJ denotes synaptic
T12898 60-66 NNS denotes layers
T12902 67-70 CC denotes and
T12903 71-76 JJ denotes outer
T12904 77-84 NN denotes segment
T12905 85-87 IN denotes of
T12906 88-102 NNS denotes photoreceptors
T12907 103-104 -LRB- denotes (
T12908 104-105 NN denotes E
T12909 105-106 -RRB- denotes )
T12910 106-107 . denotes .
R8584 T12892 T12893 compound PLAP,expression
R8585 T12893 T12894 nsubjpass expression,found
R8586 T12895 T12894 auxpass is,found
R8587 T12896 T12894 prep throughout,found
R8588 T12897 T12898 det the,layers
R8589 T12898 T12896 pobj layers,throughout
R8590 T12899 T12900 amod plexiform,synaptic
R8591 T12900 T12898 amod synaptic,layers
R8592 T12901 T12900 punct /,synaptic
R8593 T12902 T12898 cc and,layers
R8594 T12903 T12904 amod outer,segment
R8595 T12904 T12898 conj segment,layers
R8596 T12905 T12904 prep of,segment
R8597 T12906 T12905 pobj photoreceptors,of
R8598 T12907 T12908 punct (,E
R8599 T12908 T12894 parataxis E,found
R8600 T12909 T12908 punct ),E
R8601 T12910 T12894 punct .,found