PMC:1626108 / 17780-18684 JSONTXT 5 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3463 0-2 TO denotes To
T3464 3-12 VB denotes determine
T3466 13-16 DT denotes the
T3468 17-30 JJ denotes physiological
T3467 31-43 NNS denotes implications
T3469 44-46 IN denotes of
T3470 47-50 DT denotes the
T3471 51-62 NN denotes interaction
T3472 63-70 IN denotes between
T3473 71-77 NN denotes RanBP2
T3474 78-81 CC denotes and
T3475 82-85 NN denotes HKI
T3476 86-87 -LRB- denotes (
T3477 87-90 CC denotes and
T3478 91-96 JJ denotes other
T3479 97-105 NNS denotes partners
T3480 105-106 -RRB- denotes )
T3481 106-108 , denotes ,
T3482 108-110 PRP denotes we
T3465 111-119 VBD denotes employed
T3483 120-121 DT denotes a
T3485 122-128 JJ denotes murine
T3486 129-138 JJ denotes embryonic
T3487 139-143 NN denotes stem
T3488 144-150 NN denotes 129Ola
T3489 151-155 NN denotes cell
T3484 156-160 NN denotes line
T3490 161-165 IN denotes with
T3491 166-167 DT denotes a
T3493 168-176 VBN denotes targeted
T3494 177-183 NN denotes RanBP2
T3492 184-189 NN denotes locus
T3495 190-198 VBN denotes produced
T3496 199-201 IN denotes by
T3497 202-206 NN denotes gene
T3499 206-207 HYPH denotes -
T3498 207-215 NN denotes trapping
T3500 216-218 TO denotes to
T3501 219-226 VB denotes produce
T3502 227-233 JJ denotes stable
T3504 234-240 JJ denotes inbred
T3505 241-242 -LRB- denotes (
T3506 242-252 JJ denotes coisogenic
T3507 252-253 -RRB- denotes )
T3508 254-257 CC denotes and
T3509 258-263 JJ denotes mixed
T3510 264-274 NN denotes background
T3503 275-280 NNS denotes lines
T3511 280-282 , denotes ,
T3512 282-294 RB denotes respectively
T3513 295-296 -LRB- denotes (
T3515 296-302 NN denotes Figure
T3514 303-305 NN denotes 4A
T3516 306-309 CC denotes and
T3517 310-312 NN denotes 4B
T3518 312-313 -RRB- denotes )
T3519 313-314 . denotes .
T3520 314-522 sentence denotes Genotyping of 299 F2 offspring revealed a RanBP2+/+:RanBP2+/−:RanBP2−/− distribution (89:210:0) that deviated from the expected Mendelian ratio and supports that the RanBP2−/− mice were embryonically lethal.
T3521 315-325 NN denotes Genotyping
T3523 326-328 IN denotes of
T3524 329-332 CD denotes 299
T3525 333-335 NN denotes F2
T3526 336-345 NN denotes offspring
T3522 346-354 VBD denotes revealed
T3527 355-356 DT denotes a
T3529 357-363 NN denotes RanBP2
T3530 363-364 SYM denotes +
T3531 364-365 HYPH denotes /
T3532 365-366 SYM denotes +
T3533 366-367 SYM denotes :
T3534 367-373 NN denotes RanBP2
T3535 373-374 SYM denotes +
T3536 374-375 HYPH denotes /
T3537 375-376 SYM denotes
T3538 376-377 SYM denotes :
T3539 377-383 NN denotes RanBP2
T3540 383-384 SYM denotes
T3541 384-385 HYPH denotes /
T3542 385-386 SYM denotes
T3528 387-399 NN denotes distribution
T3543 400-401 -LRB- denotes (
T3544 401-403 CD denotes 89
T3546 403-404 SYM denotes :
T3547 404-407 CD denotes 210
T3548 407-408 SYM denotes :
T3545 408-409 CD denotes 0
T3549 409-410 -RRB- denotes )
T3550 411-415 WDT denotes that
T3551 416-424 VBD denotes deviated
T3552 425-429 IN denotes from
T3553 430-433 DT denotes the
T3555 434-442 VBN denotes expected
T3556 443-452 JJ denotes Mendelian
T3554 453-458 NN denotes ratio
T3557 459-462 CC denotes and
T3558 463-471 VBZ denotes supports
T3559 472-476 IN denotes that
T3561 477-480 DT denotes the
T3563 481-487 NN denotes RanBP2
T3564 487-488 SYM denotes
T3565 488-489 HYPH denotes /
T3566 489-490 SYM denotes
T3562 491-495 NNS denotes mice
T3560 496-500 VBD denotes were
T3567 501-514 RB denotes embryonically
T3568 515-521 JJ denotes lethal
T3569 521-522 . denotes .
T3570 522-688 sentence denotes E12.5 embryos show strong expression of RanBP2 in the optic vesicle and throughout much of the embryo, which had no apparent developmental abnormalities (Figure 4C).
T3571 523-528 NN denotes E12.5
T3572 529-536 NNS denotes embryos
T3573 537-541 VBP denotes show
T3574 542-548 JJ denotes strong
T3575 549-559 NN denotes expression
T3576 560-562 IN denotes of
T3577 563-569 NN denotes RanBP2
T3578 570-572 IN denotes in
T3579 573-576 DT denotes the
T3581 577-582 JJ denotes optic
T3580 583-590 NN denotes vesicle
T3582 591-594 CC denotes and
T3583 595-605 IN denotes throughout
T3584 606-610 JJ denotes much
T3585 611-613 IN denotes of
T3586 614-617 DT denotes the
T3587 618-624 NN denotes embryo
T3588 624-626 , denotes ,
T3589 626-631 WDT denotes which
T3590 632-635 VBD denotes had
T3591 636-638 DT denotes no
T3593 639-647 JJ denotes apparent
T3594 648-661 JJ denotes developmental
T3592 662-675 NNS denotes abnormalities
T3595 676-677 -LRB- denotes (
T3597 677-683 NN denotes Figure
T3596 684-686 NN denotes 4C
T3598 686-687 -RRB- denotes )
T3599 687-688 . denotes .
T3600 688-904 sentence denotes In agreement with previous immunocytochemistry analysis [19], the RanBP2 gene is expressed across mature retinal neurons, but expression in ganglion cells of the adult retina was extremely strong (Figure 4D and 4E).
T3601 689-691 IN denotes In
T3603 692-701 NN denotes agreement
T3604 702-706 IN denotes with
T3605 707-715 JJ denotes previous
T3607 716-735 NN denotes immunocytochemistry
T3606 736-744 NN denotes analysis
T3608 745-746 -LRB- denotes [
T3609 746-748 CD denotes 19
T3610 748-749 -RRB- denotes ]
T3611 749-751 , denotes ,
T3612 751-754 DT denotes the
T3614 755-761 NN denotes RanBP2
T3613 762-766 NN denotes gene
T3615 767-769 VBZ denotes is
T3602 770-779 VBN denotes expressed
T3616 780-786 IN denotes across
T3617 787-793 JJ denotes mature
T3619 794-801 JJ denotes retinal
T3618 802-809 NNS denotes neurons
T3620 809-811 , denotes ,
T3621 811-814 CC denotes but
T3622 815-825 NN denotes expression
T3624 826-828 IN denotes in
T3625 829-837 NN denotes ganglion
T3626 838-843 NNS denotes cells
T3627 844-846 IN denotes of
T3628 847-850 DT denotes the
T3630 851-856 JJ denotes adult
T3629 857-863 NN denotes retina
T3623 864-867 VBD denotes was
T3631 868-877 RB denotes extremely
T3632 878-884 JJ denotes strong
T3633 885-886 -LRB- denotes (
T3635 886-892 NN denotes Figure
T3634 893-895 NN denotes 4D
T3636 896-899 CC denotes and
T3637 900-902 NN denotes 4E
T3638 902-903 -RRB- denotes )
T3639 903-904 . denotes .
R2040 T3463 T3464 aux To,determine
R2041 T3464 T3465 advcl determine,employed
R2042 T3466 T3467 det the,implications
R2043 T3467 T3464 dobj implications,determine
R2044 T3468 T3467 amod physiological,implications
R2045 T3469 T3467 prep of,implications
R2046 T3470 T3471 det the,interaction
R2047 T3471 T3469 pobj interaction,of
R2048 T3472 T3471 prep between,interaction
R2049 T3473 T3472 pobj RanBP2,between
R2050 T3474 T3473 cc and,RanBP2
R2051 T3475 T3473 conj HKI,RanBP2
R2052 T3476 T3475 punct (,HKI
R2053 T3477 T3475 cc and,HKI
R2054 T3478 T3479 amod other,partners
R2055 T3479 T3475 conj partners,HKI
R2056 T3480 T3465 punct ),employed
R2057 T3481 T3465 punct ", ",employed
R2058 T3482 T3465 nsubj we,employed
R2059 T3483 T3484 det a,line
R2060 T3484 T3465 dobj line,employed
R2061 T3485 T3484 amod murine,line
R2062 T3486 T3487 amod embryonic,stem
R2063 T3487 T3484 compound stem,line
R2064 T3488 T3484 compound 129Ola,line
R2065 T3489 T3484 compound cell,line
R2066 T3490 T3484 prep with,line
R2067 T3491 T3492 det a,locus
R2068 T3492 T3490 pobj locus,with
R2069 T3493 T3492 amod targeted,locus
R2070 T3494 T3492 compound RanBP2,locus
R2071 T3495 T3492 acl produced,locus
R2072 T3496 T3495 agent by,produced
R2073 T3497 T3498 compound gene,trapping
R2074 T3498 T3496 pobj trapping,by
R2075 T3499 T3498 punct -,trapping
R2076 T3500 T3501 aux to,produce
R2077 T3501 T3495 advcl produce,produced
R2078 T3502 T3503 amod stable,lines
R2079 T3503 T3501 dobj lines,produce
R2080 T3504 T3503 amod inbred,lines
R2081 T3505 T3506 punct (,coisogenic
R2082 T3506 T3504 parataxis coisogenic,inbred
R2083 T3507 T3506 punct ),coisogenic
R2084 T3508 T3504 cc and,inbred
R2085 T3509 T3510 amod mixed,background
R2086 T3510 T3504 conj background,inbred
R2087 T3511 T3501 punct ", ",produce
R2088 T3512 T3501 advmod respectively,produce
R2089 T3513 T3514 punct (,4A
R2090 T3514 T3465 parataxis 4A,employed
R2091 T3515 T3514 compound Figure,4A
R2092 T3516 T3514 cc and,4A
R2093 T3517 T3514 conj 4B,4A
R2094 T3518 T3514 punct ),4A
R2095 T3519 T3465 punct .,employed
R2096 T3521 T3522 nsubj Genotyping,revealed
R2097 T3523 T3521 prep of,Genotyping
R2098 T3524 T3525 nummod 299,F2
R2099 T3525 T3526 compound F2,offspring
R2100 T3526 T3523 pobj offspring,of
R2101 T3527 T3528 det a,distribution
R2102 T3528 T3522 dobj distribution,revealed
R2103 T3529 T3528 nmod RanBP2,distribution
R2104 T3530 T3529 punct +,RanBP2
R2105 T3531 T3529 punct /,RanBP2
R2106 T3532 T3529 punct +,RanBP2
R2107 T3533 T3529 punct :,RanBP2
R2108 T3534 T3529 appos RanBP2,RanBP2
R2109 T3535 T3534 punct +,RanBP2
R2110 T3536 T3534 punct /,RanBP2
R2111 T3537 T3534 punct −,RanBP2
R2112 T3538 T3529 punct :,RanBP2
R2113 T3539 T3529 appos RanBP2,RanBP2
R2114 T3540 T3539 punct −,RanBP2
R2115 T3541 T3539 punct /,RanBP2
R2116 T3542 T3539 punct −,RanBP2
R2117 T3543 T3528 punct (,distribution
R2118 T3544 T3545 nummod 89,0
R2119 T3545 T3528 appos 0,distribution
R2120 T3546 T3545 punct :,0
R2121 T3547 T3545 nummod 210,0
R2122 T3548 T3545 punct :,0
R2123 T3549 T3528 punct ),distribution
R2124 T3550 T3551 dep that,deviated
R2125 T3551 T3528 relcl deviated,distribution
R2126 T3552 T3551 prep from,deviated
R2127 T3553 T3554 det the,ratio
R2128 T3554 T3552 pobj ratio,from
R2129 T3555 T3554 amod expected,ratio
R2130 T3556 T3554 amod Mendelian,ratio
R2131 T3557 T3551 cc and,deviated
R2132 T3558 T3551 conj supports,deviated
R2133 T3559 T3560 mark that,were
R2134 T3560 T3558 ccomp were,supports
R2135 T3561 T3562 det the,mice
R2136 T3562 T3560 nsubj mice,were
R2137 T3563 T3562 nmod RanBP2,mice
R2138 T3564 T3563 punct −,RanBP2
R2139 T3565 T3563 punct /,RanBP2
R2140 T3566 T3563 punct −,RanBP2
R2141 T3567 T3568 advmod embryonically,lethal
R2142 T3568 T3560 acomp lethal,were
R2143 T3569 T3522 punct .,revealed
R2144 T3571 T3572 compound E12.5,embryos
R2145 T3572 T3573 nsubj embryos,show
R2146 T3574 T3575 amod strong,expression
R2147 T3575 T3573 dobj expression,show
R2148 T3576 T3575 prep of,expression
R2149 T3577 T3576 pobj RanBP2,of
R2150 T3578 T3575 prep in,expression
R2151 T3579 T3580 det the,vesicle
R2152 T3580 T3578 pobj vesicle,in
R2153 T3581 T3580 amod optic,vesicle
R2154 T3582 T3578 cc and,in
R2155 T3583 T3578 conj throughout,in
R2156 T3584 T3583 pobj much,throughout
R2157 T3585 T3584 prep of,much
R2158 T3586 T3587 det the,embryo
R2159 T3587 T3585 pobj embryo,of
R2160 T3588 T3587 punct ", ",embryo
R2161 T3589 T3590 dep which,had
R2162 T3590 T3587 relcl had,embryo
R2163 T3591 T3592 det no,abnormalities
R2164 T3592 T3590 dobj abnormalities,had
R2165 T3593 T3592 amod apparent,abnormalities
R2166 T3594 T3592 amod developmental,abnormalities
R2167 T3595 T3596 punct (,4C
R2168 T3596 T3573 parataxis 4C,show
R2169 T3597 T3596 compound Figure,4C
R2170 T3598 T3596 punct ),4C
R2171 T3599 T3573 punct .,show
R2172 T3601 T3602 prep In,expressed
R2173 T3603 T3601 pobj agreement,In
R2174 T3604 T3603 prep with,agreement
R2175 T3605 T3606 amod previous,analysis
R2176 T3606 T3604 pobj analysis,with
R2177 T3607 T3606 compound immunocytochemistry,analysis
R2178 T3608 T3609 punct [,19
R2179 T3609 T3606 parataxis 19,analysis
R2180 T3610 T3609 punct ],19
R2181 T3611 T3602 punct ", ",expressed
R2182 T3612 T3613 det the,gene
R2183 T3613 T3602 nsubjpass gene,expressed
R2184 T3614 T3613 compound RanBP2,gene
R2185 T3615 T3602 auxpass is,expressed
R2186 T3616 T3602 prep across,expressed
R2187 T3617 T3618 amod mature,neurons
R2188 T3618 T3616 pobj neurons,across
R2189 T3619 T3618 amod retinal,neurons
R2190 T3620 T3602 punct ", ",expressed
R2191 T3621 T3602 cc but,expressed
R2192 T3622 T3623 nsubj expression,was
R2193 T3623 T3602 conj was,expressed
R2194 T3624 T3622 prep in,expression
R2195 T3625 T3626 compound ganglion,cells
R2196 T3626 T3624 pobj cells,in
R2197 T3627 T3626 prep of,cells
R2198 T3628 T3629 det the,retina
R2199 T3629 T3627 pobj retina,of
R2200 T3630 T3629 amod adult,retina
R2201 T3631 T3632 advmod extremely,strong
R2202 T3632 T3623 acomp strong,was
R2203 T3633 T3634 punct (,4D
R2204 T3634 T3623 parataxis 4D,was
R2205 T3635 T3634 compound Figure,4D
R2206 T3636 T3634 cc and,4D
R2207 T3637 T3634 conj 4E,4D
R2208 T3638 T3634 punct ),4D
R2209 T3639 T3623 punct .,was