PMC:1617083 / 1982-2569 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1399 0-10 NN denotes Conclusion
T1400 10-139 sentence denotes These results indicate that susceptibility to arterial thrombosis and haemostasis is remarkably different in C57BL/and A/J mice.
T1401 11-16 DT denotes These
T1402 17-24 NNS denotes results
T1403 25-33 VBP denotes indicate
T1404 34-38 IN denotes that
T1406 39-53 NN denotes susceptibility
T1407 54-56 IN denotes to
T1408 57-65 JJ denotes arterial
T1409 66-76 NN denotes thrombosis
T1410 77-80 CC denotes and
T1411 81-92 NN denotes haemostasis
T1405 93-95 VBZ denotes is
T1412 96-106 RB denotes remarkably
T1413 107-116 JJ denotes different
T1414 117-119 IN denotes in
T1415 120-125 NN denotes C57BL
T1417 125-126 HYPH denotes /
T1418 126-129 CC denotes and
T1419 130-131 NN denotes A
T1420 131-132 HYPH denotes /
T1416 132-133 NN denotes J
T1421 134-138 NNS denotes mice
T1422 138-139 . denotes .
T1423 139-375 sentence denotes Three A/J chromosome substitution strains were identified that expressed a phenotype similar to A/J for rebleeding, the C57Bl/6J background could modify the A/J phenotype, and the combination of two A/J QTL could restore the phenotype.
T1424 140-145 CD denotes Three
T1426 146-147 NN denotes A
T1428 147-148 HYPH denotes /
T1427 148-149 NN denotes J
T1429 150-160 NN denotes chromosome
T1430 161-173 NN denotes substitution
T1425 174-181 NNS denotes strains
T1432 182-186 VBD denotes were
T1431 187-197 VBN denotes identified
T1433 198-202 WDT denotes that
T1434 203-212 VBD denotes expressed
T1435 213-214 DT denotes a
T1436 215-224 NN denotes phenotype
T1437 225-232 JJ denotes similar
T1438 233-235 IN denotes to
T1439 236-237 NN denotes A
T1441 237-238 HYPH denotes /
T1440 238-239 NN denotes J
T1442 240-243 IN denotes for
T1443 244-254 VBG denotes rebleeding
T1444 254-256 , denotes ,
T1445 256-259 DT denotes the
T1447 260-265 NN denotes C57Bl
T1449 265-266 HYPH denotes /
T1448 266-268 NN denotes 6J
T1446 269-279 NN denotes background
T1451 280-285 MD denotes could
T1450 286-292 VB denotes modify
T1452 293-296 DT denotes the
T1454 297-298 NN denotes A
T1456 298-299 HYPH denotes /
T1455 299-300 NN denotes J
T1453 301-310 NN denotes phenotype
T1457 310-312 , denotes ,
T1458 312-315 CC denotes and
T1459 316-319 DT denotes the
T1460 320-331 NN denotes combination
T1462 332-334 IN denotes of
T1463 335-338 CD denotes two
T1465 339-340 NN denotes A
T1467 340-341 HYPH denotes /
T1466 341-342 NN denotes J
T1464 343-346 NN denotes QTL
T1468 347-352 MD denotes could
T1461 353-360 VB denotes restore
T1469 361-364 DT denotes the
T1470 365-374 NN denotes phenotype
T1471 374-375 . denotes .
T1472 375-587 sentence denotes The diverse genetic backgrounds and differences in response to vascular injury induced thrombosis and the tail bleeding assay, suggest the potential for identifying novel genetic determinants of thrombotic risk.
T1473 376-379 DT denotes The
T1475 380-387 JJ denotes diverse
T1476 388-395 JJ denotes genetic
T1474 396-407 NNS denotes backgrounds
T1478 408-411 CC denotes and
T1479 412-423 NNS denotes differences
T1480 424-426 IN denotes in
T1481 427-435 NN denotes response
T1482 436-438 IN denotes to
T1483 439-447 JJ denotes vascular
T1484 448-454 NN denotes injury
T1485 455-462 VBN denotes induced
T1486 463-473 NN denotes thrombosis
T1487 474-477 CC denotes and
T1488 478-481 DT denotes the
T1490 482-486 NN denotes tail
T1491 487-495 NN denotes bleeding
T1489 496-501 NN denotes assay
T1492 501-503 , denotes ,
T1477 503-510 VBP denotes suggest
T1493 511-514 DT denotes the
T1494 515-524 NN denotes potential
T1495 525-528 IN denotes for
T1496 529-540 VBG denotes identifying
T1497 541-546 JJ denotes novel
T1499 547-554 JJ denotes genetic
T1498 555-567 NNS denotes determinants
T1500 568-570 IN denotes of
T1501 571-581 JJ denotes thrombotic
T1502 582-586 NN denotes risk
T1503 586-587 . denotes .
R356 T1401 T1402 det These,results
R357 T1402 T1403 nsubj results,indicate
R358 T1404 T1405 mark that,is
R359 T1405 T1403 ccomp is,indicate
R360 T1406 T1405 nsubj susceptibility,is
R361 T1407 T1406 prep to,susceptibility
R362 T1408 T1409 amod arterial,thrombosis
R363 T1409 T1407 pobj thrombosis,to
R364 T1410 T1409 cc and,thrombosis
R365 T1411 T1409 conj haemostasis,thrombosis
R366 T1412 T1413 advmod remarkably,different
R367 T1413 T1405 acomp different,is
R368 T1414 T1405 prep in,is
R369 T1415 T1416 nmod C57BL,J
R370 T1416 T1421 compound J,mice
R371 T1417 T1415 punct /,C57BL
R372 T1418 T1415 cc and,C57BL
R373 T1419 T1415 conj A,C57BL
R374 T1420 T1419 punct /,A
R375 T1421 T1414 pobj mice,in
R376 T1422 T1403 punct .,indicate
R377 T1424 T1425 nummod Three,strains
R378 T1425 T1431 nsubjpass strains,identified
R379 T1426 T1427 compound A,J
R380 T1427 T1425 compound J,strains
R381 T1428 T1427 punct /,J
R382 T1429 T1425 compound chromosome,strains
R383 T1430 T1425 compound substitution,strains
R384 T1432 T1431 auxpass were,identified
R385 T1433 T1434 dep that,expressed
R386 T1434 T1431 ccomp expressed,identified
R387 T1435 T1436 det a,phenotype
R388 T1436 T1434 dobj phenotype,expressed
R389 T1437 T1436 amod similar,phenotype
R390 T1438 T1437 prep to,similar
R391 T1439 T1440 compound A,J
R392 T1440 T1438 pobj J,to
R393 T1441 T1440 punct /,J
R394 T1442 T1431 prep for,identified
R395 T1443 T1442 pobj rebleeding,for
R396 T1444 T1431 punct ", ",identified
R397 T1445 T1446 det the,background
R398 T1446 T1450 nsubj background,modify
R399 T1447 T1448 compound C57Bl,6J
R400 T1448 T1446 compound 6J,background
R401 T1449 T1448 punct /,6J
R402 T1450 T1431 conj modify,identified
R403 T1451 T1450 aux could,modify
R404 T1452 T1453 det the,phenotype
R405 T1453 T1450 dobj phenotype,modify
R406 T1454 T1455 compound A,J
R407 T1455 T1453 compound J,phenotype
R408 T1456 T1455 punct /,J
R409 T1457 T1450 punct ", ",modify
R410 T1458 T1450 cc and,modify
R411 T1459 T1460 det the,combination
R412 T1460 T1461 nsubj combination,restore
R413 T1461 T1450 conj restore,modify
R414 T1462 T1460 prep of,combination
R415 T1463 T1464 nummod two,QTL
R416 T1464 T1462 pobj QTL,of
R417 T1465 T1466 compound A,J
R418 T1466 T1464 compound J,QTL
R419 T1467 T1466 punct /,J
R420 T1468 T1461 aux could,restore
R421 T1469 T1470 det the,phenotype
R422 T1470 T1461 dobj phenotype,restore
R423 T1471 T1461 punct .,restore
R424 T1473 T1474 det The,backgrounds
R425 T1474 T1477 nsubj backgrounds,suggest
R426 T1475 T1474 amod diverse,backgrounds
R427 T1476 T1474 amod genetic,backgrounds
R428 T1478 T1474 cc and,backgrounds
R429 T1479 T1474 conj differences,backgrounds
R430 T1480 T1479 prep in,differences
R431 T1481 T1480 pobj response,in
R432 T1482 T1481 prep to,response
R433 T1483 T1484 amod vascular,injury
R434 T1484 T1485 npadvmod injury,induced
R435 T1485 T1486 amod induced,thrombosis
R436 T1486 T1482 pobj thrombosis,to
R437 T1487 T1486 cc and,thrombosis
R438 T1488 T1489 det the,assay
R439 T1489 T1486 conj assay,thrombosis
R440 T1490 T1491 compound tail,bleeding
R441 T1491 T1489 compound bleeding,assay
R442 T1492 T1477 punct ", ",suggest
R443 T1493 T1494 det the,potential
R444 T1494 T1477 dobj potential,suggest
R445 T1495 T1494 prep for,potential
R446 T1496 T1495 pcomp identifying,for
R447 T1497 T1498 amod novel,determinants
R448 T1498 T1496 dobj determinants,identifying
R449 T1499 T1498 amod genetic,determinants
R450 T1500 T1498 prep of,determinants
R451 T1501 T1502 amod thrombotic,risk
R452 T1502 T1500 pobj risk,of
R453 T1503 T1477 punct .,suggest