PMC:1584416 / 72-195 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T96 53-61 IN denotes Although
T98 62-70 NN denotes compound
T99 71-85 NN denotes heterozygosity
T100 85-87 , denotes ,
T101 87-89 CC denotes or
T102 90-93 DT denotes the
T103 94-102 NN denotes presence
T104 103-105 IN denotes of
T105 106-109 CD denotes two
T107 110-119 JJ denotes different
R12 T98 T99 compound compound,heterozygosity
R14 T100 T99 punct ", ",heterozygosity
R15 T101 T99 cc or,heterozygosity
R16 T102 T103 det the,presence
R17 T103 T99 conj presence,heterozygosity
R18 T104 T103 prep of,presence