PMC:1584416 / 12546-12795 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7790 0-1 -LRB- denotes (
T7791 1-2 LS denotes C
T7793 2-3 -RRB- denotes )
T7794 4-12 NN denotes Cysteine
T7792 13-20 NN denotes content
T7795 21-23 IN denotes of
T7796 24-28 NN denotes hair
T7797 29-33 IN denotes from
T7798 34-36 NN denotes wt
T7800 36-38 , denotes ,
T7801 38-44 NN denotes XpdTTD
T7803 44-45 HYPH denotes /
T7802 45-48 NN denotes TTD
T7804 48-50 , denotes ,
T7805 50-53 CC denotes and
T7806 54-60 NN denotes XpdTTD
T7808 60-61 HYPH denotes /
T7807 61-66 NN denotes †XPCS
T7799 67-71 NNS denotes mice
T7809 71-72 . denotes .
T7810 72-195 sentence denotes The p-value indicates significant differences between mutants and wt, as well as between XpdTTD/TTD and XpdTTD/†XPCS mice.
T7811 73-76 DT denotes The
T7813 77-78 NN denotes p
T7814 78-79 HYPH denotes -
T7812 79-84 NN denotes value
T7815 85-94 VBZ denotes indicates
T7816 95-106 JJ denotes significant
T7817 107-118 NNS denotes differences
T7818 119-126 IN denotes between
T7819 127-134 NNS denotes mutants
T7820 135-138 CC denotes and
T7821 139-141 NN denotes wt
T7822 141-143 , denotes ,
T7823 143-145 RB denotes as
T7825 146-150 RB denotes well
T7824 151-153 IN denotes as
T7826 154-161 IN denotes between
T7827 162-168 NN denotes XpdTTD
T7829 168-169 HYPH denotes /
T7828 169-172 NN denotes TTD
T7831 173-176 CC denotes and
T7832 177-183 NN denotes XpdTTD
T7834 183-184 HYPH denotes /
T7833 184-189 NN denotes †XPCS
T7830 190-194 NNS denotes mice
T7835 194-195 . denotes .
T7836 195-249 sentence denotes Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (SEM).
T7837 196-201 NN denotes Error
T7838 202-206 NNS denotes bars
T7839 207-215 VBP denotes indicate
T7840 216-224 JJ denotes standard
T7841 225-230 NN denotes error
T7842 231-233 IN denotes of
T7843 234-237 DT denotes the
T7844 238-242 NN denotes mean
T7845 243-244 -LRB- denotes (
T7846 244-247 NN denotes SEM
T7847 247-248 -RRB- denotes )
T7848 248-249 . denotes .
R5296 T7790 T7791 punct (,C
R5297 T7791 T7792 meta C,content
R5298 T7793 T7791 punct ),C
R5299 T7794 T7792 compound Cysteine,content
R5300 T7795 T7792 prep of,content
R5301 T7796 T7795 pobj hair,of
R5302 T7797 T7796 prep from,hair
R5303 T7798 T7799 nmod wt,mice
R5304 T7799 T7797 pobj mice,from
R5305 T7800 T7798 punct ", ",wt
R5306 T7801 T7802 compound XpdTTD,TTD
R5307 T7802 T7798 conj TTD,wt
R5308 T7803 T7802 punct /,TTD
R5309 T7804 T7802 punct ", ",TTD
R5310 T7805 T7802 cc and,TTD
R5311 T7806 T7807 compound XpdTTD,†XPCS
R5312 T7807 T7802 conj †XPCS,TTD
R5313 T7808 T7807 punct /,†XPCS
R5314 T7809 T7792 punct .,content
R5315 T7811 T7812 det The,value
R5316 T7812 T7815 nsubj value,indicates
R5317 T7813 T7812 compound p,value
R5318 T7814 T7812 punct -,value
R5319 T7816 T7817 amod significant,differences
R5320 T7817 T7815 dobj differences,indicates
R5321 T7818 T7817 prep between,differences
R5322 T7819 T7818 pobj mutants,between
R5323 T7820 T7819 cc and,mutants
R5324 T7821 T7819 conj wt,mutants
R5325 T7822 T7818 punct ", ",between
R5326 T7823 T7824 advmod as,as
R5327 T7824 T7818 cc as,between
R5328 T7825 T7824 advmod well,as
R5329 T7826 T7818 conj between,between
R5330 T7827 T7828 nmod XpdTTD,TTD
R5331 T7828 T7830 nmod TTD,mice
R5332 T7829 T7828 punct /,TTD
R5333 T7830 T7826 pobj mice,between
R5334 T7831 T7828 cc and,TTD
R5335 T7832 T7833 compound XpdTTD,†XPCS
R5336 T7833 T7828 conj †XPCS,TTD
R5337 T7834 T7833 punct /,†XPCS
R5338 T7835 T7815 punct .,indicates
R5339 T7837 T7838 compound Error,bars
R5340 T7838 T7839 nsubj bars,indicate
R5341 T7840 T7841 amod standard,error
R5342 T7841 T7839 dobj error,indicate
R5343 T7842 T7841 prep of,error
R5344 T7843 T7844 det the,mean
R5345 T7844 T7842 pobj mean,of
R5346 T7845 T7841 punct (,error
R5347 T7846 T7841 appos SEM,error
R5348 T7847 T7839 punct ),indicate
R5349 T7848 T7839 punct .,indicate