PMC:149350 / 2699-3848 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1018 0-5 RB denotes Prior
T1020 6-8 IN denotes to
T1021 9-12 DT denotes the
T1022 13-17 CD denotes 1990
T1023 17-19 POS denotes 's
T1024 19-21 , denotes ,
T1025 21-26 NN denotes alpha
T1027 26-27 HYPH denotes -
T1026 27-37 NN denotes crystallin
T1028 38-41 VBD denotes was
T1019 42-49 VBN denotes thought
T1029 50-52 TO denotes to
T1030 53-55 VB denotes be
T1031 56-57 DT denotes a
T1033 58-68 JJ denotes structural
T1032 69-76 NN denotes protein
T1034 77-82 WP$ denotes whose
T1036 83-88 JJ denotes major
T1037 89-97 JJ denotes cellular
T1035 98-106 NN denotes function
T1038 107-110 VBD denotes was
T1039 111-113 TO denotes to
T1040 114-121 VB denotes produce
T1041 122-123 DT denotes a
T1043 124-129 JJ denotes dense
T1042 130-138 NN denotes solution
T1044 139-148 JJ denotes necessary
T1045 149-152 IN denotes for
T1046 153-156 DT denotes the
T1047 157-167 NN denotes refraction
T1048 168-170 IN denotes of
T1049 171-176 NN denotes light
T1050 177-179 IN denotes in
T1051 180-183 DT denotes the
T1052 184-188 NN denotes lens
T1053 188-189 . denotes .
T1054 189-425 sentence denotes During the early 1990's, alpha-crystallin was shown to act as a molecular chaperone, binding to partially denatured proteins, both in vitro [5] and probably in vivo [6], to inhibit further denaturation and aggregation of lens proteins.
T1055 190-196 IN denotes During
T1057 197-200 DT denotes the
T1059 201-206 JJ denotes early
T1058 207-211 CD denotes 1990
T1060 211-213 POS denotes 's
T1061 213-215 , denotes ,
T1062 215-220 NN denotes alpha
T1064 220-221 HYPH denotes -
T1063 221-231 NN denotes crystallin
T1065 232-235 VBD denotes was
T1056 236-241 VBN denotes shown
T1066 242-244 TO denotes to
T1067 245-248 VB denotes act
T1068 249-251 IN denotes as
T1069 252-253 DT denotes a
T1071 254-263 JJ denotes molecular
T1070 264-273 NN denotes chaperone
T1072 273-275 , denotes ,
T1073 275-282 VBG denotes binding
T1074 283-285 IN denotes to
T1075 286-295 RB denotes partially
T1076 296-305 VBN denotes denatured
T1077 306-314 NN denotes proteins
T1078 314-316 , denotes ,
T1079 316-320 CC denotes both
T1081 321-323 FW denotes in
T1082 324-329 FW denotes vitro
T1083 330-331 -LRB- denotes [
T1080 331-332 CD denotes 5
T1084 332-333 -RRB- denotes ]
T1085 334-337 CC denotes and
T1086 338-346 RB denotes probably
T1087 347-349 FW denotes in
T1088 350-354 FW denotes vivo
T1089 355-356 -LRB- denotes [
T1090 356-357 CD denotes 6
T1091 357-358 -RRB- denotes ]
T1092 358-360 , denotes ,
T1093 360-362 TO denotes to
T1094 363-370 VB denotes inhibit
T1095 371-378 JJ denotes further
T1096 379-391 NN denotes denaturation
T1097 392-395 CC denotes and
T1098 396-407 NN denotes aggregation
T1099 408-410 IN denotes of
T1100 411-415 NN denotes lens
T1101 416-424 NN denotes proteins
T1102 424-425 . denotes .
T1103 425-580 sentence denotes AlphaA and alphaB were also shown to have sequence homology with several other proteins that are members of the small heat shock protein (hsp) family [7].
T1104 426-432 NN denotes AlphaA
T1106 433-436 CC denotes and
T1107 437-443 NN denotes alphaB
T1108 444-448 VBD denotes were
T1109 449-453 RB denotes also
T1105 454-459 VBN denotes shown
T1110 460-462 TO denotes to
T1111 463-467 VB denotes have
T1112 468-476 NN denotes sequence
T1113 477-485 NN denotes homology
T1114 486-490 IN denotes with
T1115 491-498 JJ denotes several
T1117 499-504 JJ denotes other
T1116 505-513 NN denotes proteins
T1118 514-518 WDT denotes that
T1119 519-522 VBP denotes are
T1120 523-530 NNS denotes members
T1121 531-533 IN denotes of
T1122 534-537 DT denotes the
T1124 538-543 JJ denotes small
T1125 544-548 NN denotes heat
T1126 549-554 NN denotes shock
T1127 555-562 NN denotes protein
T1128 563-564 -LRB- denotes (
T1129 564-567 NN denotes hsp
T1130 567-568 -RRB- denotes )
T1123 569-575 NN denotes family
T1131 576-577 -LRB- denotes [
T1132 577-578 CD denotes 7
T1133 578-579 -RRB- denotes ]
T1134 579-580 . denotes .
T1135 580-687 sentence denotes Moreover, expression of alpha-crystallin, particularly alphaB, was shown to not be restricted to the lens.
T1136 581-589 RB denotes Moreover
T1138 589-591 , denotes ,
T1139 591-601 NN denotes expression
T1140 602-604 IN denotes of
T1141 605-610 NN denotes alpha
T1143 610-611 HYPH denotes -
T1142 611-621 NN denotes crystallin
T1144 621-623 , denotes ,
T1145 623-635 RB denotes particularly
T1146 636-642 NN denotes alphaB
T1147 642-644 , denotes ,
T1148 644-647 VBD denotes was
T1137 648-653 VBN denotes shown
T1149 654-656 TO denotes to
T1151 657-660 RB denotes not
T1152 661-663 VB denotes be
T1150 664-674 VBN denotes restricted
T1153 675-677 IN denotes to
T1154 678-681 DT denotes the
T1155 682-686 NN denotes lens
T1156 686-687 . denotes .
T1157 687-899 sentence denotes AlphaB was found to be expressed at significant levels in a variety of nonlenticular tissues, while alphaA has only been detected in small amounts in a few other tissues such as retina, spleen and thymus [8-12].
T1158 688-694 NN denotes AlphaB
T1160 695-698 VBD denotes was
T1159 699-704 VBN denotes found
T1161 705-707 TO denotes to
T1163 708-710 VB denotes be
T1162 711-720 VBN denotes expressed
T1164 721-723 IN denotes at
T1165 724-735 JJ denotes significant
T1166 736-742 NNS denotes levels
T1167 743-745 IN denotes in
T1168 746-747 DT denotes a
T1169 748-755 NN denotes variety
T1170 756-758 IN denotes of
T1171 759-772 JJ denotes nonlenticular
T1172 773-780 NNS denotes tissues
T1173 780-782 , denotes ,
T1174 782-787 IN denotes while
T1176 788-794 NN denotes alphaA
T1177 795-798 VBZ denotes has
T1178 799-803 RB denotes only
T1179 804-808 VBN denotes been
T1175 809-817 VBN denotes detected
T1180 818-820 IN denotes in
T1181 821-826 JJ denotes small
T1182 827-834 NNS denotes amounts
T1183 835-837 IN denotes in
T1184 838-839 DT denotes a
T1186 840-843 JJ denotes few
T1187 844-849 JJ denotes other
T1185 850-857 NNS denotes tissues
T1188 858-862 JJ denotes such
T1189 863-865 IN denotes as
T1190 866-872 NN denotes retina
T1191 872-874 , denotes ,
T1192 874-880 NN denotes spleen
T1193 881-884 CC denotes and
T1194 885-891 NN denotes thymus
T1195 892-893 -LRB- denotes [
T1196 893-894 CD denotes 8
T1197 894-895 SYM denotes -
T1198 895-897 CD denotes 12
T1199 897-898 -RRB- denotes ]
T1200 898-899 . denotes .
T1201 899-1149 sentence denotes Collectively, these findings have challenged the dogma that alpha-crystallin is purely a structural protein necessary for light refraction, and have led to the realization that alpha-crystallin may have a variety of biological functions in the lens.
T1202 900-912 RB denotes Collectively
T1204 912-914 , denotes ,
T1205 914-919 DT denotes these
T1206 920-928 NNS denotes findings
T1207 929-933 VBP denotes have
T1203 934-944 VBN denotes challenged
T1208 945-948 DT denotes the
T1209 949-954 NN denotes dogma
T1210 955-959 IN denotes that
T1212 960-965 NN denotes alpha
T1214 965-966 HYPH denotes -
T1213 966-976 NN denotes crystallin
T1211 977-979 VBZ denotes is
T1215 980-986 RB denotes purely
T1216 987-988 DT denotes a
T1218 989-999 JJ denotes structural
T1217 1000-1007 NN denotes protein
T1219 1008-1017 JJ denotes necessary
T1220 1018-1021 IN denotes for
T1221 1022-1027 JJ denotes light
T1222 1028-1038 NN denotes refraction
T1223 1038-1040 , denotes ,
T1224 1040-1043 CC denotes and
T1225 1044-1048 VBP denotes have
T1226 1049-1052 VBN denotes led
T1227 1053-1055 IN denotes to
T1228 1056-1059 DT denotes the
T1229 1060-1071 NN denotes realization
T1230 1072-1076 IN denotes that
T1232 1077-1082 NN denotes alpha
T1234 1082-1083 HYPH denotes -
T1233 1083-1093 NN denotes crystallin
T1235 1094-1097 MD denotes may
T1231 1098-1102 VB denotes have
T1236 1103-1104 DT denotes a
T1237 1105-1112 NN denotes variety
T1238 1113-1115 IN denotes of
T1239 1116-1126 JJ denotes biological
T1240 1127-1136 NNS denotes functions
T1241 1137-1139 IN denotes in
T1242 1140-1143 DT denotes the
T1243 1144-1148 NN denotes lens
T1244 1148-1149 . denotes .
R478 T1018 T1019 advmod Prior,thought
R479 T1020 T1018 prep to,Prior
R480 T1021 T1022 det the,1990
R481 T1022 T1020 pobj 1990,to
R482 T1023 T1022 case 's,1990
R483 T1024 T1019 punct ", ",thought
R484 T1025 T1026 compound alpha,crystallin
R485 T1026 T1019 nsubjpass crystallin,thought
R486 T1027 T1026 punct -,crystallin
R487 T1028 T1019 auxpass was,thought
R488 T1029 T1030 aux to,be
R489 T1030 T1019 xcomp be,thought
R490 T1031 T1032 det a,protein
R491 T1032 T1030 attr protein,be
R492 T1033 T1032 amod structural,protein
R493 T1034 T1035 poss whose,function
R494 T1035 T1038 dep function,was
R495 T1036 T1035 amod major,function
R496 T1037 T1035 amod cellular,function
R497 T1038 T1032 relcl was,protein
R498 T1039 T1040 aux to,produce
R499 T1040 T1038 xcomp produce,was
R500 T1041 T1042 det a,solution
R501 T1042 T1040 dobj solution,produce
R502 T1043 T1042 amod dense,solution
R503 T1044 T1042 amod necessary,solution
R504 T1045 T1044 prep for,necessary
R505 T1046 T1047 det the,refraction
R506 T1047 T1045 pobj refraction,for
R507 T1048 T1047 prep of,refraction
R508 T1049 T1048 pobj light,of
R509 T1050 T1047 prep in,refraction
R510 T1051 T1052 det the,lens
R511 T1052 T1050 pobj lens,in
R512 T1053 T1019 punct .,thought
R513 T1055 T1056 prep During,shown
R514 T1057 T1058 det the,1990
R515 T1058 T1055 pobj 1990,During
R516 T1059 T1058 amod early,1990
R517 T1060 T1058 case 's,1990
R518 T1061 T1056 punct ", ",shown
R519 T1062 T1063 compound alpha,crystallin
R520 T1063 T1056 nsubjpass crystallin,shown
R521 T1064 T1063 punct -,crystallin
R522 T1065 T1056 auxpass was,shown
R523 T1066 T1067 aux to,act
R524 T1067 T1056 xcomp act,shown
R525 T1068 T1067 prep as,act
R526 T1069 T1070 det a,chaperone
R527 T1070 T1068 pobj chaperone,as
R528 T1071 T1070 amod molecular,chaperone
R529 T1072 T1067 punct ", ",act
R530 T1073 T1067 advcl binding,act
R531 T1074 T1073 prep to,binding
R532 T1075 T1076 advmod partially,denatured
R533 T1076 T1077 amod denatured,proteins
R534 T1077 T1074 pobj proteins,to
R535 T1078 T1073 punct ", ",binding
R536 T1079 T1080 preconj both,5
R537 T1080 T1073 advmod 5,binding
R538 T1081 T1080 advmod in,5
R539 T1082 T1080 advmod vitro,5
R540 T1083 T1080 punct [,5
R541 T1084 T1080 punct ],5
R542 T1085 T1080 cc and,5
R543 T1086 T1080 conj probably,5
R544 T1087 T1086 advmod in,probably
R545 T1088 T1086 advmod vivo,probably
R546 T1089 T1090 punct [,6
R547 T1090 T1086 parataxis 6,probably
R548 T1091 T1090 punct ],6
R549 T1092 T1073 punct ", ",binding
R550 T1093 T1094 aux to,inhibit
R551 T1094 T1073 advcl inhibit,binding
R552 T1095 T1096 amod further,denaturation
R553 T1096 T1094 dobj denaturation,inhibit
R554 T1097 T1096 cc and,denaturation
R555 T1098 T1096 conj aggregation,denaturation
R556 T1099 T1096 prep of,denaturation
R557 T1100 T1101 compound lens,proteins
R558 T1101 T1099 pobj proteins,of
R559 T1102 T1056 punct .,shown
R560 T1104 T1105 nsubjpass AlphaA,shown
R561 T1106 T1104 cc and,AlphaA
R562 T1107 T1104 conj alphaB,AlphaA
R563 T1108 T1105 auxpass were,shown
R564 T1109 T1105 advmod also,shown
R565 T1110 T1111 aux to,have
R566 T1111 T1105 xcomp have,shown
R567 T1112 T1113 compound sequence,homology
R568 T1113 T1111 dobj homology,have
R569 T1114 T1113 prep with,homology
R570 T1115 T1116 amod several,proteins
R571 T1116 T1114 pobj proteins,with
R572 T1117 T1116 amod other,proteins
R573 T1118 T1119 dep that,are
R574 T1119 T1116 relcl are,proteins
R575 T1120 T1119 attr members,are
R576 T1121 T1120 prep of,members
R577 T1122 T1123 det the,family
R578 T1123 T1121 pobj family,of
R579 T1124 T1123 amod small,family
R580 T1125 T1126 nmod heat,shock
R581 T1126 T1127 nmod shock,protein
R582 T1127 T1123 nmod protein,family
R583 T1128 T1127 punct (,protein
R584 T1129 T1127 appos hsp,protein
R585 T1130 T1123 punct ),family
R586 T1131 T1132 punct [,7
R587 T1132 T1105 parataxis 7,shown
R588 T1133 T1132 punct ],7
R589 T1134 T1105 punct .,shown
R590 T1136 T1137 advmod Moreover,shown
R591 T1138 T1137 punct ", ",shown
R592 T1139 T1137 nsubjpass expression,shown
R593 T1140 T1139 prep of,expression
R594 T1141 T1142 compound alpha,crystallin
R595 T1142 T1140 pobj crystallin,of
R596 T1143 T1142 punct -,crystallin
R597 T1144 T1142 punct ", ",crystallin
R598 T1145 T1146 advmod particularly,alphaB
R599 T1146 T1142 appos alphaB,crystallin
R600 T1147 T1137 punct ", ",shown
R601 T1148 T1137 auxpass was,shown
R602 T1149 T1150 aux to,restricted
R603 T1150 T1137 xcomp restricted,shown
R604 T1151 T1150 neg not,restricted
R605 T1152 T1150 auxpass be,restricted
R606 T1153 T1150 prep to,restricted
R607 T1154 T1155 det the,lens
R608 T1155 T1153 pobj lens,to
R609 T1156 T1137 punct .,shown
R610 T1158 T1159 nsubjpass AlphaB,found
R611 T1160 T1159 auxpass was,found
R612 T1161 T1162 aux to,expressed
R613 T1162 T1159 xcomp expressed,found
R614 T1163 T1162 auxpass be,expressed
R615 T1164 T1162 prep at,expressed
R616 T1165 T1166 amod significant,levels
R617 T1166 T1164 pobj levels,at
R618 T1167 T1162 prep in,expressed
R619 T1168 T1169 det a,variety
R620 T1169 T1167 pobj variety,in
R621 T1170 T1169 prep of,variety
R622 T1171 T1172 amod nonlenticular,tissues
R623 T1172 T1170 pobj tissues,of
R624 T1173 T1159 punct ", ",found
R625 T1174 T1175 mark while,detected
R626 T1175 T1159 advcl detected,found
R627 T1176 T1175 nsubjpass alphaA,detected
R628 T1177 T1175 aux has,detected
R629 T1178 T1175 advmod only,detected
R630 T1179 T1175 auxpass been,detected
R631 T1180 T1175 prep in,detected
R632 T1181 T1182 amod small,amounts
R633 T1182 T1180 pobj amounts,in
R634 T1183 T1175 prep in,detected
R635 T1184 T1185 det a,tissues
R636 T1185 T1183 pobj tissues,in
R637 T1186 T1185 amod few,tissues
R638 T1187 T1185 amod other,tissues
R639 T1188 T1189 amod such,as
R640 T1189 T1185 prep as,tissues
R641 T1190 T1189 pobj retina,as
R642 T1191 T1190 punct ", ",retina
R643 T1192 T1190 conj spleen,retina
R644 T1193 T1192 cc and,spleen
R645 T1194 T1192 conj thymus,spleen
R646 T1195 T1196 punct [,8
R647 T1196 T1159 parataxis 8,found
R648 T1197 T1198 punct -,12
R649 T1198 T1196 prep 12,8
R650 T1199 T1196 punct ],8
R651 T1200 T1159 punct .,found
R652 T1202 T1203 advmod Collectively,challenged
R653 T1204 T1203 punct ", ",challenged
R654 T1205 T1206 det these,findings
R655 T1206 T1203 nsubj findings,challenged
R656 T1207 T1203 aux have,challenged
R657 T1208 T1209 det the,dogma
R658 T1209 T1203 dobj dogma,challenged
R659 T1210 T1211 mark that,is
R660 T1211 T1209 acl is,dogma
R661 T1212 T1213 compound alpha,crystallin
R662 T1213 T1211 nsubj crystallin,is
R663 T1214 T1213 punct -,crystallin
R664 T1215 T1211 advmod purely,is
R665 T1216 T1217 det a,protein
R666 T1217 T1211 attr protein,is
R667 T1218 T1217 amod structural,protein
R668 T1219 T1217 amod necessary,protein
R669 T1220 T1219 prep for,necessary
R670 T1221 T1222 amod light,refraction
R671 T1222 T1220 pobj refraction,for
R672 T1223 T1203 punct ", ",challenged
R673 T1224 T1203 cc and,challenged
R674 T1225 T1226 aux have,led
R675 T1226 T1203 conj led,challenged
R676 T1227 T1226 prep to,led
R677 T1228 T1229 det the,realization
R678 T1229 T1227 pobj realization,to
R679 T1230 T1231 mark that,have
R680 T1231 T1229 acl have,realization
R681 T1232 T1233 compound alpha,crystallin
R682 T1233 T1231 nsubj crystallin,have
R683 T1234 T1233 punct -,crystallin
R684 T1235 T1231 aux may,have
R685 T1236 T1237 det a,variety
R686 T1237 T1231 dobj variety,have
R687 T1238 T1237 prep of,variety
R688 T1239 T1240 amod biological,functions
R689 T1240 T1238 pobj functions,of
R690 T1241 T1231 prep in,have
R691 T1242 T1243 det the,lens
R692 T1243 T1241 pobj lens,in
R693 T1244 T1203 punct .,challenged