PMC:149350 / 2104-2507 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T904 4-6 IN denotes of
T905 7-10 DT denotes the
T907 11-19 JJ denotes anterior
T906 20-30 NN denotes epithelium
T908 30-31 . denotes .
T909 31-190 sentence denotes AlphaB expression is detected in central epithelium and increases from the central to elongation zones, where epithelial cells differentiate into fiber cells.
T910 32-38 NN denotes AlphaB
T911 39-49 NN denotes expression
T913 50-52 VBZ denotes is
T912 53-61 VBN denotes detected
T914 62-64 IN denotes in
T915 65-72 JJ denotes central
T916 73-83 NN denotes epithelium
T917 84-87 CC denotes and
T918 88-97 VBZ denotes increases
T919 98-102 IN denotes from
T920 103-106 DT denotes the
T921 107-114 JJ denotes central
T922 115-117 IN denotes to
T923 118-128 NN denotes elongation
T924 129-134 NNS denotes zones
T925 134-136 , denotes ,
T926 136-141 WRB denotes where
T928 142-152 JJ denotes epithelial
T929 153-158 NNS denotes cells
T927 159-172 VBP denotes differentiate
T930 173-177 IN denotes into
T931 178-183 NN denotes fiber
T932 184-189 NNS denotes cells
T933 189-190 . denotes .
T934 190-250 sentence denotes AlphaA, however, is not detected in the central epithelium.
T935 191-197 NN denotes AlphaA
T937 197-199 , denotes ,
T938 199-206 RB denotes however
T939 206-208 , denotes ,
T940 208-210 VBZ denotes is
T941 211-214 RB denotes not
T936 215-223 VBN denotes detected
T942 224-226 IN denotes in
T943 227-230 DT denotes the
T945 231-238 JJ denotes central
T944 239-249 NN denotes epithelium
T946 249-250 . denotes .
T948 251-254 DT denotes The
T950 255-263 JJ denotes relative
T949 264-274 NN denotes proportion
T952 275-277 IN denotes of
T953 278-284 NN denotes alphaA
T954 285-288 CC denotes and
T955 289-295 NN denotes alphaB
T951 296-303 VBZ denotes changes
T956 304-308 IN denotes from
T957 309-310 DT denotes a
T959 311-316 JJ denotes molar
T958 317-322 NN denotes ratio
T960 323-325 IN denotes of
T961 326-327 CD denotes 1
T962 327-328 SYM denotes :
T963 328-329 CD denotes 3
T964 330-332 IN denotes in
T965 333-336 DT denotes the
T967 337-348 JJ denotes pericentral
T968 349-352 CC denotes and
T969 353-362 JJ denotes germative
T966 363-368 NNS denotes zones
T970 369-371 IN denotes to
T971 372-373 DT denotes a
T973 374-379 JJ denotes molar
T972 380-385 NN denotes ratio
T974 386-388 IN denotes of
T975 389-390 CD denotes 3
T976 390-391 SYM denotes :
T977 391-392 CD denotes 1
T978 393-395 IN denotes in
T979 396-399 DT denotes the
R374 T905 T906 det the,epithelium
R375 T906 T904 pobj epithelium,of
R376 T907 T906 amod anterior,epithelium
R378 T910 T911 compound AlphaB,expression
R379 T911 T912 nsubjpass expression,detected
R380 T913 T912 auxpass is,detected
R381 T914 T912 prep in,detected
R382 T915 T916 amod central,epithelium
R383 T916 T914 pobj epithelium,in
R384 T917 T912 cc and,detected
R385 T918 T912 conj increases,detected
R386 T919 T918 prep from,increases
R387 T920 T921 det the,central
R388 T921 T919 pobj central,from
R389 T922 T919 prep to,from
R390 T923 T922 pobj elongation,to
R391 T924 T919 pobj zones,from
R392 T925 T919 punct ", ",from
R393 T926 T927 advmod where,differentiate
R394 T927 T919 pcomp differentiate,from
R395 T928 T929 amod epithelial,cells
R396 T929 T927 nsubj cells,differentiate
R397 T930 T927 prep into,differentiate
R398 T931 T932 compound fiber,cells
R399 T932 T930 pobj cells,into
R400 T933 T912 punct .,detected
R401 T935 T936 nsubjpass AlphaA,detected
R402 T937 T936 punct ", ",detected
R403 T938 T936 advmod however,detected
R404 T939 T936 punct ", ",detected
R405 T940 T936 auxpass is,detected
R406 T941 T936 neg not,detected
R407 T942 T936 prep in,detected
R408 T943 T944 det the,epithelium
R409 T944 T942 pobj epithelium,in
R410 T945 T944 amod central,epithelium
R411 T946 T936 punct .,detected
R412 T948 T949 det The,proportion
R413 T949 T951 nsubj proportion,changes
R414 T950 T949 amod relative,proportion
R415 T952 T949 prep of,proportion
R416 T953 T952 pobj alphaA,of
R417 T954 T953 cc and,alphaA
R418 T955 T953 conj alphaB,alphaA
R419 T956 T951 prep from,changes
R420 T957 T958 det a,ratio
R421 T958 T956 pobj ratio,from
R422 T959 T958 amod molar,ratio
R423 T960 T958 prep of,ratio
R424 T961 T960 pobj 1,of
R425 T962 T963 punct :,3
R426 T963 T961 prep 3,1
R427 T964 T958 prep in,ratio
R428 T965 T966 det the,zones
R429 T966 T964 pobj zones,in
R430 T967 T966 amod pericentral,zones
R431 T968 T967 cc and,pericentral
R432 T969 T967 conj germative,pericentral
R433 T970 T951 prep to,changes
R434 T971 T972 det a,ratio
R435 T972 T970 pobj ratio,to
R436 T973 T972 amod molar,ratio
R437 T974 T972 prep of,ratio
R438 T975 T974 pobj 3,of
R439 T976 T977 punct :,1
R440 T977 T975 prep 1,3
R441 T978 T972 prep in,ratio