PMC:1482699 / 7317-7419 JSONTXT 3 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4283 0-102 sentence denotes After stabilizing each congenic, 12 of 14 were phenotypically characterized for growth and adiposity.
T4284 1-6 IN denotes After
T4286 7-18 VBG denotes stabilizing
T4287 19-23 DT denotes each
T4288 24-32 JJ denotes congenic
T4289 32-34 , denotes ,
T4290 34-36 CD denotes 12
T4292 37-39 IN denotes of
T4291 40-42 CD denotes 14
T4293 43-47 VBD denotes were
T4294 48-62 RB denotes phenotypically
T4285 63-76 VBN denotes characterized
T4295 77-80 IN denotes for
T4296 81-87 NN denotes growth
T4297 88-91 CC denotes and
T4298 92-101 NN denotes adiposity
T4299 101-102 . denotes .
R1322 T4284 T4285 prep After,characterized
R1323 T4286 T4284 pcomp stabilizing,After
R1324 T4287 T4288 det each,congenic
R1325 T4288 T4286 dobj congenic,stabilizing
R1326 T4289 T4285 punct ", ",characterized
R1327 T4290 T4291 quantmod 12,14
R1328 T4291 T4285 nsubjpass 14,characterized
R1329 T4292 T4291 quantmod of,14
R1330 T4293 T4285 auxpass were,characterized
R1331 T4294 T4285 advmod phenotypically,characterized
R1332 T4295 T4285 prep for,characterized
R1333 T4296 T4295 pobj growth,for
R1334 T4297 T4296 cc and,growth
R1335 T4298 T4296 conj adiposity,growth
R1336 T4299 T4285 punct .,characterized