PMC:1482699 / 3-159 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T576 3-4 HYPH denotes -
T574 4-8 JJ denotes wide
T577 9-18 NN denotes isolation
T578 19-21 IN denotes of
T579 22-28 NN denotes growth
T581 29-32 CC denotes and
T582 33-40 NN denotes obesity
T580 41-44 NN denotes QTL
T583 45-50 VBG denotes using
T584 51-56 NN denotes mouse
T585 57-62 NN denotes speed
T586 63-71 JJ denotes congenic
T587 72-79 NNS denotes strains
T588 79-80 sentence denotes
T589 90-100 sentence denotes Background
T590 90-100 NN denotes Background
T592 101-105 JJ denotes High
T593 106-112 NN denotes growth
T595 113-114 -LRB- denotes (
T596 114-116 NN denotes hg
T597 116-117 -RRB- denotes )
T594 118-126 NN denotes modifier
T599 127-130 CC denotes and
T600 131-141 NN denotes background
T601 142-153 JJ denotes independent
R1 T574 T577 amod wide,isolation
R10 T585 T586 npadvmod speed,congenic
R11 T586 T587 amod congenic,strains
R12 T587 T583 dobj strains,using
R13 T592 T593 amod High,growth
R14 T593 T594 nmod growth,modifier
R16 T595 T593 punct (,growth
R17 T596 T593 appos hg,growth
R18 T597 T594 punct ),modifier
R19 T599 T594 cc and,modifier
R2 T576 T574 punct -,wide
R20 T600 T601 npadvmod background,independent
R3 T578 T577 prep of,isolation
R4 T579 T580 nmod growth,QTL
R5 T580 T578 pobj QTL,of
R6 T581 T579 cc and,growth
R7 T582 T579 conj obesity,growth
R8 T583 T577 acl using,isolation
R9 T584 T585 compound mouse,speed