PMC:1482699 / 27218-28002 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18565 0-2 IN denotes In
T18567 3-11 NN denotes addition
T18568 12-14 IN denotes to
T18569 15-19 NN denotes MMU2
T18570 19-21 , denotes ,
T18571 21-26 CD denotes three
T18573 27-32 JJ denotes other
T18572 33-42 NNS denotes congenics
T18574 43-44 -LRB- denotes (
T18575 44-47 NN denotes HG9
T18576 47-49 , denotes ,
T18577 49-53 NN denotes HG11
T18578 54-57 CC denotes and
T18579 58-62 NN denotes HG17
T18580 62-63 -RRB- denotes )
T18566 64-72 VBD denotes captured
T18581 73-75 NN denotes hg
T18582 76-84 NN denotes modifier
T18583 85-88 NN denotes QTL
T18584 88-89 . denotes .
T18585 89-191 sentence denotes In classical terms, they are QTL which modify the expressivity of growth and obesity in HG mice [18].
T18586 90-92 IN denotes In
T18588 93-102 JJ denotes classical
T18589 103-108 NNS denotes terms
T18590 108-110 , denotes ,
T18591 110-114 PRP denotes they
T18587 115-118 VBP denotes are
T18592 119-122 NN denotes QTL
T18593 123-128 WDT denotes which
T18594 129-135 VBP denotes modify
T18595 136-139 DT denotes the
T18596 140-152 NN denotes expressivity
T18597 153-155 IN denotes of
T18598 156-162 NN denotes growth
T18599 163-166 CC denotes and
T18600 167-174 NN denotes obesity
T18601 175-177 IN denotes in
T18602 178-180 NN denotes HG
T18603 181-185 NNS denotes mice
T18604 186-187 -LRB- denotes [
T18605 187-189 CD denotes 18
T18606 189-190 -RRB- denotes ]
T18607 190-191 . denotes .
T18608 191-276 sentence denotes These QTL are novel since they represent epistasis between hg and the modifier gene.
T18609 192-197 DT denotes These
T18610 198-201 NN denotes QTL
T18611 202-205 VBP denotes are
T18612 206-211 JJ denotes novel
T18613 212-217 IN denotes since
T18615 218-222 PRP denotes they
T18614 223-232 VBP denotes represent
T18616 233-242 NN denotes epistasis
T18617 243-250 IN denotes between
T18618 251-253 NN denotes hg
T18619 254-257 CC denotes and
T18620 258-261 DT denotes the
T18622 262-270 NN denotes modifier
T18621 271-275 NN denotes gene
T18623 275-276 . denotes .
T18624 276-369 sentence denotes QTL-hg epistasis implies that Socs2 and the hg modifiers are in the same biological pathway.
T18625 277-280 NN denotes QTL
T18627 280-281 HYPH denotes -
T18626 281-283 NN denotes hg
T18628 284-293 NN denotes epistasis
T18629 294-301 VBZ denotes implies
T18630 302-306 IN denotes that
T18632 307-312 NN denotes Socs2
T18633 313-316 CC denotes and
T18634 317-320 DT denotes the
T18636 321-323 NN denotes hg
T18635 324-333 NNS denotes modifiers
T18631 334-337 VBP denotes are
T18637 338-340 IN denotes in
T18638 341-344 DT denotes the
T18640 345-349 JJ denotes same
T18641 350-360 JJ denotes biological
T18639 361-368 NN denotes pathway
T18642 368-369 . denotes .
T18643 369-511 sentence denotes Therefore, these QTL are likely due to polymorphism in genes interacting with Gh, responsive to Gh or which in some way modulate Gh function.
T18644 370-379 RB denotes Therefore
T18646 379-381 , denotes ,
T18647 381-386 DT denotes these
T18648 387-390 NN denotes QTL
T18645 391-394 VBP denotes are
T18649 395-401 RB denotes likely
T18650 402-405 IN denotes due
T18651 406-408 IN denotes to
T18652 409-421 NN denotes polymorphism
T18653 422-424 IN denotes in
T18654 425-430 NNS denotes genes
T18655 431-442 VBG denotes interacting
T18656 443-447 IN denotes with
T18657 448-450 NN denotes Gh
T18658 450-452 , denotes ,
T18659 452-462 JJ denotes responsive
T18660 463-465 IN denotes to
T18661 466-468 NN denotes Gh
T18662 469-471 CC denotes or
T18663 472-477 WDT denotes which
T18665 478-480 IN denotes in
T18666 481-485 DT denotes some
T18667 486-489 NN denotes way
T18664 490-498 VBP denotes modulate
T18668 499-501 NN denotes Gh
T18669 502-510 NN denotes function
T18670 510-511 . denotes .
T18671 511-613 sentence denotes This information will significantly aid QTL cloning by providing another filter to screen candidates.
T18672 512-516 DT denotes This
T18673 517-528 NN denotes information
T18675 529-533 MD denotes will
T18676 534-547 RB denotes significantly
T18674 548-551 VB denotes aid
T18677 552-555 NN denotes QTL
T18678 556-563 NN denotes cloning
T18679 564-566 IN denotes by
T18680 567-576 VBG denotes providing
T18681 577-584 DT denotes another
T18682 585-591 NN denotes filter
T18683 592-594 TO denotes to
T18684 595-601 VB denotes screen
T18685 602-612 NNS denotes candidates
T18686 612-613 . denotes .
T18687 613-784 sentence denotes Cloning these QTL has major implications to improve our understanding of Gh and its regulation of growth and adiposity and in the administration of human Gh therapeutics.
T18688 614-621 VBG denotes Cloning
T18690 622-627 DT denotes these
T18689 628-631 NN denotes QTL
T18691 632-635 VBZ denotes has
T18692 636-641 JJ denotes major
T18693 642-654 NNS denotes implications
T18694 655-657 TO denotes to
T18695 658-665 VB denotes improve
T18696 666-669 PRP$ denotes our
T18697 670-683 NN denotes understanding
T18698 684-686 IN denotes of
T18699 687-689 NN denotes Gh
T18700 690-693 CC denotes and
T18701 694-697 PRP$ denotes its
T18702 698-708 NN denotes regulation
T18703 709-711 IN denotes of
T18704 712-718 NN denotes growth
T18705 719-722 CC denotes and
T18706 723-732 NN denotes adiposity
T18707 733-736 CC denotes and
T18708 737-739 IN denotes in
T18709 740-743 DT denotes the
T18710 744-758 NN denotes administration
T18711 759-761 IN denotes of
T18712 762-767 JJ denotes human
T18713 768-770 NN denotes Gh
T18714 771-783 NNS denotes therapeutics
T18715 783-784 . denotes .
R5072 T18565 T18566 prep In,captured
R5074 T18567 T18565 pobj addition,In
R5080 T18568 T18567 prep to,addition
R5082 T18569 T18568 pobj MMU2,to
R5083 T18570 T18566 punct ", ",captured
R5085 T18571 T18572 nummod three,congenics
R5086 T18572 T18566 nsubj congenics,captured
R5087 T18573 T18572 amod other,congenics
R5089 T18574 T18572 punct (,congenics
R5090 T18575 T18572 appos HG9,congenics
R5092 T18576 T18575 punct ", ",HG9
R5093 T18577 T18575 conj HG11,HG9
R5094 T18578 T18577 cc and,HG11
R5096 T18579 T18577 conj HG17,HG11
R5097 T18580 T18566 punct ),captured
R5098 T18581 T18582 compound hg,modifier
R5100 T18582 T18583 compound modifier,QTL
R5101 T18583 T18566 dobj QTL,captured
R5102 T18584 T18566 punct .,captured
R5104 T18586 T18587 prep In,are
R5106 T18588 T18589 amod classical,terms
R5107 T18589 T18586 pobj terms,In
R5109 T18590 T18587 punct ", ",are
R5110 T18591 T18587 nsubj they,are
R5112 T18592 T18587 attr QTL,are
R5113 T18593 T18594 dep which,modify
R5114 T18594 T18592 relcl modify,QTL
R5115 T18595 T18596 det the,expressivity
R5116 T18596 T18594 dobj expressivity,modify
R5118 T18597 T18596 prep of,expressivity
R5119 T18598 T18597 pobj growth,of
R5120 T18599 T18598 cc and,growth
R5122 T18600 T18598 conj obesity,growth
R5123 T18601 T18596 prep in,expressivity
R5125 T18602 T18603 compound HG,mice
R5126 T18603 T18601 pobj mice,in
R5127 T18604 T18605 punct [,18
R5129 T18605 T18587 parataxis 18,are
R5130 T18606 T18605 punct ],18
R5131 T18607 T18587 punct .,are
R5133 T18609 T18610 det These,QTL
R5134 T18610 T18611 nsubj QTL,are
R5136 T18612 T18611 acomp novel,are
R5137 T18613 T18614 mark since,represent
R5138 T18614 T18611 advcl represent,are
R5140 T18615 T18614 nsubj they,represent
R5141 T18616 T18614 dobj epistasis,represent
R5143 T18617 T18616 prep between,epistasis
R5144 T18618 T18617 pobj hg,between
R5145 T18619 T18618 cc and,hg
R5147 T18620 T18621 det the,gene
R5148 T18621 T18618 conj gene,hg
R5149 T18622 T18621 compound modifier,gene
R5151 T18623 T18611 punct .,are
R5153 T18625 T18626 compound QTL,hg
R5154 T18626 T18628 compound hg,epistasis
R5155 T18627 T18626 punct -,hg
R5157 T18628 T18629 nsubj epistasis,implies
R5160 T18630 T18631 mark that,are
R5161 T18631 T18629 ccomp are,implies
R5163 T18632 T18631 nsubj Socs2,are
R5164 T18633 T18632 cc and,Socs2
R5165 T18634 T18635 det the,modifiers
R5166 T18635 T18632 conj modifiers,Socs2
R5167 T18636 T18635 compound hg,modifiers
R5169 T18637 T18631 prep in,are
R5170 T18638 T18639 det the,pathway
R5171 T18639 T18637 pobj pathway,in
R5173 T18640 T18639 amod same,pathway
R5174 T18641 T18639 amod biological,pathway
R5176 T18642 T18629 punct .,implies
R5178 T18644 T18645 advmod Therefore,are
R5179 T18646 T18645 punct ", ",are
R5181 T18647 T18648 det these,QTL
R5182 T18648 T18645 nsubj QTL,are
R5184 T18649 T18645 advmod likely,are
R5185 T18650 T18645 prep due,are
R5186 T18651 T18650 pcomp to,due
R5188 T18652 T18650 pobj polymorphism,due
R5189 T18653 T18652 prep in,polymorphism
R5190 T18654 T18653 pobj genes,in
R5192 T18655 T18654 acl interacting,genes
R5193 T18656 T18655 prep with,interacting
R5198 T18657 T18656 pobj Gh,with
R5200 T18658 T18655 punct ", ",interacting
R5201 T18659 T18655 conj responsive,interacting
R5202 T18660 T18659 prep to,responsive
R5204 T18661 T18660 pobj Gh,to
R5205 T18662 T18659 cc or,responsive
R5207 T18663 T18664 dep which,modulate
R5208 T18664 T18659 conj modulate,responsive
R5209 T18665 T18664 prep in,modulate
R5211 T18666 T18667 det some,way
R5212 T18667 T18665 pobj way,in
R5213 T18668 T18669 compound Gh,function
R5214 T18669 T18664 dobj function,modulate
R5215 T18670 T18645 punct .,are
R5216 T18672 T18673 det This,information
R5217 T18673 T18674 nsubj information,aid
R5218 T18675 T18674 aux will,aid
R5219 T18676 T18674 advmod significantly,aid
R5220 T18677 T18678 compound QTL,cloning
R5221 T18678 T18674 dobj cloning,aid
R5222 T18679 T18674 prep by,aid
R5223 T18680 T18679 pcomp providing,by
R5224 T18681 T18682 det another,filter
R5225 T18682 T18680 dobj filter,providing
R5226 T18683 T18684 aux to,screen
R5227 T18684 T18682 advcl screen,filter
R5228 T18685 T18684 dobj candidates,screen
R5229 T18686 T18674 punct .,aid
R5230 T18688 T18689 amod Cloning,QTL
R5231 T18689 T18691 nsubj QTL,has
R5232 T18690 T18689 det these,QTL
R5233 T18692 T18693 amod major,implications
R5234 T18693 T18691 dobj implications,has
R5235 T18694 T18695 aux to,improve
R5236 T18695 T18693 advcl improve,implications
R5237 T18696 T18697 poss our,understanding
R5239 T18697 T18695 dobj understanding,improve
R5240 T18698 T18697 prep of,understanding
R5241 T18699 T18698 pobj Gh,of
R5242 T18700 T18699 cc and,Gh
R5243 T18701 T18702 poss its,regulation
R5244 T18702 T18699 conj regulation,Gh
R5246 T18703 T18702 prep of,regulation
R5247 T18704 T18703 pobj growth,of
R5249 T18705 T18704 cc and,growth
R5250 T18706 T18704 conj adiposity,growth
R5251 T18707 T18695 cc and,improve
R5253 T18708 T18695 conj in,improve
R5254 T18709 T18710 det the,administration
R5256 T18710 T18708 pobj administration,in
R5257 T18711 T18710 prep of,administration
R5258 T18712 T18713 amod human,Gh
R5260 T18713 T18714 compound Gh,therapeutics
R5261 T18714 T18711 pobj therapeutics,of
R5262 T18715 T18691 punct .,has