PMC:1482699 / 1816-1937 JSONTXT 4 Projects

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2751 2-10 RB denotes commonly
T2752 11-15 VBN denotes seen
T2753 16-18 IN denotes in
T2754 19-22 DT denotes the
T2756 23-28 JJ denotes human
T2755 29-39 NN denotes population
T2757 39-40 . denotes .
T2759 41-48 NN denotes Complex
T2760 49-55 NNS denotes traits
T2762 55-57 , denotes ,
T2763 57-61 JJ denotes such
T2764 62-64 IN denotes as
T2765 65-74 JJ denotes polygenic
T2766 75-81 NN denotes growth
T2767 82-85 CC denotes and
T2768 86-93 NN denotes obesity
T2769 94-97 VBP denotes are
T2761 98-108 VBN denotes influenced
T2770 109-111 IN denotes by
T2771 112-115 DT denotes the
T2773 116-121 JJ denotes small
R310 T2751 T2752 advmod commonly,seen
R312 T2753 T2752 prep in,seen
R313 T2754 T2755 det the,population
R314 T2755 T2753 pobj population,in
R315 T2756 T2755 amod human,population
R317 T2759 T2760 compound Complex,traits
R318 T2760 T2761 nsubjpass traits,influenced
R319 T2762 T2760 punct ", ",traits
R320 T2763 T2764 amod such,as
R321 T2764 T2760 prep as,traits
R322 T2765 T2766 amod polygenic,growth
R323 T2766 T2764 pobj growth,as
R324 T2767 T2766 cc and,growth
R325 T2768 T2766 conj obesity,growth
R326 T2769 T2761 auxpass are,influenced
R327 T2770 T2761 agent by,influenced