Id |
Subject |
Object |
Predicate |
Lexical cue |
T13011 |
0-7 |
denotes |
Western |
T13012 |
8-12 |
NN |
denotes |
blot |
T13013 |
13-21 |
NN |
denotes |
analysis |
T13014 |
21-109 |
sentence |
denotes |
The absence of ADAM11 protein in the (-/-) mice was confirmed by Western blot analysis. |
T13015 |
22-25 |
DT |
denotes |
The |
T13016 |
26-33 |
NN |
denotes |
absence |
T13018 |
34-36 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T13019 |
37-43 |
NN |
denotes |
ADAM11 |
T13020 |
44-51 |
NN |
denotes |
protein |
T13021 |
52-54 |
IN |
denotes |
in |
T13022 |
55-58 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T13024 |
59-60 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T13025 |
60-61 |
denotes |
- |
T13027 |
61-62 |
denotes |
/ |
T13026 |
62-63 |
denotes |
- |
T13028 |
63-64 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T13023 |
65-69 |
denotes |
mice |
T13029 |
70-73 |
denotes |
was |
T13017 |
74-83 |
denotes |
confirmed |
T13030 |
84-86 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T13031 |
87-94 |
denotes |
Western |
T13032 |
95-99 |
NN |
denotes |
blot |
T13033 |
100-108 |
NN |
denotes |
analysis |
T13034 |
108-109 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T13035 |
109-329 |
sentence |
denotes |
To be brief, the cerebellum was isolated from a six month-old mouse of each genotype and homogenised in cell lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, protease inhibitor cocktail [Roche Diagnostics]). |
T13036 |
110-112 |
TO |
denotes |
To |
T13037 |
113-115 |
VB |
denotes |
be |
T13039 |
116-121 |
JJ |
denotes |
brief |
T13040 |
121-123 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T13041 |
123-126 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T13042 |
127-137 |
NN |
denotes |
cerebellum |
T13043 |
138-141 |
denotes |
was |
T13038 |
142-150 |
denotes |
isolated |
T13044 |
151-155 |
IN |
denotes |
from |
T13045 |
156-157 |
DT |
denotes |
a |
T13047 |
158-161 |
CD |
denotes |
six |
T13048 |
162-167 |
NN |
denotes |
month |
T13050 |
167-168 |
denotes |
- |
T13049 |
168-171 |
JJ |
denotes |
old |
T13046 |
172-177 |
NN |
denotes |
mouse |
T13051 |
178-180 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T13052 |
181-185 |
DT |
denotes |
each |
T13053 |
186-194 |
NN |
denotes |
genotype |
T13054 |
195-198 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T13055 |
199-210 |
denotes |
homogenised |
T13056 |
211-213 |
IN |
denotes |
in |
T13057 |
214-218 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T13058 |
219-224 |
NN |
denotes |
lysis |
T13059 |
225-231 |
NN |
denotes |
buffer |
T13060 |
232-233 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T13062 |
233-235 |
CD |
denotes |
50 |
T13063 |
236-238 |
NN |
denotes |
mM |
T13065 |
239-243 |
NN |
denotes |
Tris |
T13066 |
243-244 |
denotes |
- |
T13064 |
244-247 |
NN |
denotes |
HCl |
T13067 |
247-249 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T13068 |
249-251 |
NN |
denotes |
pH |
T13069 |
252-255 |
CD |
denotes |
7.5 |
T13070 |
255-257 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T13071 |
257-260 |
CD |
denotes |
100 |
T13072 |
261-263 |
NN |
denotes |
mM |
T13073 |
264-268 |
NN |
denotes |
NaCl |
T13074 |
268-270 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T13075 |
270-271 |
CD |
denotes |
1 |
T13076 |
271-272 |
NN |
denotes |
% |
T13077 |
273-275 |
NN |
denotes |
NP |
T13078 |
275-276 |
denotes |
- |
T13079 |
276-278 |
CD |
denotes |
40 |
T13080 |
278-280 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T13081 |
280-288 |
NN |
denotes |
protease |
T13082 |
289-298 |
NN |
denotes |
inhibitor |
T13061 |
299-307 |
NN |
denotes |
cocktail |
T13083 |
308-309 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
[ |
T13085 |
309-314 |
denotes |
Roche |
T13084 |
315-326 |
denotes |
Diagnostics |
T13086 |
326-327 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
] |
T13087 |
327-328 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T13088 |
328-329 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T13089 |
329-526 |
sentence |
denotes |
After removal of cell debris by centrifugation, the glycosylated proteins in the supernatant were concentrated by the affinity chromatography using Con A Sepharose 4B (Amersham Biosciences Corp.). |
T13090 |
330-335 |
IN |
denotes |
After |
T13092 |
336-343 |
NN |
denotes |
removal |
T13093 |
344-346 |
IN |
denotes |
of |
T13094 |
347-351 |
NN |
denotes |
cell |
T13095 |
352-358 |
NN |
denotes |
debris |
T13096 |
359-361 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T13097 |
362-376 |
NN |
denotes |
centrifugation |
T13098 |
376-378 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T13099 |
378-381 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T13101 |
382-394 |
denotes |
glycosylated |
T13100 |
395-403 |
NN |
denotes |
proteins |
T13102 |
404-406 |
IN |
denotes |
in |
T13103 |
407-410 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T13104 |
411-422 |
NN |
denotes |
supernatant |
T13105 |
423-427 |
denotes |
were |
T13091 |
428-440 |
denotes |
concentrated |
T13106 |
441-443 |
IN |
denotes |
by |
T13107 |
444-447 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T13109 |
448-456 |
NN |
denotes |
affinity |
T13108 |
457-471 |
NN |
denotes |
chromatography |
T13110 |
472-477 |
denotes |
using |
T13111 |
478-481 |
NN |
denotes |
Con |
T13113 |
482-483 |
NN |
denotes |
A |
T13114 |
484-493 |
NN |
denotes |
Sepharose |
T13112 |
494-496 |
NN |
denotes |
4B |
T13115 |
497-498 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T13117 |
498-506 |
denotes |
Amersham |
T13118 |
507-518 |
denotes |
Biosciences |
T13116 |
519-524 |
denotes |
Corp. |
T13119 |
524-525 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T13120 |
525-526 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T13121 |
526-605 |
sentence |
denotes |
Each sample was separated on 10% SDS-PAGE, and transferred to a PVDF membrane. |
T13122 |
527-531 |
DT |
denotes |
Each |
T13123 |
532-538 |
NN |
denotes |
sample |
T13125 |
539-542 |
denotes |
was |
T13124 |
543-552 |
denotes |
separated |
T13126 |
553-555 |
IN |
denotes |
on |
T13127 |
556-558 |
CD |
denotes |
10 |
T13128 |
558-559 |
NN |
denotes |
% |
T13130 |
560-563 |
NN |
denotes |
T13131 |
563-564 |
denotes |
- |
T13129 |
564-568 |
NN |
denotes |
T13132 |
568-570 |
, |
denotes |
, |
T13133 |
570-573 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T13134 |
574-585 |
denotes |
transferred |
T13135 |
586-588 |
IN |
denotes |
to |
T13136 |
589-590 |
DT |
denotes |
a |
T13138 |
591-595 |
NN |
denotes |
T13137 |
596-604 |
NN |
denotes |
membrane |
T13139 |
604-605 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T13140 |
605-714 |
sentence |
denotes |
The blot was then incubated with monoclonal antibody against the ADAM11 (U. S. Patent 5,631,351) at 1 μg/ml. |
T13141 |
606-609 |
DT |
denotes |
The |
T13142 |
610-614 |
NN |
denotes |
blot |
T13144 |
615-618 |
denotes |
was |
T13145 |
619-623 |
RB |
denotes |
then |
T13143 |
624-633 |
denotes |
incubated |
T13146 |
634-638 |
IN |
denotes |
with |
T13147 |
639-649 |
JJ |
denotes |
monoclonal |
T13148 |
650-658 |
NN |
denotes |
antibody |
T13149 |
659-666 |
IN |
denotes |
against |
T13150 |
667-670 |
DT |
denotes |
the |
T13151 |
671-677 |
NN |
denotes |
ADAM11 |
T13152 |
678-679 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T13154 |
679-681 |
denotes |
U. |
T13155 |
682-684 |
denotes |
S. |
T13153 |
685-691 |
NN |
denotes |
Patent |
T13156 |
692-701 |
CD |
denotes |
5,631,351 |
T13157 |
701-702 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T13158 |
703-705 |
IN |
denotes |
at |
T13159 |
706-707 |
CD |
denotes |
1 |
T13160 |
708-710 |
NN |
denotes |
μg |
T13161 |
710-711 |
denotes |
/ |
T13162 |
711-713 |
NN |
denotes |
ml |
T13163 |
713-714 |
. |
denotes |
. |
T13164 |
714-881 |
sentence |
denotes |
Bound antibodies were visualised with horseradish peroxidase-labelled second antibody and an ECL-plus chemiluminescence detection system (Amersham Biosciences Corp.). |
T13165 |
715-720 |
JJ |
denotes |
Bound |
T13166 |
721-731 |
denotes |
antibodies |
T13168 |
732-736 |
denotes |
were |
T13167 |
737-747 |
denotes |
visualised |
T13169 |
748-752 |
IN |
denotes |
with |
T13170 |
753-764 |
NN |
denotes |
horseradish |
T13171 |
765-775 |
NN |
denotes |
peroxidase |
T13173 |
775-776 |
denotes |
- |
T13172 |
776-784 |
denotes |
labelled |
T13175 |
785-791 |
JJ |
denotes |
second |
T13174 |
792-800 |
NN |
denotes |
antibody |
T13176 |
801-804 |
CC |
denotes |
and |
T13177 |
805-807 |
DT |
denotes |
an |
T13179 |
808-811 |
NN |
denotes |
T13181 |
811-812 |
denotes |
- |
T13180 |
812-816 |
NN |
denotes |
plus |
T13182 |
817-834 |
NN |
denotes |
chemiluminescence |
T13183 |
835-844 |
NN |
denotes |
detection |
T13178 |
845-851 |
NN |
denotes |
system |
T13184 |
852-853 |
-LRB- |
denotes |
( |
T13186 |
853-861 |
denotes |
Amersham |
T13187 |
862-873 |
denotes |
Biosciences |
T13185 |
874-879 |
denotes |
Corp. |
T13188 |
879-880 |
-RRB- |
denotes |
) |
T13189 |
880-881 |
. |
denotes |
. |
R3838 |
T13011 |
T13012 |
compound |
Western,blot |
R3839 |
T13012 |
T13013 |
compound |
blot,analysis |
R3840 |
T13015 |
T13016 |
det |
The,absence |
R3841 |
T13016 |
T13017 |
nsubjpass |
absence,confirmed |
R3842 |
T13018 |
T13016 |
prep |
of,absence |
R3843 |
T13019 |
T13020 |
compound |
ADAM11,protein |
R3844 |
T13020 |
T13018 |
pobj |
protein,of |
R3845 |
T13021 |
T13016 |
prep |
in,absence |
R3846 |
T13022 |
T13023 |
det |
the,mice |
R3847 |
T13023 |
T13021 |
pobj |
mice,in |
R3848 |
T13024 |
T13023 |
punct |
(,mice |
R3849 |
T13025 |
T13026 |
punct |
-,- |
R3850 |
T13026 |
T13023 |
punct |
-,mice |
R3851 |
T13027 |
T13026 |
punct |
/,- |
R3852 |
T13028 |
T13023 |
punct |
),mice |
R3853 |
T13029 |
T13017 |
auxpass |
was,confirmed |
R3854 |
T13030 |
T13017 |
agent |
by,confirmed |
R3855 |
T13031 |
T13032 |
compound |
Western,blot |
R3856 |
T13032 |
T13033 |
compound |
blot,analysis |
R3857 |
T13033 |
T13030 |
pobj |
analysis,by |
R3858 |
T13034 |
T13017 |
punct |
.,confirmed |
R3859 |
T13036 |
T13037 |
aux |
To,be |
R3860 |
T13037 |
T13038 |
advcl |
be,isolated |
R3861 |
T13039 |
T13037 |
acomp |
brief,be |
R3862 |
T13040 |
T13038 |
punct |
", ",isolated |
R3863 |
T13041 |
T13042 |
det |
the,cerebellum |
R3864 |
T13042 |
T13038 |
nsubjpass |
cerebellum,isolated |
R3865 |
T13043 |
T13038 |
auxpass |
was,isolated |
R3866 |
T13044 |
T13038 |
prep |
from,isolated |
R3867 |
T13045 |
T13046 |
det |
a,mouse |
R3868 |
T13046 |
T13044 |
pobj |
mouse,from |
R3869 |
T13047 |
T13048 |
nummod |
six,month |
R3870 |
T13048 |
T13049 |
npadvmod |
month,old |
R3871 |
T13049 |
T13046 |
amod |
old,mouse |
R3872 |
T13050 |
T13049 |
punct |
-,old |
R3873 |
T13051 |
T13046 |
prep |
of,mouse |
R3874 |
T13052 |
T13053 |
det |
each,genotype |
R3875 |
T13053 |
T13051 |
pobj |
genotype,of |
R3876 |
T13054 |
T13038 |
cc |
and,isolated |
R3877 |
T13055 |
T13038 |
conj |
homogenised,isolated |
R3878 |
T13056 |
T13055 |
prep |
in,homogenised |
R3879 |
T13057 |
T13058 |
compound |
cell,lysis |
R3880 |
T13058 |
T13059 |
compound |
lysis,buffer |
R3881 |
T13059 |
T13056 |
pobj |
buffer,in |
R3882 |
T13060 |
T13061 |
punct |
(,cocktail |
R3883 |
T13061 |
T13055 |
parataxis |
cocktail,homogenised |
R3884 |
T13062 |
T13063 |
nummod |
50,mM |
R3885 |
T13063 |
T13064 |
compound |
mM,HCl |
R3886 |
T13064 |
T13061 |
dep |
HCl,cocktail |
R3887 |
T13065 |
T13064 |
compound |
Tris,HCl |
R3888 |
T13066 |
T13064 |
punct |
-,HCl |
R3889 |
T13067 |
T13061 |
punct |
", ",cocktail |
R3890 |
T13068 |
T13061 |
dep |
pH,cocktail |
R3891 |
T13069 |
T13068 |
nummod |
7.5,pH |
R3892 |
T13070 |
T13061 |
punct |
", ",cocktail |
R3893 |
T13071 |
T13072 |
nummod |
100,mM |
R3894 |
T13072 |
T13073 |
compound |
mM,NaCl |
R3895 |
T13073 |
T13061 |
dep |
NaCl,cocktail |
R3896 |
T13074 |
T13061 |
punct |
", ",cocktail |
R3897 |
T13075 |
T13076 |
nummod |
1,% |
R3898 |
T13076 |
T13077 |
compound |
%,NP |
R3899 |
T13077 |
T13061 |
dep |
NP,cocktail |
R3900 |
T13078 |
T13077 |
punct |
-,NP |
R3901 |
T13079 |
T13077 |
nummod |
40,NP |
R3902 |
T13080 |
T13061 |
punct |
", ",cocktail |
R3903 |
T13081 |
T13082 |
compound |
protease,inhibitor |
R3904 |
T13082 |
T13061 |
compound |
inhibitor,cocktail |
R3905 |
T13083 |
T13084 |
punct |
[,Diagnostics |
R3906 |
T13084 |
T13061 |
parataxis |
Diagnostics,cocktail |
R3907 |
T13085 |
T13084 |
compound |
Roche,Diagnostics |
R3908 |
T13086 |
T13084 |
punct |
],Diagnostics |
R3909 |
T13087 |
T13061 |
punct |
),cocktail |
R3910 |
T13088 |
T13038 |
punct |
.,isolated |
R3911 |
T13090 |
T13091 |
prep |
After,concentrated |
R3912 |
T13092 |
T13090 |
pobj |
removal,After |
R3913 |
T13093 |
T13092 |
prep |
of,removal |
R3914 |
T13094 |
T13095 |
compound |
cell,debris |
R3915 |
T13095 |
T13093 |
pobj |
debris,of |
R3916 |
T13096 |
T13092 |
prep |
by,removal |
R3917 |
T13097 |
T13096 |
pobj |
centrifugation,by |
R3918 |
T13098 |
T13091 |
punct |
", ",concentrated |
R3919 |
T13099 |
T13100 |
det |
the,proteins |
R3920 |
T13100 |
T13091 |
nsubjpass |
proteins,concentrated |
R3921 |
T13101 |
T13100 |
amod |
glycosylated,proteins |
R3922 |
T13102 |
T13100 |
prep |
in,proteins |
R3923 |
T13103 |
T13104 |
det |
the,supernatant |
R3924 |
T13104 |
T13102 |
pobj |
supernatant,in |
R3925 |
T13105 |
T13091 |
auxpass |
were,concentrated |
R3926 |
T13106 |
T13091 |
prep |
by,concentrated |
R3927 |
T13107 |
T13108 |
det |
the,chromatography |
R3928 |
T13108 |
T13106 |
pobj |
chromatography,by |
R3929 |
T13109 |
T13108 |
compound |
affinity,chromatography |
R3930 |
T13110 |
T13091 |
advcl |
using,concentrated |
R3931 |
T13111 |
T13112 |
compound |
Con,4B |
R3932 |
T13112 |
T13110 |
dobj |
4B,using |
R3933 |
T13113 |
T13112 |
compound |
A,4B |
R3934 |
T13114 |
T13112 |
compound |
Sepharose,4B |
R3935 |
T13115 |
T13116 |
punct |
(,Corp. |
R3936 |
T13116 |
T13110 |
parataxis |
Corp.,using |
R3937 |
T13117 |
T13116 |
compound |
Amersham,Corp. |
R3938 |
T13118 |
T13116 |
compound |
Biosciences,Corp. |
R3939 |
T13119 |
T13116 |
punct |
),Corp. |
R3940 |
T13120 |
T13091 |
punct |
.,concentrated |
R3941 |
T13122 |
T13123 |
det |
Each,sample |
R3942 |
T13123 |
T13124 |
nsubjpass |
sample,separated |
R3943 |
T13125 |
T13124 |
auxpass |
was,separated |
R3944 |
T13126 |
T13124 |
prep |
on,separated |
R3945 |
T13127 |
T13128 |
nummod |
10,% |
R3946 |
T13128 |
T13129 |
compound |
%,PAGE |
R3947 |
T13129 |
T13126 |
pobj |
PAGE,on |
R3948 |
T13130 |
T13129 |
compound |
R3949 |
T13131 |
T13129 |
punct |
-,PAGE |
R3950 |
T13132 |
T13124 |
punct |
", ",separated |
R3951 |
T13133 |
T13124 |
cc |
and,separated |
R3952 |
T13134 |
T13124 |
conj |
transferred,separated |
R3953 |
T13135 |
T13134 |
prep |
to,transferred |
R3954 |
T13136 |
T13137 |
det |
a,membrane |
R3955 |
T13137 |
T13135 |
pobj |
membrane,to |
R3956 |
T13138 |
T13137 |
compound |
PVDF,membrane |
R3957 |
T13139 |
T13124 |
punct |
.,separated |
R3958 |
T13141 |
T13142 |
det |
The,blot |
R3959 |
T13142 |
T13143 |
nsubjpass |
blot,incubated |
R3960 |
T13144 |
T13143 |
auxpass |
was,incubated |
R3961 |
T13145 |
T13143 |
advmod |
then,incubated |
R3962 |
T13146 |
T13143 |
prep |
with,incubated |
R3963 |
T13147 |
T13148 |
amod |
monoclonal,antibody |
R3964 |
T13148 |
T13146 |
pobj |
antibody,with |
R3965 |
T13149 |
T13148 |
prep |
against,antibody |
R3966 |
T13150 |
T13151 |
det |
the,ADAM11 |
R3967 |
T13151 |
T13149 |
pobj |
ADAM11,against |
R3968 |
T13152 |
T13153 |
punct |
(,Patent |
R3969 |
T13153 |
T13151 |
parataxis |
Patent,ADAM11 |
R3970 |
T13154 |
T13155 |
compound |
U.,S. |
R3971 |
T13155 |
T13153 |
compound |
S.,Patent |
R3972 |
T13156 |
T13153 |
nummod |
"5,631,351",Patent |
R3973 |
T13157 |
T13153 |
punct |
),Patent |
R3974 |
T13158 |
T13148 |
prep |
at,antibody |
R3975 |
T13159 |
T13160 |
nummod |
1,μg |
R3976 |
T13160 |
T13158 |
pobj |
μg,at |
R3977 |
T13161 |
T13162 |
punct |
/,ml |
R3978 |
T13162 |
T13160 |
prep |
ml,μg |
R3979 |
T13163 |
T13143 |
punct |
.,incubated |
R3980 |
T13165 |
T13166 |
amod |
Bound,antibodies |
R3981 |
T13166 |
T13167 |
nsubjpass |
antibodies,visualised |
R3982 |
T13168 |
T13167 |
auxpass |
were,visualised |
R3983 |
T13169 |
T13167 |
prep |
with,visualised |
R3984 |
T13170 |
T13171 |
compound |
horseradish,peroxidase |
R3985 |
T13171 |
T13172 |
npadvmod |
peroxidase,labelled |
R3986 |
T13172 |
T13174 |
amod |
labelled,antibody |
R3987 |
T13173 |
T13172 |
punct |
-,labelled |
R3988 |
T13174 |
T13169 |
pobj |
antibody,with |
R3989 |
T13175 |
T13174 |
amod |
second,antibody |
R3990 |
T13176 |
T13174 |
cc |
and,antibody |
R3991 |
T13177 |
T13178 |
det |
an,system |
R3992 |
T13178 |
T13174 |
conj |
system,antibody |
R3993 |
T13179 |
T13180 |
compound |
ECL,plus |
R3994 |
T13180 |
T13178 |
compound |
plus,system |
R3995 |
T13181 |
T13180 |
punct |
-,plus |
R3996 |
T13182 |
T13183 |
compound |
chemiluminescence,detection |
R3997 |
T13183 |
T13178 |
compound |
detection,system |
R3998 |
T13184 |
T13185 |
punct |
(,Corp. |
R3999 |
T13185 |
T13167 |
parataxis |
Corp.,visualised |
R4000 |
T13186 |
T13185 |
compound |
Amersham,Corp. |
R4001 |
T13187 |
T13185 |
compound |
Biosciences,Corp. |
R4002 |
T13188 |
T13185 |
punct |
),Corp. |
R4003 |
T13189 |
T13167 |
punct |
.,visualised |