PMC:1420271 / 21283-21355 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB TSV DIC JSON TextAE

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11929 0-72 sentence denotes Arrays were scanned with a G2565BA Microarray Scanner System (Agilent).
T11930 1-7 NNS denotes Arrays
T11932 8-12 VBD denotes were
T11931 13-20 VBN denotes scanned
T11933 21-25 IN denotes with
T11934 26-27 DT denotes a
T11936 28-35 NN denotes G2565BA
T11937 36-46 NN denotes Microarray
T11938 47-54 NN denotes Scanner
T11935 55-61 NN denotes System
T11939 62-63 -LRB- denotes (
T11940 63-70 NNP denotes Agilent
T11941 70-71 -RRB- denotes )
T11942 71-72 . denotes .
R3433 T11930 T11931 nsubjpass Arrays,scanned
R3434 T11932 T11931 auxpass were,scanned
R3435 T11933 T11931 prep with,scanned
R3436 T11934 T11935 det a,System
R3437 T11935 T11933 pobj System,with
R3438 T11936 T11935 compound G2565BA,System
R3439 T11937 T11935 compound Microarray,System
R3440 T11938 T11935 compound Scanner,System
R3441 T11939 T11940 punct (,Agilent
R3442 T11940 T11935 parataxis Agilent,System
R3443 T11941 T11940 punct ),Agilent
R3444 T11942 T11931 punct .,scanned